ECP NetHappenings Trump is Toast numbers show he won’t win

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donOLD TRUMP: (ducks second debate)

donOLD TRUMP: (ducks 60 Minutes)

MEDIA: Why Is Kamala Hiding?

MUST READ Do the Math: Trump Is Toast
If everyone does their part in the next few weeks, Trump is going down in flames.
So say I. ~ Michael Moore

Right now, if you know how to really read the polls, or if you have access to the various private and internal polling being conducted by and shared only amongst the elites, Wall Street, and Members of Congress, then you already know that this election was over weeks ago. Trump simply refused to believe that “Sleepy Joe” was no longer his opponent and that there was instead “some woman” claiming she was “Black” who was now going to pummel him on Election Day. He soon became unhinged, ranted for hours about Hannibal Lecter, Haitians cannibalizing your pets, and a nonstop drone of oral diarrhea spewing misogyny, racism and essentially claiming that if he loses “it will be the Jews’ fault.”
The vast majority of the country, the normal people, have seen enough and want the clown car to disappear into the MAGA vortex somewhere between reality and Orlando. The swift and explosive momentum for Kamala Harris is unlike anything that’s been seen in decades. Which is why maybe at this point in my rant I just need to say out loud that which is being said to me in private by people I respect — and not just in whispers, but in excited tones of exuberance: That a new era is being born, one where caucasian is just one of the options but no longer the bossy pants of the world. Where it’s OK if you’re missing the lower right quadrant of the second X chromosome thus making it a “y” which means you’re never going to have your own fallopian tubes so just deal with it and keep your hands off the gender who has them. Simple.
An aggregate of top polls as of today shows that Harris will defeat Trump in the Electoral College count by 270 to 268.
But I think we need more. We need to ensure that Trump loses in a landslide, with numbers so massive, the likes of which haven’t been seen since the entire country tuned in to watch Geraldo open up Al Capone’s vault. Because that’s the only way to guarantee his permanent removal from the public eye. We should settle for nothing less. (continue to read)

‘This is voter fraud’: FBI alerted as Elon Musk’s mom accused of committing federal crime. Musk’s mom Maye Musk told her followers to commit voter fraud.
“The Democrats have given us another option. You don’t have to register to vote,” she wrote Saturday. “On Election Day, have 10 fake names, go to 10 polling booths and vote 10 times. That’s 100 votes, and it’s not illegal. Maybe we should work the system too.”
!!! The Bitch Maye Musk will get people arrested cause it’s illegal. !!!

Enron Musk is desperate and ramping up

‘What’s he hiding?’ Trump’s health questioned with eye on Vance replacing him
“DonOLD Trump, who is 78-years-old and regularly frequents McDonald’s and loves his Diet Cokes would end his second term as the oldest person ever to serve as president of the United States. In fact he would be 82 years, seven months and six days old when his term at end in January of 2029.”
“But Trump refuses to release the most basic information about his health and it kinda makes you wonder what’s he hiding,” she continued. “Not to mention his rambling, meandering speeches have led to mental health experts going on the record concerned about potential cognitive decline. Trump’s history of shocking gaffes and outbursts suggest that things are just going to go even further downhill from here.”
“So what happens if Donold Trump dies or becomes incapacitated and can no longer serve as president?” she asked. ”

Section 1 of the 25th Amendment states that in that event, the vice president becomes the president. Automatically.


So I will state it plainly: J.D. Vance is a heartbeat away from the presidency of the United States.”

The best article you can read about the election is by Ronald Brownstein in “The Atlantic,”
“The Undecided Voters Are Not Who You Think They Are – For most, the big decision is about whether to vote at all.”
Bottom line? There are no undecideds.
It’s a fiction propagated by big media and the self-styled political pundits online in order to sell advertising, make money and boost their image.
JD Vance is unlikable.
Whereas Tim Walz is smart,  AND he’s definitely likable.

Raskin, Ocasio-Cortez demand answers from Roberts on Alito, Thomas actions
Reps. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) are asking Chief Justice John Roberts to answer a series of questions about his awareness of an upside-down American flag that flew over Justice Samuel Alito’s home.

She escaped the religious sect she grew up in. Now she says Trump’s MAGA movement is eerily similar
A woman has drawn similarities between Donald Trump’s MAGA movement and the apocalyptic, religious sect she escaped from.
In the autumn of 1974, as former president Richard Nixon resigned and the US was still entrenched in the Vietnam War, Cyd Chartier and her parents were introduced to the fundamentalist religious organization The Move of God. The Move was founded by Sam Fife after he was allegedly booted from the Baptist church for adultery.


Mercedes Sparks Live from DC 1/5/21
“tomorrow is the big day”
Mercedes Sparks—who works for NAR apostle Lance Wallnau, a 7 Mountains dominionist—confirms that she is the one who made the MAGA rally map for Jan 6.  @January6thCmte
“I saw all these memes coming out … [M]illions of people are showing up & I’m like u guys we can’t have memes like how are people going to know where to go?” – Mercedes Sparks So she made the map, her friend got it to Raheem Kassam (Bannon’s War room) & it spread.
Post 1: “I’m talking to my friend Steve & Steve kind of does all of our events & he’s doing most of the events here like a lot of the technical stuff like consulting & assisting so he’s got a lot of details I was like we need maps…” – Mercedes Sparks

is almost certainly Steve Brown of Resource Media in Florida who does a lot of Lance Wallnau’s Christian revival events.

AT&T, Verizon reportedly hacked to target US govt wiretapping platform
Multiple U.S. broadband providers, including Verizon, AT&T, and Lumen Technologies, have been breached by a Chinese hacking group tracked as Salt Typhoon, the Wall Street Journal reports. The purpose of the attack appears to be for intelligence collection as the hackers might have had access to systems used by the U.S. federal government for court-authorized network wiretapping requests. It is unclear when the intrusion occurred, but WSJ cites people familiar with the matter, saying that “for months or longer, the hackers might have held access to network infrastructure used to cooperate with lawful U.S. requests for communications data.”

Allen Stanford: The Man Behind One of the Biggest Fraud in History | FULL DOCUMENTARY
In 2009, Allen Stanford was one of the world’s most influential bankers. The Texan’s fortune was estimated to be around 2.2 billion dollars. He was a philanthropist, a newspaper publisher, and a renowned sportsman. Nothing could have led anyone to imagine that this affable man was at the time suspected of having pulled together a Ponzi scheme: a massive 8 billion dollar scam, the second biggest fraud in history. You would have imagined that the man at the head of Stanford International, a bank that managed up to 10 billion dollars and over 31,000 clients around the world, had trained as a banker. Well, that wasn’t Allen Stanford’s case. Very early on, this pure Texan, with his impressive physique, showed that he was an entrepreneur through and through. He started off with nothing, no diploma, or initial investment – and first made his fortune by setting up a chain of bodybuilding gyms.
But in 2009, with the financial crisis, everything fell apart. Everyone wanted to get their cash back and after a twenty-year scam, Allen Stanford could no longer maintain the illusion. His bank was nothing but a hollow shell and the money had disappeared. After a cross-country manhunt, he was finally arrested in bed with one of his many mistresses. In 2012, the extravagant Allen Stanford was sentenced to 110 years in prison.
Documentary: White Collar Gangsters – Allen Stanford – Billionaire Pirate of the Caribbean (2016)

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