Let’s talk about Justice Alito

Let’s talk about Justice Alito

StēvO is my NameO   @DemSoldierJr

Let’s talk about Justice Alito and how he’s posing as a SCOTUS justice and is nothing but a politician in a black robe.

Alito has an interesting history.

Did you know that in 1985, he applied for a job in the Reagan Justice Department. He listed on his resume membership in an alumni group, “Concerned Alumni of Princeton.”

Was this group “concerned” with world peace, famine around the world, climate change, or just getting better meals at Princeton?


The group was “concerned” that too many WOMEN were being admitted at the expense of the children of alumni.

The group had been founded in 1972, the year that Judge Alito graduated, by alumni, upset that Princeton had recently begun admitting women. It published a magazine, Prospect, which persistently accused the administration of taking a permissive approach to student life, of promoting birth control and paying for abortions, and of diluting the explicitly Christian character of the school.

As Princeton admitted a growing number of minority students, the concerned alumni charged repeatedly that the administration was lowering admission standards, undermining the university’s distinctive traditions and admitting too few children of alumni

“Currently alumni children comprise 14 % of each entering class, compared with an 11 % quota for blacks and Hispanics,” the group wrote in a 1985 fund-raising letter sent to all Princeton graduates.
Sexism, racial insensitivity, Christian supremacy, and 19th-century views on women’s reproductive rights seemed to be the hallmark of this group that Alito claimed membership in when he applied to work for the Reagan Administration.

Did you also know that he recused from cases, only to unrecuse himself after he dumped some stock?

He did this twice in 2014 and has done it NINE times since being on the court.

He also referred to Matthew Hale 10 times, who was a 17th-century English legal scholar who was notoriously anti-woman. The marital rape exemption traces back to Hale along with instruction to jurors to be skeptical of reports of rape.

We are all so focused on Thomas that the biggest danger lies with Alito.

We must hammer the Republicans on this all summer long.

#ProudBlue #USDemocracy



The most corrupt SCOTUS in history.

video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEGLqHuC6KI

Laurence Tribe: Alito serves not for life but during good behavior. That’s the language of the constitution. It is settled that any judge or justice that commits high crimes and misdemeanors, that certainly includes giving aid and comfort to an insurrection against the Constitution which is close to treason, that any such person is subject to impeachment. The very fact that the House will not do its duty is not an excuse for the Senate not to at least initiate serious investigation into whether or not impeachable offenses have been committed…

See also the 14th Amendment, Section 3.
Also US Criminal Code 18 US 201(c) Bribes and gratuities.

The flag of insurrectionists and white supremacists.