ECP NetHappenings Project 2025 needs to be openly discussed

Project 2025 needs to be openly discussed. A super majority of Americans have no idea.

Board of Trustees of the Heritage Foundation, the lead organizer of Project 2025, includes Rebekah Mercer (founder of Reclaim NY whose board has included Steve Bannon & Leonard Leo) & Hillsdale president Larry Arnn.
Leonard Leo’s former media relations director has said that Leo “figured out 20 years ago that conservatives had lost the culture war. Abortion, gay rights, contraception—conservatives didn’t have a chance if public opinion prevailed. So they needed to stack the courts.”
Project 2015 leader Russ Vought is also “known as the man behind the plan to defund Planned Parenthood of $60 million Title X dollars.”
Project 2025 leader Russ Vought, founder of the Center for Renewing America (CRA), says that CRA seeks a consensus that although we have “religious liberty,” a country still “has to obey God” & “there is only one true God, Jesus Christ, our Lord.”
Joel Webbon & Trump/Heritage alumnus William Wolfe edited the “Statement on Christian Nationalism” manifesto drafted by OK Senator Dusty Deevers. Webbon says that if he could wave his Christian Nationalist “wand,” women would NOT have the right to vote.
Catholic extremist Kevin Roberts (president of the Heritage Foundation, the lead organizer of Project 2025) wants the U.S. to ban all abortion, i.e., from the moment of conception and without exceptions for rape, incest, or protecting the mother’s life.


Sonia Maria Sotomayor born June 25, 1954 needs to resign to allow for a younger 50 something year old to be appointed on the court. We don’t want another Bader Ginsburg fiasco to happen again. Democrats better get on it.

Katie Porter @katieporteroc
Two Supreme Court justices signaled this week that they would allow an extremist administration to use the 151-year-old Comstock Act to ban abortion nationwide.
Reproductive freedom—including birth control and IVF—is on every ballot.

Antisemitism and the vandalism of a house of worship of any kind has no home in Pennsylvania.
I know the Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel congregation is hurting today — but I also know that as they clean and recover, they’ll keep proving to Philly and all of us that our community and our Commonwealth are stronger than hate.