Fox News Rupert Murdoch secret Deal with Reagan, Cohn


Both Cohn and Reagan got their starts in politics during the anti-communist purges in the 1950s, Cohn as Sen. Joe McCarthy’s chief counsel and Reagan as a witness against alleged communists in Hollywood.

#fake news, #Fox, #FoxNews, #Foxpropaganda, #media, #Murdoch, #Murdochmedia empire, New York Post, #propaganda, #Reagan, #Reagan Administration, Reagan transition team, #RogerStone, #RoyCohn, #Trump

1983 Roy Cohn helps install Maryanne Trump in New Jersey court
Sometime in the summer of 1983, Maryanne Trump Barry asks her brother Donald for a favor: see if Roy Cohn can pull President Reagan’s ear and nominate me for a federal judgeship.
Cohn makes a phone call to Attorney General Ed Meese, and Reagan calls Maryanne on September 13. Maryanne is on the U.S. District Court in New Jersey by the end of October, and Donald Trump has political influence in the state where he’s building casinos.

May 23, 2008 The Dirty Trickster
Campaign tips from the man who has done it all. Jeffrey Toobin

1/28/2015 How Roy Cohn Helped Rupert Murdoch
Rupert Murdoch, the global media mogul who is now a kingmaker in American politics, was brought into those power circles by the infamous lawyer/activist Roy Cohn who arranged Murdoch’s first Oval Office meeting with President Ronald Reagan in 1983, according to documents released by Reagan’s presidential library.
“I had one interest when Tom [Bolan] and I first brought Rupert Murdoch and Governor Reagan together — and that was that at least one major publisher in this country … would become and remain pro-Reagan,” Cohn wrote in a Jan. 27, 1983 letter to senior White House aides Edwin Meese, James Baker and Michael Deaver. “Mr. Murdoch has performed to the limit up through and including today.”

How Donald Trump and Roy Cohn’s Ruthless Symbiosis Changed America

Rupert Murdoch, corporate media propaganda, and CIA covert ops December 28, 2015
Through Fox News and a vast media empire, Rupert Murdoch wields enormous political clout in the United States, but his entrée into the world of Washington power came from the notorious McCarthyite Roy Cohn who opened the door into Ronald Reagan’s Oval Office, reports Robert Parry.

How Roy Cohn Helped Rupert Murdoch January 28, 2015
Special Report: Through Fox News and a vast media empire, Rupert Murdoch wields enormous political clout in the United States, but his entrée into the world of Washington power came from the notorious McCarthyite Roy Cohn who opened the door into Ronald Reagan’s Oval Office, reports Robert Parry.
Joseph McCarthy, Roy Cohn, Ronald Reagan, Rodger Stone and Rupert Murdoch…and yes, all the way to Trump.

12/29/2017 Trump-Murdoch Lawyer-Mentor Roy Cohn’s Complaint To Reagan Admin Re Murdoch Newspaper Access To Reagan; Mentions Roger Stone-Bill Casey

2017 Netflix documentary GET ME ROGER STONE


Jeffrey Epstein, Roy Cohn & Donald Trump: The Back Story
July 28, 2019
Government by Blackmail: Jeffrey Epstein, Trump’s Mentor and the Dark Secrets of the Reagan Era
Cohn was also the attorney and friend of media mogul Rupert Murdoch and, according to New York Magazine, “Whenever Roy wanted a story stopped, item put in, or story exploited, Roy called Murdoch;” and, after Murdoch bought the New York Post, Cohn “wielded the paper as his personal shiv.” According to the late journalist Robert Parry, the friendship between Murdoch and Cohn first began thanks to their mutual support for Israel.

August 18, 2019
Part 1—A History of Roger Stone’s Most Notorious Dirty Tricks
By Ali Adair
Donald Trump— Roger Stone— Paul Manafort—Roy Cohn

September 20, 2019
How Roy Cohn’s Shame Made Him – And Trump – Shameless

PJ Grisar

Jul 30, 2021 How Reagan and US agencies made Murdoch a king. His media assets were critical to the Reagan administration’s ‘public perception’ program aimed at winning support for an aggressive policy of ‘regime change’ in Central America.

Cohn’s own homosexuality became publicly known after he underwent treatment for AIDS in the 1980s, leading to his death August 2, 1986 from AIDS.

Trump is a Kiss Ass Roy Cohn fanboy.

Roy Cohn, the lawyer who embraced infamy during the McCarthy hearings and Rosenberg trial, influenced Donald Trump to turn the tabloids into a soapbox.

McCarthy decided to investigate the US army and the press finally turned on him. Cohn eventually resigned, but he always defended the hearings, once writing an article for Esquire titled, “Believe Me, This Is the Truth About the Army-McCarthy Hearings, Honest”.

In the age of reality television, Trump’s own press adventures in the matter of his hair, his marriages, his pre-nuptial agreements and his bankruptcies. Trump has been fiercely mocked in the media since the 1980s. But Trump learned from someone to let all the mockery roll off his back, that the negative publicity was still publicity.

The history of a disgusting degenerate Trump Family

The Confederate General President Trump’s last stand

The Trump 2020 app is a voter surveillance tool of extraordinary power

CSV version of Epstein’s Little Black Book

Trump’s confederate army loyalty purge get rid of the northern educated.

Secret Trump order gives CIA more powers to launch cyberattacks

All COVID hospital data on CDC site is now gone!!!

A top Trump admin health official, Seema Verma, violated federal contracting rules

CDC director: U.S. could get coronavirus “under control” in 4–8 weeks if all wear masks