There is no such thing as a Republican Party only a Trump Nazi Party

Garland! where the hell is Garland?

“… Fascism says for us to split ourselves up… and beat our own chains of slavery onto our ankles by wasting our strength fighting our friend and neighbor—and allowing the fascists to nip us off one by one, little by little, group by group.” — Woody Guthrie

Best 4th of July ballad “I Ain’t Got No Home” by Woody Guthrie against landlord Fred Trump


Prosecuting Donald Trump Needed to ‘Preserve the Republic’—Laurence Tribe

The insurrection won’t end until Trump is prosecuted – Los Angeles Times
The Texas GOP just adopted an official platform of sedition and homophobia

Texas Seceding From U.S. ‘Would Mean War,’ Law Expert Says

Fox News Agrees To $15 Million Settlement With Former Anchor Over Gender Pay Gap: Report

This weekend, Texas TRUMP NAZI PARTY  passed what is perhaps the most restrictive, reactionary, bigoted party platform of the past half century.
Texas Trump GOP Nazi state convention, offers an array of deeply homophobic, transphobic, pro-gun, anti-democracy planks, including declaring homosexuality “an abnormal lifestyle” and insisting that President Biden was “not legitimately elected by the people of the United States.”

The Trump Nazi Fascist Party vs. Everyone else
This ain’t your daddy’s @GOP it’s Trumps Nazi party. Donald Trump republican KKK member. Never vote for the Donald Trump Republican GOP Nazi party. They are all KKK members.
TRUMP SAID, “Hitler is the kind of Leader we need today.”
It’s 1939 these are American Nazi Party Members gathered at Madison Square Garden. History does repeat itself People. We are facing this reality at present & the demise of our way of life & our Democracy. Trump Repub. Party Members & Supporters want a MAGA Dictatorship.
Tucker Carlson continues to stoke the flames of the ongoing insurrection; insiders believe he wants to be “Trump’s Joseph Goebbels” and has shrine to Nazi party in his basement. The final and forever end of the American neo Nazi party going down with Trump and all Trump pundits and all the millions of idiots supporting hate and violence lead by Trump. Fuck Nazis.
The increasing authoritarianism of the GQP, as evidenced by their willingness to squelch public education, criminalize abortion, persecute LGBT citizens, & demonize the press. The Trump Nazi Party’s fervent embrace of comical gerrymandering maps & fossilized anti-democratic practices like the Electoral College that consolidate power for the increasingly-outnumbered white rural population. Most of the Trump Party willingly rejected the results of the last Presidential election and were more than comfortable with their President’s anti-democratic activities that led directly to an attempted insurrection.
DeSANTIS: I’m going to actively punish businesses who make political statements that offend me. When Hitler’s violent coup failed in 1923, he and his Nazi party then worked within the system to win elections until Hitler was named chancellor in 1933. He then ended democracy. This is LITERALLY the playbook that Trump and his GOP election deniers are following since Jan 6.

The Supreme Court’s right-wing supermajority just shredded the separation of church and state:

Not a SINGLE Republican who plans to hold office next year has denounced a MAGA TRUMP NAZI PARTY threatening to kill his political opponents. They’re okay with normalizing this violence.

The 11 alternate electors were in Arizona.
Nancy Cottle, Loraine Pellegrino, Tyler Bowyer
Jake Hoffman, Anthony Kern, James Lamon, Robert Montgomery, Samuel Moorhead, Greg Safeston, Kelli Ward, Michael Ward

Public Citizen Royal Ripoff
20 Oil Companies Exploiting Public Lands Allowed to Shortchange American Taxpayers by Up To $5.8 Billion Since 2013

Colombia made history on Sunday as voters elected former guerrilla member Gustavo Petro as the country’s first leftist president and environmental activist Francia Márquez Mina as the country’s first Black vice president.

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