@BoringSleuth Ethereum Proposal / Request for all OG BTC’ers

2/17/24 @BoringSleuth

I’ve got a Proposal for all OG BTC’ers: If you’ve ever been rugged or defrauded within the Ethereum Eco-sytem, including Rugs, Exploits, Phishing Tokens/Links, etc, and you want to know who did it, DM me.

boringsleuth  [  @   ] proton.me

I’ve been disappointed in the lack of support from OG BTC’ers. In exchange for their public ongoing support, one by one, I will prove to you that I know what I am doing, and talking about, and that my database and intel is unrivaled.

Every OG that first finds my account, as crazy. What you didn’t realize is you’ve been reading propaganda, cover-up intel rug reporting done at a high level for over a Decade. You’re own Crypto world has been brainwashed identically to legacy media.

I say that ☝️, and I even know that sounds crazy to anyone listening, but it’s true. I didn’t even consider the media being a massive cover-up in Crypto when it came to exploits, until I came accross it myself. I found out thru evidence backed research, which cover-up articles and history lessons didn’t match what actually happened on the blockchain. Thousands of hours researching, I was forced to accept it and say something. Let me show you I know what I’m talking about, by showing you each, individually, who stole funds from you.

If you’ve experienced it, DM me.
If you know someone who has, have them DM me.

Only OG BTC’ers at this time, or other interesting, 8+ year participants with clout.

The Truth needs your clout.