Read Project 2025 Defeat Rethuglican Fascists

Read Project 2025 in its entirety- it is a forced theocracy with built in bigotry.

Please make sure everyone you know sees this segment with Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts — the organization behind Project 2025.


QUESTION: Is your organization going to accept the results of the 2024 presidential election, regardless of the election results.

ANSWER: Yes, if there isn’t massive fraud like there was in 2020.

QUESTION: There wasn’t massive fraud. Where was it?

ANSWER: no answer

QUESTION: What is the plan for the deportation of undocumented immigrants in the interior, not at the border.

ANSWER: We need to have the biggest mass deportation system in America.

QUESTION: What are these people (undocumented immigrants) doing?

ANSWER: A lot of them are committing crimes like murdering the 12-year-old girl in Houston.

FACT: That’s one out of 11 million. In Texas, undocumented immigrants were 37.1 % less likely to be convicted of a crime.

QUESTION: Should a woman be able to get an abortion if her doctor says she needs one?

ANSWER: Abortion is not healthcare . We will change the name of the Department of Health and Human Services to the Department of Life, because we are all in support of life.

NetHappenings Trump vote in 19 Swing Counties

FYI Sooner or Later they Bend the knee
– $226B Wells Fargo Bank reported owning #Bitcoin through the Grayscale ETF in SEC filings.
– JPmorgan, the largest bank in the U.S., has disclosed holdings in spot #Bitcoin ETFs, per SEC filings

Newspeak like “non-custodial wallet”, that’s just a wallet. Newspeak is designed to undermine clear thought, normalize establishment controls. Reject and keep using real language.
Terminology matters. Words mean things. There is no such thing as a “custodial wallet”; that is an “account” you have with a custodian.
When you say “non-custodial wallet” you are playing the tyrant’s word games. “Non-custodial” implies that “custodial” is the norm. It is not and never should be.
Because there is no such thing as a “custodial wallet,” there can be no such thing as a “non-custodial wallet”; that’s just a wallet.
If you see people use this undermining terminology, correct them.
There is no wallet in Bitcoin, only a keyring. Satoshi struggled with what to describe the software as, and IIRC went with wallet thinking “keyring” was conceptually too far a leap for most people. “Keys to unlock your money” wasn’t an existing thing for people to relate to except maybe unlocking your safe.

Trump vote in 19 Swing Counties

“This is an unprecedented attack on our democracy.” Read their full interview on the dangers of Project 2025

The Left is loaded with demons. I don’t think it’s people anymore; I think you’re dealing with demons talking through people,” said Wallnau. This is consistent w/recent escalation in religious war rhetoric going on across much of the NAR-influenced religious & political world.
Here is a story on a sophisticated effort by the Christian Right to target 19 counties in swing states with an aim to increase the evangelical vote, particularly among racial and ethnic minorities.

New Apostolic Reformation Strategy
How Trumpism has pushed a fringe charismatic theology into the mainstream
Charismatic Christian prophets have gained new influence since becoming identified with the former president.

Pennsylvania BucksCountyBeacon @BucksCoBeacon
“It’s time to join x” Read @FredClarkson’s story about the MAGA wing of the New Apostolic Reformation’s plans to target 19 counties in swing states
(incl #BucksCounty) to help Trump win in 2024.

Frederick Clarkson @FredClarkson
“Unfriending” America: The Christian right is coming for the enemies of God”
People like you and me.

Medical residents are starting to avoid states with abortion bans, data shows
Too Bad for all the people living in red states who won’t have any doctors anymore.

Corrupt Clarence is going to love this
“Indiana Senator Mike Braun said Supreme Court was wrong to legalize interracial marriage” — trial balloon

“There was a time in the 1920s when being seen as a good, upstanding Hoosier meant joining the Ku Klux Klan.
At its peak, the Klan counted among its members the governor of Indiana [&] more than half of the state legislature…”

Roger Parloff @rparloff
As Trump’s classified docs prosecution goes forward, now with no pretense of trial before the election, Judge Cannon appears poised to permit him to use public hearings in the case to sound his campaign themes. …

ECP NetHappenings Project 2025 needs to be openly discussed

Project 2025 needs to be openly discussed. A super majority of Americans have no idea.

Board of Trustees of the Heritage Foundation, the lead organizer of Project 2025, includes Rebekah Mercer (founder of Reclaim NY whose board has included Steve Bannon & Leonard Leo) & Hillsdale president Larry Arnn.
Leonard Leo’s former media relations director has said that Leo “figured out 20 years ago that conservatives had lost the culture war. Abortion, gay rights, contraception—conservatives didn’t have a chance if public opinion prevailed. So they needed to stack the courts.”
Project 2015 leader Russ Vought is also “known as the man behind the plan to defund Planned Parenthood of $60 million Title X dollars.”
Project 2025 leader Russ Vought, founder of the Center for Renewing America (CRA), says that CRA seeks a consensus that although we have “religious liberty,” a country still “has to obey God” & “there is only one true God, Jesus Christ, our Lord.”
Joel Webbon & Trump/Heritage alumnus William Wolfe edited the “Statement on Christian Nationalism” manifesto drafted by OK Senator Dusty Deevers. Webbon says that if he could wave his Christian Nationalist “wand,” women would NOT have the right to vote.
Catholic extremist Kevin Roberts (president of the Heritage Foundation, the lead organizer of Project 2025) wants the U.S. to ban all abortion, i.e., from the moment of conception and without exceptions for rape, incest, or protecting the mother’s life.


Sonia Maria Sotomayor born June 25, 1954 needs to resign to allow for a younger 50 something year old to be appointed on the court. We don’t want another Bader Ginsburg fiasco to happen again. Democrats better get on it.

Katie Porter @katieporteroc
Two Supreme Court justices signaled this week that they would allow an extremist administration to use the 151-year-old Comstock Act to ban abortion nationwide.
Reproductive freedom—including birth control and IVF—is on every ballot.

Antisemitism and the vandalism of a house of worship of any kind has no home in Pennsylvania.
I know the Temple Beth Zion-Beth Israel congregation is hurting today — but I also know that as they clean and recover, they’ll keep proving to Philly and all of us that our community and our Commonwealth are stronger than hate.


ECP NETHAPPENINGS the “Statement on Christian Nationalism”


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The “Statement on Christian Nationalism” EXPRESSLY advocates a Scripture-based system of government whereby the public must submit to Christ-ordained “magistrates” with authority to punish. The people behind this plan are closely tied to Project 2025 leaders.
by Jennifer Cohn| March 7, 2024

Approximately 100 right-wing organizations have signed onto Project 2025, an expansive plan for controlling (and in some cases dismantling) federal agencies in the event that Trump or another Republican wins the presidential election this year. Many of these organizations are led by Christian fundamentalist political operatives, suggesting that they may use the plan to force all Americans to submit to their extreme religious beliefs.

The Bucks County Beacon has just found explosive new evidence that seems to validate this concern.

The Beacon’s discovery follows an earlier report by Politico journalist Heidi Przybyla, which tied the Center for Renewing America (CFRA), an official Project 2025 partner, to an internal memo expressly listing “Christian Nationalism” as a priority for a second Trump term.

Despite this hurricane of attempted deflection, the Christian Nationalism promoted by Wolfe is extreme, not mainstream, as evidenced not only by Przybyla’s excellent article, but also by a shocking online manifesto found by the Beacon, which identifies Wolfe as an editor. We have included screenshots of the complete manifesto in the Appendix to this article. We have also archived the manifesto (which calls itself a “draft”) here.



Although fascism is a notoriously difficult ideology to define, many 20th-century fascist movements shared several characteristics. First, these movements sourced their political strength from populations experiencing economic woes, real or imagined. Fascists tended to capitalize on these economic anxieties by shifting the blame away from government or market forces. Jews, immigrants, leftists, and other groups became useful scapegoats. Redirecting popular anger toward these people would, in theory, rid a country of its ailments.

To unify a country, fascist movements propagated extreme nationalism that often went hand in hand with militarism and racial purity. The prosperity of a nation depended on a unified polity that put the group’s welfare above the individual’s. A strong, vigilant military was considered necessary to defend these group interests. And for some fascists “the group” was defined not by territorial boundaries but by racial identity. Nazism constituted the most insidious form of racial-purist fascist nationalism.

Fascist movements of the 20th century also frequently lambasted liberalism for its alleged role in sowing political disunity and moral degeneracy. Although many fascist movements initially organized themselves around democratic institutions for political legitimacy, they resorted to totalitarianism in practice. A component of this process became the reorganization of society around a strict moral code that often sought to reverse the “decadence” of pre-fascist culture.