Fetterman supports Roe. v Wade, Oz will not.

Fetterman Had A Stroke. What’s Mehmet Oz’s Excuse?

First of all, whose idea was it to make last night’s Fetterman/Oz debate into a 30-minute lightning round — like a game show?
It made both candidates look worse, and did not serve anyone!Whoever was in charge of this one did a really shitty job. OZ was a transparent huckster who doesn’t believe in much of anything other than winning.

“I never sold weight loss products as described in those commercials,” Oz said.

Bullshit! You shilled for them, and you made money as a result.
The Dr. Oz rule: If he’s on TV he’s lying.

Fetterman supports Roe. v Wade
not OZ

Your Body, Your Choice, NOT anyone else’s choice and *definitely* not Dr. Oz’s

“Holy shit: OZ SAYS his abortion position: should be between “a woman, her doctor, and local political leaders” #PASenDebate

The real headline from last night’s debate was that Oz said that abortion decisions should be left up to “women, doctors and local political leaders.” It was tone deaf and morally bankrupt. It is the kind of view that will not pass as Fetterman‘s momentary impediments will.

Dr. Oz literally said tonight that he wants “local political leaders” (like his buddy Doug Mastriano) to decide whether or not women have access to safe + legal abortions That is EXTREME
One televised debate will not stop people from remembering how Dr. Oz has lied, misled, and belittled everyday people.

FETTERMAN: “You roll with Doug Mastriano.”
: “I’ve been very clear as a physician not to interfere with what states decide.” Oz‘s sidekick, the GOP candidate for governor Doug Mastriano, wants to ban ALL abortions even in cases of rape, incest, & the life of a woman in PA.

The NYT right-wing media is framing the debate as about what Fetterman has to prove.

“Fetterman’s Debate Challenges: Selling Policies and Proving He’s Fit to Serve” This speaks to the major partisan asymmetry between the right-wing and mainstream media.

Dr. Oz expressed support for a radical GOP plan that would threaten Medicare + Social Security’s very existence.
These programs are lifelines for Pennsylvania’s seniors

Maybe seniors will now be able to hear Republicans saying how they are going to take away their Social Security and Medicaid.

Americans can buy hearing aids over the counter, without a prescription or exam. Thanks to the Biden-Harris administration, Americans are going to start seeing hearing aids on their store shelves. The FDA estimates this is going to save patients as much as $3,000 per pair. Because of Biden, they are now going to cost about $200 bucks.

The WH keep getting shit done while the @GOP keep standing in the way of innovation. Both parties are NOT the same.

“yes, I will choose the guy recovering from a stroke over the smug out-of-touch fake-diet-pill-pushing lickspittle carpetbag jackass liar who says the government should be all up in women’s wombs, why do you ask”

Oz is a doctor like Jeffery Dahmer was just a gourmet chef.

I suppose it was just a matter of time before fanboy Joe Scarborough would invite Todd Rundgren onto Morning Joe. When I saw him on my teevee this morning, I was in a state of disbelief. But Todd, the Ultimate Artist, did not disappoint!

*** JUST IN *** Three of the men accused of concocting and supporting a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer have been found GUILTY on ALL charges. They face a maximum of life in prison.

Violence is a quest for identity — Marshall McLuhan

The Secret Service waited 4 hours to notify Police about death threats made against Nancy Pelosi. They waited 1 hour to notify police about death threats made against Chuck Schumer. And they deleted their J6 texts after being ordered to turn them over to an oversight Committee. I am sure they know the agents in question. Terminate all of them. The Secret Service needs to clean house!

*That’s cuz they are sucking Trump’s eenie weenie teenie orange peenie

Today is a good day to point out that @SecretService is compromised and should be stood down from executive protection until they clean house .

“Don’t know, Bobert says she left the chambers.”

“How bout Schumer? Is he dead?”

“Hope so. I hate that prick.”

“Stand by! Report incoming!”

“Die, libtards, DIE!”

“They got out! They got away! They’re certifying TONIGHT!”

“Delete, delete, DELETE!”


A Florida attorney who was an aggressive advocate for overturning the state’s helmet law has died in a motorcycle crash while not wearing one

Lawsuit against L’Oreal, beauty companies alleges hair straightening products cause uterine cancer
“L’Oreal must be held accountable for specifically marketing chemical hair straighteners that contain carcinogenic properties and hazardous chemicals to Black women — without any regard for their health complications.” Black women are more likely to use chemical hair straightening products. Filed on October 21 in Illinois, the suit comes on the heels of a new National Institutes of Health study that found frequent chemical hair straightening doubled the risk of developing uterine cancer among women compared with those who did not use the products.


Immune system-evading hybrid virus observed for first time
Two common respiratory viruses can fuse to form a hybrid virus capable of evading the human immune system, and infecting lung cells – the first time such viral cooperation has ever been observed.
“This kind of hybrid virus has never been described before,” said Prof Pablo Murcia, who supervised the research, published in Nature Microbiology. “We are talking about viruses from two completely different families combining together with the genomes and the external proteins of both viruses. It is a new type of virus pathogen.” “It is another reason to avoid getting infected with multiple viruses, because this [hybridisation] is likely to happen all the more if we don’t take precautions to protect our health.”
Researchers believe the findings could help to explain why co-infections can lead to significantly worse disease for some patients, including hard-to-treat viral pneumonia.

People who had mild Covid had increased risk of blood clots: UK study People who caught mild cases of Covid-19 during the first year of the pandemic had a higher risk of developing blood clots than those who were not infected, according to a large study published by British scientists this week.
Patients with mild Covid, defined as those not hospitalized, were 2.7 times more likely to develop blood clots, according to the study published in the British Medical Journal’s Heart on Monday. They were also 10 times more likely to die than people who did not have Covid.

Central Florida pediatric hospitals fill up as RSV surges among kids
“Fortunately, in Florida, COVID numbers are still on a gradual decline, but what’s marched into its place is influenza and in young children, an increase in RSV,” said Dr. Kenneth Alexander, chief of infectious diseases at Nemours. Alexander says their emergency department is already busy.

Sleep apnea device recall fuels frustration as replacement effort expected to drag into 2023 A massive recall of millions of sleep apnea machines has stoked anger and frustration among patients, and U.S. officials are weighing unprecedented legal action to speed a replacement effort that is set to drag into next year. Philips initially estimated it could repair or replace the units within a year. But with the recall expanding to more than 5 million devices worldwide, the Dutch company now says the effort will stretch into 2023.


Best explanation I’ve heard on the current macroeconomic situation by
Ed Dowd Fmr. Blackrock Portfolio Manager
“Ed Dowd” is the author of this book: “Causes Unknown”


“You’re telling me a sovereign government attempted to chart a new course for the domestic economy, and then faced an immediate backlash from the IMF, White House, central bank, and big finance, and then a month later a Goldman and Stanford alum was put in charge?”

JPMorgan Chase Quietly Settles Whistleblower Case Involving Charges of Keeping
Two Sets of Books and Improper Payments to Tony Blair
Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO, JPMorgan Chase
It was a lawsuit that should have made front page headlines in every major
newspaper in America and on the evening television news. Instead, as we
predicted, it was quietly settled on Monday, just 10 business days before a
trial, The lawsuit was filed in the federal district court for the Southern District of New York – a court system where mega Wall Street banks have a long history of evading justice.


Microsoft Data Breach Exposes Customers’ Sensitive Information
Data of 65,000 Customers Allegedly Leaked
Names, Email Addresses, Phone Numbers, and Other Information Exposed.

Norway arrested a “Brazilian” university researcher at University of Tromso, who studied “hybrid threats”. The catch? He’s a Russian spy, not a Brazilian professor.

Hacking cell phones like Mr Robot Season 2 Episode 5
Create the mobile spying machine
A femtocell is legal @three_cube
Pentester, Forensic investigator, and former college professor. Trained hackers at every branch of US military and intelligence.

Chinese Intelligence Officers Charged with Using Academic Cover to Target Individuals in United States

@FTC has taken action against @Drizly (a subsidiary of @Uber) and its CEO James Cory Rellas for security failures that led to a data breach exposing the personal information of around 2.5 million consumers.

What to do if caught in the blast radius of a nuclear explosion‼️👀