Test With Science: News or Propaganda?

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When Gates, Bezos, and Musk together have more wealth than the bottom 80 percent of Americans put together? When 1 out of 8 American children are hungry? When 20 million can’t afford to see a doctor? When our schools are literally falling apart?

We need a wealth tax.

The Federalist Dark Money comes from Richard Uihlein

Tax the rich

The IRS Admits It Doesn’t Audit the Rich Because It’s Too Hard

Test With Science

News or Propaganda?

Amazing 2017 article, The Firehose of Falsehoods, on how State actors flood voters minds with misdirection.

Learn to spot this trick.

PSYOPs Simplified.

1. Murdoch & Putin pay “News” Actors to..

2. Bypass Real Issues.

3. Pivot to carefully crafted discounting cues*.

Watch any Fox news show.
Watch what voters say.
They will use the EXACT same phrases.


The Real Issues…

Wealth Distribution.
Human Rights.
Health of Everything.
Corruption of Trust.
Climate Change
Ancient Beliefs.

The misdirection (spew)..

Examples of GOPs constant #PivotandSpew.

Universal Health Care..
But socialism is bad.

Wealth Distribution..
$15 kills small business.

GOP insurrection..
BLM Antifa are the same.

Religion.. 1A Free speech.

Trump.. But Biden.

This way real issues get buried in the flood.

Putin/ Murdoch have a team of cyber* liars.
Job is to create emotional spew like QAnon, Ballot lie, Pizzagate, Seth Rich, Putin Debate, Cancel Dr. Suess etc. etc. etc.

Why? Misdirection from real issues.

* The entire RUS cyber program costs the same as 1 F-35.)

What are the specific tricks?
1. Obvious lies
2. The Pivot
3. Anecdotal Evidence
4. Repetition
5. False Equivalents
6. Blame/Excuses
7. Insults
8. Symbolism
9. Perceived Authority
Perceived Authority is where military and religious cues flourish. A military parade is one good example. Trump hired propagandists, gave them titles. Mike Pompeo was a tv pundit. Now Fox can call him as former Secretary of State. An effective deception.

  1. The Actors.
    Many names we will never know but I monitor Fox tv news. The amazing pattern I noticed… They have only a few loud actors and just rotate them. Outside of this list, there are few unknown sycophants on their broadcasts. It’s rinse and repeat. Names here…
    Obvious Lies. Big Lies, Small lies, Ballot lies.
    Judge Jeanine

“Go To” guests…

It seems like a hundred voices. No. Mostly just these guys.

2. The #PivotAndSpew. Replace beliefs.

3. Anecdotal evidence. Is when a tv news guest tells an emotional PERSONAL TALE to reinforce previous discounting cues. Example.. I had Covid. I’m fine. Meanwhile 500,000 dead.

4. REPETITION is the key. What is a number that you remember from your youth? It will be something you repeated many times. A phone number. A license plate. A part number. Our brains are very simple. Capacity is low. We recall repeated items first. Name a dog.

Best contemporary example is the climate debate. 99% say it’s a problem. 1% says no. GOP FOX have made this seem like it’s 50/50.

This one’s easy. Transactional Analysis. Child – Teenager – Adult.
Three stages of life. Do we progress? Do we all eventually adopt Adult to Adult linguistics? No. Politicians get childish.
Ted Cruz makes a career from Blame & Excuses. (His punk band name)

Similar to Blame and excuses but with zero credibility in a debate. Blame and excuses offer small tidbits of relevance.

Huge topic. This won’t do it justice but it will open minds.
Symbolism is Phrases and Symbols. This is why short, melodic phrases are repeated or even chanted. “Lock her up”. Anybody remember that one? Everybody does. Also “Fake News” or “Deep State”. Many examples…

Just too many examples. Look at old WW1 propaganda posters.
Look at Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan/symbol. Put it on a hat. Shorten it to MAGA. We all know Maga. It was never a thing until 4 years ago. Hitler designed his own hat too with a Swastika.


This is where military and religious cues flourish. A military parade is one good example. Trump hired propagandists, gave them titles. Mike Pompeo was a tv pundit. Now Fox can call him as former Secretary of State. An effective deception.

-Philly Proud Boys President Zach Rehl arrested by the FBI this morning, weeks after social media sleuths IDed him in Capitol Riots photos.
-New Proud Boys Busted for Capitol Riot Have Wild Police Ties. ProudBoys Charles Donohoe and Zach Rehl were arrested this week for allegedly planning to overrun law enforcement at the Capitol. But they previously flaunted law enforcement ties, with Donohoe and a D.C. cop discussing a Proud Boy event on Facebook
-For the last four years, #Portland police and Mayor Ted Wheeler have given the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer free reign to build a pan-far-Right coalition of neo-Nazis + militias. Police have worked directly with the far-Right and protected them; giving a green light to violence.
-Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys extremist group, has a past as an informer for federal and local law enforcement, repeatedly working undercover for investigators after he was arrested in 2012. Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, who went undercover to help the FBI, “also worked with police in Miami and Hialeah to break up a marijuana ring. Tarrio’s cooperation led to several arrests and the raiding of marijuana grow houses.”


Royal Caribbean announces cruises from the Bahamas in June
An entire ship with no science denying MAGAts and #GQP?
All adult passengers and crew will have to be vaccinated, and passengers under 18 will have to test negative for the coronavirus.