The Whistleblower Behind The FinCEN Files Investigation Has Been Released From Prison

The Whistleblower Behind The FinCEN Files Investigation Has Been Released From Prison

Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards, a senior government official who blew the whistle on money laundering in major Western banks

Edwards, while working for the US Treasury Department, shared a trove of confidential documents with BuzzFeed News, prompting an international investigation that showed how some of the world’s largest financial institutions facilitated the work of terrorists, kleptocrats, and drug kingpins.

Those records formed the basis of the FinCEN Files, an investigative series produced by a partnership among more than 100 news organizations that offered an unprecedented view of global corruption. The journalists used thousands of “suspicious activity reports,” secret Treasury Department documents provided by Edwards, to reveal staggering sums of dirty money flowing through the banks.

The stories prompted significant changes in the financial industry and were credited with giving a final push to the most substantial revision to anti–money laundering laws in decades. The stories were a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, journalism’s highest honor.

Unlike more celebrated whistleblowers, Edwards may not be familiar to most Americans. The Washington Post has called her “one of the most important whistleblowers of our era, and yet hardly anyone remembers her name.”

After Edwards was sentenced, BuzzFeed News editor-in-chief Mark Schoofs called on President Joe Biden to pardon her. “The Biden administration should acknowledge — in word and in deed — that individuals who reveal information of vital public importance are not criminals,” Schoofs wrote in a New York Times opinion piece. “They are patriots who deserve our gratitude.”

OCC & FDIC Crypto-Asset Policy

The OCC & FDIC have released a Joint Statement on Crypto-Asset Policy Sprint Initiative and Next Steps

How does anyone feel comfortable not owning bitcoin.

Bitcoin is now a world currency that is owned and controlled by no country nor group of currencies. It is owned by the world’s citizens. “The internet and the web were designed to be robust in the face of failure. That was key to their sustained growth: they were dependable. This dependability was achieved by one key design choice: decentralization.”

“In an articulate blog post, CEO @owenmahoney explains why his publicly traded company is integrating #Bitcoin into its treasury reserve strategy to protect shareholder value and preserve purchasing power.”

Charlie Bilello on Twitter:
“10-Yr Treasury Yield…
Oct 1981: 14.9%
Oct 1986: 7.5%
Oct 1991: 7.5%
Oct 1996: 6.6%
Oct 2001: 4.7%
Oct 2006: 4.8%
Oct 2011: 2.3%
Oct 2016: 1.8%
OCT 2021

Bitcoin Treasuries: 59 Companies Holding BTC (Public/Private)

Global Bitcoin Node Distribution Map

Banks control the Narrative:

The Banking business model is at-least 500 years old.  The crypto industry has been the fastest growing financial technology in history. A Bank CEO Jamie Dimon saying he doesn’t own bitcoin or ethereum is up his ass. Banks want their “Blockchain not Bitcoin” but Bitcoin is more important than all that blockchain stuff. Banks are selling the digitizing of financial services, ignoring decentralization and totally  afraid that bitcoin is their main competitor. They will have to sell bitcoin to their customers because they can’t compete.
Decentralization, democratization and community… it’s about peer to peer exchange and *not* having a central authority. The most successful banks of the next 10 – 15 yrs will be those that adopted and integrated crypto over the next 1-2 yrs.
Incumbents are nervous…

Goldman Market Cap: $130 billion
Bitcoin Market Cap: $964 billion

“Banks are fraud. Central banks are fraud. It’s all based on fraud.
To suggest that there is any moral or ethical aspect to anything that’s going on now is to be completely naive about the fact that we live in an era dominated by financial terrorists.”
Pandora Papers

How the Danske Bank money-laundering scheme involving $230 billion unraveled

Money laundering is the way clever crooks hide and eventually spend all of the money they have stolen. And this is a tale about what’s believed to be the biggest money-laundering scheme in history. It involves nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars of very suspicious money from Russia and the former Soviet Union that was funneled into the western banking system right under the noses of major banks and regulators in the United States and Europe, who either facilitated it or turned a blind eye !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They know they are breaking the rules but they know getting caught and paying a fine is the cost of doing business. No one goes to jail.

The Obama administration has left this country in a moral vacuum with its policy of not enforcing the criminal laws against this country’s biggest criminals. Chapter 6 of the Chaitman/Gotthoffer book is now available at lays out the outrageous conduct of officers of JPMorgan Chase — including Jamie Dimon — relating to the London Whale.