ECP NetHappenings Gary Gensler’s Gang

ECP NetHappenings delivers tweets about Gary Gangsler’s Gang

All copyright belongs to the following authors.

Mapping out one of the cryptos biggest yet conflict of interest.

7/14/24 白云 @baiyun91586947

According to incomplete statistics:

Wang Dongfeng controls 482,506 Tellor Tributes Tokens (18.7% of the total supply). Then he manipulates the market and commits fraud. Finally, Wang Dongfeng(汪东风)ordered Victor Ji to bribe Gary Gensler.

For the onchain evidence showing the same address that minted Prometheum.eth also minted KillTrump.eth, see the 2 screenshots below. You will see here that @Prometheuminc, who also owns Master.eth, minted both Prometheum.eth and KillTrump.eth. They also minted KillTrump.Crypto. They minted KillTrump on January 7th, 2020, while he was a sitting President. They received the Special Dealer Broker license on November 20th, 2020, 11 months later.
and anyone else with a VOICE! I am asking that they be removed IMMEDIATELY. Below, I also included a Tweet showing ON-CHAIN EVIDENCE to their Direct ties to CCP officers, and a number of CCP owned companies.

Domains named Kill Trump were created on January 7th by a company with ties to the CCP and Joe Biden, along with ex-US Presidents, Obama and George Bush.

Almost a Year ago today, and several times thereafter, I alerted American Agencies that @PrometheumInc, a subsidiary tied to the Wanxiang, purchased the domain names KillTrump.Crypto and KillTrump.eth. Wanxiang is a CCP affiliated company with their US Headquarters based in Chicago, with existing business relationships with MIT, Biden, Bush, and Obama.

The purchased the domain on January 7th, 2020, with it set to expire on January 6th, 2021. For the record, the domains were renewed.

Today, this threat almost became real.

Prometheum to date is the only company issued a Special Dealer Broker License for Digital Assets (Crypto). Their license was issued and signed off on by Chair Gensler, the SEC, CFTC, and FINRA.

To date, no accountability has occurred. You can see the proof in the post below, and in the comments I will include additional references.

7/14/24 TruthLabs
The @SECGov and @garygensler gave deep State and CCP connected @PrometheumInc, the creator of the Domain KillTrump.Crypto, access to American Markets in 2020 by issuing them a Special Dealer Broker License for Digital Assets.
@DHSgov and the @SecretService, along with the @SECGov & @CFTC, have done nothing since a man from Kansas made them aware.

The only thing that has happened from the date I alerted them, and today, is that someone tried to Kill Trump.

I do what I do because they won’t.

Jul 26, 2023
Mr. Gensler @GaryGensler,

I think it’s great that you are addressing potential conflicts of interest regarding Broker Dealers. As you note, Consumer protection and Fair markets are two key pillars of your agenda. Along both of these lines, I must ask when you are going to address a much more serious, pressing need:
@PrometheumInc, who as you know, was granted a Dealer Broker license by your agency @sec in November of 2020.

Last week, I, an American citizen, alerted you and the @sec about, @prometheuminc, who purchased and owned the Crypto currency domain/address KillTrump.eth and KillTrump.crypto. They purchased it on January 7th, 2020 and have held it since. I’ve also alerted you to their on chain ties to several CCP entities, who they commingle and mix funds with.

Mr. @GaryGensler. Today, if I wanted to send @PrometheumInc Ethereum, or even $XRP, I could do so by sending it to their address, KILLTRUMP.eth, and they would receive it.

As a deeply concerned American Citizen, I find this extremely troubling, no matter who our president is or was, blue, red, or purple. This company is threatening investors, influencing our markets, and threatening our Democracy. I’m asking that you immediately suspend the license that you granted them. I’ve included below documentation to their ownership of that address, along with their other on-chain relationships to CCP entities.

Mr. Gensler, when will you address this? Its time to act. Every minute you waste is a threat to Americans.

I have all of the on-chain evidence, documented, labeled, and ready to send to you immediately. I will not use a Whistleblower report due to previous threats I have received from @CFTC contracted employees.

With respect,

Gary Gensler@GaryGensler Jul 26, 2023

We @SECGov proposed new rules to address conflicts of interest that may emerge when investment advisers and broker-dealers use predictive data analytics or similar techniques to craft their interactions with investors.
I believe that, if adopted, these rules would help protect investors from conflicts of interest — and require that, regardless of the technology used, firms meet their obligations not to place their own interests ahead of investors’ interests.
Gary Gensler
SEC Chair

They all haven’t realized yet that the corruption and theft in Crypto is directly tied (100’s of Billions $) to these same corrupt offices covering up the Thefts, while the group stealing is directly tied to Prometheum, who owns the domain KillTrump.Crypto.

It’s all literally on-chain. The network I’ve uncovered and the conclusions I’ve come to aren’t from reading posts on here. The conclusions and facts I’ve uncovered are thru forensics analysis of financial transactions in Crpto, showing often times the same network of groups that influencers like
@DC_Draino talk about.

The DHS and Mayorkas is who oversees Defcon and Cybersecurity, but most think about them outside of the digital space.

@EleanorTerrett Sep 12, 2023
@PrometheumInc’s lobbyist William Owen sitting behind Gensler in today’s Senate Banking hearing. A good puppeteer is never far from their puppet…