ECP NetHappenings Newsletter Headlines 8-17-23 Roger Stone

ECP NetHappenings Newsletter Headlines 8.17.23


Dorothy Roberts @DorothyERoberts
In 1984, US Attorney for the Southern District of New York Rudy Giuliani indicted my then-husband and seven other Black activists (“The New York 8”) under RICO and had them jailed before trial as political prisoners.

@MSNBC just released new elector plot video evidence that Roger Stone was involved and that he had a plan as early as November 2020 for the elector plot crimes. The video is of Roger Stone…and is hard evidence of his involvement.  Happy Thursday!


Dictating a plot to overturn the election results 2 days before the results are in.

To a journalist.

On camera.

—- VIDEO  —-


34 year old Scott McAfee Has Been a Judge Six Months. He Is Now Assigned Trump’s Georgia Case
The 34-year-old has ties to Georgia’s governor and the Atlanta prosecutor who brought charges against the former president.

Judge: Georgia Indictment Will Be Televised if and When Trump Gets Charged
Reporters and members of the public inside the Fulton County Courthouse can record video of the big moment.

Holy shit. A fifth indictment against Donald Trump?
Arizona could be the next state to indict former president Donald Trump on charges in connection to trying to overturn the 2020 election results.

Governor Katie Hobbs-Arizona-has approved the State Attorney General ELECTION FRAUD Case Which will be indictment number FIVE for Donald Trump. Happy Thursday.

@sandibachom HOW THEY DID IT:
1) The night of the 2020 election when Trump lost, Rudy said. ‘Just say we won’ and they did. Then on November 9th Trump fired Esper and installed Chris Miller as Sec of Defense (the only person who can call up the National Guard in DC beside Trump.

The Kansas Judge who approved the transparently illegal search warrant which enabled the fascist attack on a Kansas newspaper once drunk drove into the side of a school while her license was suspended for a prior DUI.

Outrageous raid in Kansas underscores need for newsroom encryption
“I don’t believe that this is encrypted so I think we’re OK.”
This is what a police officer said as they were seizing computers from the Marion, Kansas newsroom.

Newest “anti-woke” tantrum:
Right-wingers don’t think kids of different races can be friends
A bizarre racist outburst at a Texas school board isn’t an isolated event — it’s part of a national pattern.

One thing nobody’s talking about is the presence of Christofascism at all of the stop the steal rallies. The speeches on January 5th were calling for a holy war. Alex Jones, Roger Stone. From my film “True Believers At a the Insurrection”

Satire: Having Melania hypothesize about the “scheduling challenges” her husband’s indictments would pose “if someone wanted to divorce him” is sheer genius.

CNBC reports “Several” of Trump’s “allies who are now facing criminal charges” for helping Trump try to steal Biden’s win “were never paid by the Trump political operation for work they did in 2020.”  Trump raked in whopping $250 million in donations off of his lawyers pushing his Big Lie — but funneled the money into his own “Save America” political PAC and left his foolishly loyal lawyers without a penny — and that Trump then instead used the money to pay “an army” of OTHER lawyers to defend HIMSELF from his own myriad of criminal charges.

Unesco Calls for Global Ban on Smartphones in Schools Smartphones should be banned from schools to tackle classroom disruption, improve learning and help protect children from cyberbullying, a UN report has recommended. From a report: Unesco, the UN’s education, science and culture agency, said there was evidence that excessive mobile phone use was linked to reduced educational performance and that high levels of screen time had a negative effect on children’s emotional stability. It said its call for a smartphone ban sent a clear message that digital technology as a whole, including artificial intelligence, should always be subservient to a “human-centerd vision” of education, and never supplant face-to-face interaction with teachers.


Biden DOJ: “No Constitutional Right To A Stable Climate”
Amid multiple ecological crises, the Justice Department is attempting to kill kids’ landmark climate case.
The liberal/Democratic Party position should be that Americans have no right to a climate that allows them to remain alive.


AI Causes Real Harm. Let’s Focus on That over the End-of-Humanity Hype – Scientific American

Tech experts are starting to doubt that ChatGPT and A.I. ‘hallucinations’ will ever go away: ‘This isn’t fixable’

Prof. Joanna Bryson, Professor of Ethics and Technology at Hertie School, EU’s AI regulation “The European Parliament’s AI Regulation: Should We Call It Progress?”

The price of basically everything doubled but it’s no great mystery why: We are just paying the US debt with the value of our money instead of taxes.

In response to the bank bailout in 2008 Bitcoin was imagined.
2023 the same derivative problem shows up again.
Derivatives are financial instruments of mass destruction.

United States lost $5.9 trillion in wealth last year, more than any other country in the world.
The headline read: “Fitch warns it may be forced to downgrade dozens of banks, including JPMorgan Chase.

MUST READ Mega Banks Take Down Stock Prices after a Fitch Warning About a Possible Downgrade to JPMorgan Chase and Its Peers The four commercial banks the OCC is referring to are JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs Bank USA, Citigroup’s Citibank, and Bank of America.

Where are we next year? Only if the Spot ETF is approved!
VIDEO “If the Spot #Bitcoin ETF gets approved … the clearing price of $BTC is above $150,000.” – Tom Lee @fundstrat
Greg Foss also said he believes at least $50B will flow into the US spot ETF immediately.
People are often wrong about what BTC will do. Tom Lee proclaimed on CNBC that BTC was easily going to 100k during the last Bull market when it was hovering around 60K. Soon after that bold prediction BTC collapsed by 50% in what seemed like an epic collapse.

Exxon Mobil $XOM has $30 billion in cash equivalents that adjust higher with rate hikes, and has $37 billion in long-duration fixed rate debt locked in at low rates. Their assets earn more interest than they pay on their liabilities, and that spread improves the higher rates go.

Vitalik’s Many Backdoors (Ethereum Rollups)

ECP: NetHappenings NewsLetter Headlines 8-16-23


Army Studying Use of Strategic Offensive Cyber Tools at Tactical Edge
Next steps include seeking feedback from tactical commanders.

China Claims ‘Huge Breakthrough’ in Laser Weapon Development

Would you want your DNA or other healthcare data going to an authoritarian regime with a record of exploiting DNA for repression and surveillance? For years, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has collected large healthcare data sets from the U.S. and nations around the globe, through both legal and illegal means, for purposes only it can control.
The National Counterintelligence and Security Center @NCSCgov Aug 16
Your DNA is the most valuable thing you own. It holds the most intimate details of your past, present and potential future. Learn how the PRC’s access to US genomic & other healthcare data poses risks to privacy, US economic and national security.