[ECP] K12Newsletters 3.11.18

► @YALE  #YALE What losers !!!!!!
These people are supposed to be smart right?
Why did it take  UNTIL 2019 to have their #1st FIRST discussion about the intersection of #AI #ETHICS AND #SOCIETY?

Definition of Boodle Boys

Everyone else in America has had #AI #ETHICS and #SOCIETY on the front burner for years while #yale wall street money makers could care less.

Yale is are so slow coming to this party that whatever they had to say is just to late.

1st Yale Workshop on AI, Ethics, and Society Friday, April 5, 2019
8:00am to 4:30pm
Yale on York
150 York Street New Haven, CT 06511

The goal of this workshop is to identify and discuss challenges that arise as AI systems are increasingly deployed to control various aspects of modern society and initiate a Yale-wide effort towards an inter-disciplinary approach to problems arising at the interface of AI, ethics, and society.

How slow was this academic institution in their concern for the welfare of the public – so slow that anything they would have to say is is already known from all the other conferences.

The Proper Bostonians ~ Cleveland Amory

Destroy Public Education

Federal Judge Vacates Betsy DeVos’ Special Education Regulation “Delay” thrown out !!! charter industry supports

► Excellent explanation of how #charter-school expansion harms public schools by ⁦@MGardnerKelly⁩. If 20 students across 6 grades leave a public school, it still needs exact same number of teachers, but budget can shrink by over $300,000.

► “Portfolio Model” is just a scheme to kill teacher unions, and another way for private company ownership taking away money from the commons into for profit business pockets.  Brought to you by City Fund Organization

Destroy Public Education, Version 2.0: The City Fund

Billionaire Netflix CEO, Reed Hastings, has joined with billionaire former Enron executive, John Arnold, to launch an aggressive destroy public education (DPE) initiative. They claim to have invested $100 million each to start The City Fund.

Badassteachers Blog In January of 2016, Philanthropy News Digest reported, “Netflix founder and CEO Reed Hastings has announced that he has created a $100 million fund at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF) that will be focused on education.”
SVCF is a donor directed fund, so Hastings’s fund is dark money with no way of tracking where its tax-free spending is directed. The SVCF 2016 tax form shows Neerav Kingsland earning $253,846 as a Managing Director of the Hastings fund. He was also simultaneously serving as Senior Education Fellow at the Arnold Foundation and was on the board at the California Charter Schools Association.


► The Arizona Republic recently won a Polk Award for its outstanding coverage of charter corruption. Reach the reporter at


or 602-444-8478 or on Twitter @charrisazrep

Part 1

Accountabaloney Remember, train bills are used when the contents cannot withstand public scrutiny #SB7070
Killing Ed Movie: Real public schools don’t have “wait lists” and don’t use “lotteries”. Real public schools educate all students. Stop rampant expansion of charter schools and let’s focus on funding schools that teach all kids. The ‘wait list’ for #charterschools is a LIE. Used for years to lobby the state for MORE #charterschools (and money) by pro-charter industry. Self-reported. the Turkish Gulen Movement in America has 173 tax payer funded US charter schools. It is run by a cult group originally from Turkey. They are tied to the 2016 coup attempt there. operated by the Sky Foundation Inc. EIN 73-1578930 tax returns

► Charter High Schools, Graduation Odds Are Slim

An analysis of federal data by the Education Week Research Center identified 935 public high schools with four-year graduation rates of less than 50 percent in 2016-17

Only 10% of the students in the state of California attend charter schools.Why do their representatives get to police themselves?
The Task force charged with reviewing the charter law and the fiscal impact of charters on public schools has Six members of the 11-member panel are directly connected to the charter industry, including two from the lobbying organization CCSA. Why does the charter industry get to decide whether it is okay for them to drain funds and impose budget cuts on public schools?

  • Cristina de Jesus, president and chief executive officer, Green Dot Public Schools California (charter chain);
  • Dolores Duran, California School Employees Association;
  • Margaret Fortune, California Charter Schools Association board chair; Fortune School of Education, president & CEO;
  • Lester Garcia, political director, SEIU Local 99 (Local 99 took $100,000 from Eli Broad to oppose Jackie Goldberg, a critic of charters);
  • Alia Griffing, political director, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 57;
  • Beth Hunkapiller, educator and administrator, Aspire Public Schools (charter chain);
  • Erika Jones, board of directors, California Teachers Association;
  • Ed Manansala, superintendent, El Dorado County; board president, California County Superintendents Educational Services Association; the El Dorado County Office set up a Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) specifically to service students with disabilities in charter schools and wooed charter students away from their local districts; El Dorado supposedly offers services to disabled students enrolled in charter schools who live hundreds of miles away;  
  • Cindy Marten,  superintendent, San Diego Unified School District;
  • Gina Plate, vice president of special education, California Charter Schools Association (charter lobby);
  • Edgar Zazueta, senior director, policy & governmental relations, Association of California School Administrators (ACSA endorsed Marshall Tuck against Tony Thurmond). 

► CNN: Powerful House Judiciary committee sends document requests to #Facebook. “Facebook could soon have another headache on Capitol Hill: Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee have requested documents from the company spanning multiple issues, two sources familiar with the committee’s efforts tell CNN.” #DELETEFACEBOOK

► Joseph J. Simons is running the F.T.C.  has urged Congress to expand the F.T.C.’s privacy-enforcement powers and allow it to impose fines more easily, write new rules and hire more experts. He also says the agency should police how all companies and nonprofits — not just technology companies — collect and handle people’s digital data. The Facebook investigation is focused on whether the social network violated a 2011 consent decree in which it promised to protect user data and inform users of changes in how their data was used. #DeleteFacebook.
Support Elizabeth Warren Breaking Up Tech Giants Like Amazon and Facebook.

Facebook’s So-Called Pivot to Privacy Is a Diversion
Zuckerberg’s new pledge to create a “privacy-focused platform” sure seems to take a self-servingly narrow view of privacy. Slate

Free audio editing software

► Meme: Medium is the writing platform of choice for billionaires, billionaire politicians, and anti-billionaire politicians alike.

@ewarren Big Tech spent almost $50 million on lobbying last year. They know they have a lot to lose if Washington starts putting the interests of consumers first. That’s why I’m proposing to break up Facebook, Amazon, and Google to protect consumers and competition. Are you with me?

Closing the gender gap in the tech industry
Despite efforts from companies and universities, the number of women majoring in computer science is declining. A non-profit is trying to change that by offering coding lessons to girls as early as kindergarten
Did you know that there are professional learning workshops for teachers  in North Dakota? Applications are currently open for middle and high school teachers. Apply today!

► Mercedes Schneider is a master at tracking down financial records.
She shows the direct connections between the Sackler’s billions–derived from the sale of OxyContin–and the growth of the charter movement.
The Sacklers rank as the 19th richest family in the United States according to Business Insider. Jonathan Sackler, who has been a board member of Purdue Pharma, and his wife Mary Corson, are significant donors to Governor Gina Raimondo. Raimondo, who has said in the past she supports the Rhode Island lawsuit against Purdue Pharma, has refused to donate or return the donations from the Sacklers. Reuters