Why Bitcoin?

Electronic Money is already here.


FYI The National Australia Bank (NAB) has become the second Australian bank to build a stablecoin by launching AUDN on the Ethereum and Algorand blockchain.
National Australia Bank (NAB) has created a stablecoin called AUDN that will allow its business customers to settle transactions in real-time using Australian dollars on the Ethereum network in mid-year for transactions such as carbon credit trading and remittances.

You don’t need to put all your money into #bitcoin, only the money you don’t want to lose.

Banks won’t go out of business and their business won’t get destroyed. #Bitcoin has been here all along, ready to be the alternative people need in times of financial turmoil.

Jack Mallers
In 2008, bank portfolios were riddled with bad credit.
Same problem this time? Nope.

This time bank portfolios are riddled with long duration bonds like US Treasuries and Mortgage Backed Securities.

Wait… what?

We were told those were “risk-free”?

What’s the problem?

Bitcoin is money for the internet

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What is Bitcoins’ value?

What is Bitcoins’ use case?

How do you value Bitcoin?

Why should anyone have some bitcoin?

If you watch one video today watch this.

Jack Mallers is using Bitcoin over the Lighting Network with the Munn wallet to pay someone on Twitter. All you need is a cell phone.

This is why the whole world wants and uses bitcoin.


Are you old enough to you remember Buckminster Fuller?
He told you Bitcoin would come.


Bitcoin hash rate reaches new high!
240,000,000,000,000,000,000 computations EVERY second ⚡️
#Bitcoin mining is used to reduce methane gas emissions.
The White House 🇺🇸 reports #bitcoin mining has benefits!

Killing Spam

The future of the Web is using as the internet’s native currency.

>Spam is an unsolicited message from someone you don’t know that would like some of your time and attention. Given the fundamental architecture of the internet, spam is hard to prevent. It’s difficult to restrict who can contact you and there’s no cost to do so.

Now that we have #Bitcoin and Lightning, the internet does have a native currency.

#Bitcoin is an open, global, instant, cheap, inclusive, and innovative payments standard that allows cash final transactions of any size.

No prior payment networks come close in comparison.

Now, we can solve the internet’s biggest problems, like email spam.

Those that want to contact me with inquiries, questions, etc. can do so at


I’ll take the messages more seriously knowing they paid money to contact me and that my time is being compensated.

Does this mean my family, friends, and colleagues need to pay to reach me?


They already have, or will receive, my real email.

My Reacher email is for public use and acts as a global communications paywall that protects my time and attention.