18 U.S. Code § 2383 Rebellion or Insurrection

18 U.S. Code § 2383
Rebellion or insurrection

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

The Presidency is an office of the Federal Government.
FromThe Oath:
“…I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States…”

Judge Wallace obviously never actually read the Presidential Oath of Office: “Preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,”

“The idea that any official who would engage in insurrection would be barred from taking office except the presidency is incredibly surprising. That basically means that the presidency is a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card for insurrection.” -Jena Griswold


It’s absurd. The whole point that our country was established on was that we would not have one person with too much power. The President cannot be free to overthrow elections.

The man who, as president, incited a violent attack on the Capitol to overturn an election is again openly fomenting political violence while explicitly endorsing authoritarian strategies should he return to power. That is the story of the 2024 election. Everything else is just window dressing.

Plain English version of Trump’s claim: I swore to “preserve, protect, and defend” the Constitution, not to “support” it; I was the President, not a mere federal “officer;” and the offices the 14th Amendment disqualifies insurrectionists from holding don’t include the presidency

My PBS News Hour interview re Trump’s audacious claim that the presidency is exempt from the Disqualification Clause — meaning that he alone can engage in “insurrection” against the U.S. Constitution without consequences

Trump’s claim that insurrection can’t disqualify him from another run for president because he never held federal “office” would lead to the bizarre result that being Christian could be made a qualification since the “No Religious Test” Clause applies only to federal “offices.”

Trump’s claim that insurrection can’t disqualify him from the presidency because it isn’t an “office” would mean he could accept foreign gifts or “emoluments” without limit if he were to win because the Art.

“No Foreign Emoluments” Clause applies only to federal officeholders. “It is clear that Eastman’s plan built on Chesebro’s fake electors scheme. And both men argued that the Vice President could exercise unconstitutional powers during the joint session of Congress.” And that Ken Chesebro met personally with Trump on Dec 16.

Secret documents and nuclear intelligence were concealed at Mar-a-Lago by Trump.

An individual masquerading as a member of the Rothschild family, who was actually a Russian intelligence agent, gained access to Mar-a-Lago.

At Mar-a-Lago, Trump disclosed sensitive details about nuclear submarines to a non-American.

He entertained international agents at the location.

Inna Yashchyshyn, a 33-year-old woman, posed as Anna de Rothschild, falsely claiming to be an heiress of the Rothschild family, to gain access to Mar-a-Lago, the estate owned by former President Donald Trump.


Falwell Jr. candidly admits that his late father, Jerry Falwell, Sr., founded the university solely to be an institutional arm of the Republican Party and not to be a Christian university aimed at spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.”


Yesterday, right-wing federal judges ruled that private citizens and groups like the NAACP cannot sue over voter suppression. They overturned decades of precedence that protected voters of color. The right will stop at nothing to destroy the Voting Rights Act.


Across the US, health insurers are flouting state laws created to guarantee access to critical medical care, like cancer treatments.

And as the companies continue to dodge bills for pricey treatments, their industry profits have risen.


@RBReich Remember Cal-Maine? The largest egg producer in the U.S who made headlines this year for posting a 718% surge in profits.

Well yesterday a jury found that they and another egg producer engaged in an illegal price-fixing scheme for years prior to the pandemic. Interesting, huh?

TODAY: Egg producers LIABLE for price fixing scheme, per new verdict by federal jury.

The 2 top egg producers, Cal Maine and Rose Acre, and 2 top industry groups, were raising and fixing egg prices.

Case now moves to a damages phase. YES, inflation was partly price gouging.


– A ProPublica investigation found that real estate tech company RealPage and landlords may have violated antitrust laws when using algorithms to suggest rents. Now, the DOJ is backing tenants in a price-fixing case against RealPage and big landlords.


Here is George Clooney response after Trump accused him of being a “Hollywood elite.”


“Here’s the thing: I grew up in Kentucky. I sold insurance door-to-door. I sold ladies’ shoes. I worked at an all-night liquor store. I would buy suits that were too big and too long and cut the bottom of the pants off to make ties so I’d have a tie to go on job interviews. I grew up understanding what it was like to not have health insurance for eight years.

So this idea that I’m somehow the “Hollywood elite” and this guy who takes a shit in a gold toilet is somehow the man of the people is laughable.

People in Hollywood, for the most part, are people from the Midwest who moved to Hollywood to have a career. So this idea of “coastal elites” living in a bubble is ridiculous. Who lives in a bigger bubble?

He lives in a gold tower and has twelve people in his company. He doesn’t run a corporation of hundreds of thousands of people he employs and takes care of. He ran a company of twelve people!

When you direct a film you have seven different unions all wanting different things, you have to find consensus with all of them, and you have to get them moving in the same direction.

He’s never had to do any of that kind of stuff. I just look at it and I laugh when I see him say “Hollywood elite.” Hollywood elite? I don’t have a star on Hollywood Boulevard, Donald Trump has a star on Hollywood Boulevard! Fuck you!”

– George Clooney
actor, philanthropist, humanitarian & activist


JUST IN: Sam Altman‘s firing was driven by OpenAI’s secret breakthrough AI named Q* (possibly Q-learning).

Plus, huge developments in AI today from Inflection AI, Google Bard, Neuralink, ElevenLabs, screenshot-to-code, and 9 new AI tools.

Here’s EVERYTHING you need to know: Sam Altman was possibly fired from OpenAI due to a massive breakthrough dubbed Q* (Q-learning). Q* is a precursor to AGI. Most people (incl. AI experts) have no idea just how powerful AGI will be. Here’s Sam Altman discussing what most AI experts get wrong about AGI:

This new AI tool allows me to generate a functional website in 2 minutes from just a doodle. I’m convinced the kids growing up today with AI will be 10x more efficient than we are now. Tutorial on how to access it —  https://makereal.tldraw.com/

Please welcome Sam Altman to the DeepFakeAI family

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