ECP NetHappenings How to pass your estate through the generations without paying estate taxes

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How to pass your estate through the generations without paying estate taxes.

  1. Form your trust in Nevada.
  2. Nevada does not impose state income tax on the vehicles (which file their own income taxes), and it does not require them to be filed with a state agency or court, like some other states do—shielding the terms from the press and other third parties.
  3. The state also allows trusts to last up to 365 years, enabling assets to be passed on through the generations without paying estate taxes; permissible as well are so-called silent trusts, which don’t require the trustee to reveal the existence of the trust to beneficiaries, among other benefits.

How to make an irrevocable trust more revocable

  1. Nevada, allows them to be modified if all of the beneficiaries agree to the changes.
  2. There might be a  specific provision in this trust included to let somebody modify the trust if it would be in the best interests of the beneficiaries.
  3. In recent years, laws and court decisions in various states have allowed more flexibility in modifying irrevocable trusts
  4. It’s also become table stakes to include provisions in irrevocable trusts that allow for some changes without needing to rely on the courts or state laws.

