ECP NetHappenigs News Headlines Young voters (18-34) accounted for 83% of those registrations

JUST IN: says in a 48 hour period after Biden announced his exit from the 2024 race, it saw a roughly 700% increase in daily new voter registrations, totaling over 38,500 in that period…
Young voters (18-34) accounted for 83% of those registrations.

“Breaking News: Beyoncé and Taylor Swift to Host Monumental Fundraising Concert in Support of Kamala Harris.” Don’t know if this is true.

Netanyahu came to Congress, to stump for Trump. Disgusting.

Beyond pen and paper: Secure note-taking apps for journalists

Most major note-taking apps (e.g., Notion, Evernote) make your notes readable to the service provider. This makes them more vulnerable to hacking and legal requests that could expose your most sensitive private notes. Some even have a history of customer data loss and security breaches. End-to-end encryption resolves this issue by making the document unreadable by the company or any third party.
We examine five applications — Standard Notes, Obsidian, Joplin, Notesnook, and Signal’s Note to Self feature — that provide a reasonably private note-taking experience. Not all these solutions are perfect, but they incorporate end-to-end encryption and are available for most major phones and computers.

#YesWeKam #YesWeKam #YesWeKam #YesWeKam #YesWeKam #YesWeKam #YesWeKam #YesWeKam
She remains an enigma when it comes to tech antitrust and the TikTok ban. And she has yet to speak directly to the issues that most concern the moneyed donor class of Silicon Valley, such as crypto regulation.

Guess Who Invited Antisemite Elon Musk to Netanyahu’s Congress Speech?
Musk repeatedly shares antisemitic conspiracy theories on social media, and yet he attended the Israeli prime minister’s speech as a special guest.


Musk’s Daughter Reason for name change (explain): “Gender Identity and the fact that I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form.”

Autism Capital@AutismCapital
MUSK: I was tricked into giving puberty blockers to my son. These are sterilization drugs. My son’s dead. They call it deadnaming for a reason. Killed by the woke mind virus. This is the reason I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus.
5:12 PM • 7/22/24 From Earth • 617K

Elon Musk just deadnamed his own trans daughter to hundreds of millions. Absolutely no surprise whatsoever that his daughter wants nothing to do with him.  And then he will blame someone else instead of himself for that. He is exactly the kind of father so many trans people have had to run away from, hide from, stay closeted because of. He should be ashamed if he were human enough to feel shame. Remember that when states like California pass laws banning the forced outing of queer youth to their parents, people like Elon Musk are exactly the parents those laws are meant to protect against.

Fold is set to list on the NASDAQ as the first publicly traded financial services company powered by bitcoin. We will enter the market with over 1,000 bitcoin in our treasury. $EMLD

While it may be technically true that Donald is not involved with Project 25, he is up to eyeballs in Project 2025. Not only did JD Vance write the foreward to Project 2025 architect Kevin Roberts’s book, but sale proceeds benefit the Heritage Foundation, per deal report. Kevin Roberts is the president of the Heritage Foundation and the architect of Project 2025.

Years ago, Peter Thiel invested in a political startup named JD Vance.
A Trump victory would put Vance in the White House.
@GregTSargent and I discuss why this extremist tech authoritarian is even more dangerous than Trump.
J.D. Vance’s Shocker Quote on Trump and Sexual Assault Unmasks MAGA
As old Vance criticism of Trump surfaces, a leading tech writer explains how Vance evolved from a clear-eyed Trump critic to a MAGA disciple in thrall to a radical techno-authoritarian vision.

Experts say a twice-yearly injection that offers 100% protection against HIV is ‘stunning’