ECP NetHappenigs Russian warships arriving in Cuba


Jack Hopkins @thejackhopkins

The Pentagon is downplaying Russian warships arriving in Cuba.

History tells us The Pentagon has downplayed Russian warships in Cuban waters before. It culminated with President Kennedy addressing the nation on October 2nd, 1962.

Vladimir Putin is currently waging War against the United States, and has interfered in at least the last two Presidential elections. He is currently interfering in the upcoming election.

He has half of Congress rooting for Russia in the War against Ukraine. He has people like @SenTuberville publicly defending him.

The fact that Russia just positioned warships and nuclear weapons armed Russian submarines….90 miles from the United States mainland…is not something I’m downplaying. It sure the hell is not.

– It’s an obvious ploy to give Trump that narrative that: “this wouldn’t be happening if I were president”. It shows how desperate Putin is, knowing his land grab operation in Ukraine has failed and the consequences have ruined Russia for a generation.
– Putin has his career and trillions of dollars at stake in Ukraine. People have to be utterly blind not to see that Trump has a deal with him to create as much chaos as possible before the election. Trump will pay him back by abandoning Ukraine.
– The GQP is now complicit in Putin’s long term goal of weakening democracy around the world as he extends Russian hegemony.
– Putin also has two assets in the House Intelligence Committee, @RonnyJacksonTX and @RepScottPerry can they get any more Obvious?


The Supreme Court just overturned a federal ban on bump stocks, the device that let the Las Vegas shooter injure more than 500 people and kill 60 within minutes.

80% of Americans supported the ban — even Trump!

SCOTUS has once again defied the will of the people.

NY AG James
Make no mistake: bump stocks are dangerous devices that can cause incredible harm.
The shooter in the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history in Las Vegas used a bump stock.
This decision jeopardizes the safety of every community in this country.


“Nearly $4.2 million in gifts and even that wasn’t enough for Justice Thomas, with at least three additional trips the Committee found that he has failed to disclose to date,” Judiciary Committee chairman Dick Durbin said in a statement. “The Senate Judiciary Committee’s ongoing investigation into the Supreme Court’s ethical crisis is producing new information — like what we’ve revealed today — and makes it crystal clear that the highest court needs an enforceable code of conduct, because its members continue to choose not to meet the moment.”

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden is investigating Saudi support for Jared Kushner’s private equity firm—and the billions of dollars Kusher is receiving from friends he made as a government employee.

ECP NetHappenings Sam Alman’s Sister Annie Altman
The former head of the NSA may be a great guy. But you don’t put the former head of the NSA on your board (as OpenAI just did) because he’s nice. You put him there to signal that you’re open to doing business with the IC and DoD.


Alaska has had a small annual universal basic income since 1982. You might think it has only increased prices but every year when the checks go out, businesses compete for customers by lowering their prices. It has decreased poverty there. It’s also increased overall employment.

Scott Santens @scottsantens
I’ve been researching the idea of Unconditional Basic Income since 2013. Here’s a list of findings I’ve compiled from various UBI experiments, unconditional cash transfer studies, and cash dividend research. The data speaks for itself.

US Debt to GDP ratio to reach 200% by 2050.
That is Federal Debt held by the Public as a Share of Gross Domestic Product.
NOTE: Double the M2 Money Supply. That’s where we going.
Expect around 10% by 2032 40% 2042 40% by 2050.