NetHappenings: Justice is denied with historic Trump delay

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“If Trump is not tried for his conduct leading up to the Jan. 6 attacks, there will be empty pages in American history books to rival the absence of any trial of Jefferson Davis for treason against the U.S.” Supreme Court’s Civil War callback: Justice is denied with historic Trump delay
A stunning historical parallel: Supreme Court injustice, Donald Trump and Jefferson Davis

For those who don’t know, Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) leaders have been enormously influential in the Council for National Policy (CNP), the Christian Right’s umbrella organization, which effectively controls the GOP. #sbc24 messengers voting on whether to kick out First Baptist Church of Alexandria, Va., for having a female pastor of children & women. Church, part of SBC for all of SBC’s 179 years, argued against the move, but SBC leadership pushed it. (Background:
In 2019, an investigation found 700 victims (many of them children) of alleged sex abuse by leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention, America’s largest evangelical denomination. The Christian Right deflected by smearing public (secular) schools as “groomers.” 1/

Whenever Trump whisperer @KatyTurNBC is on @MSNBC, I automatically change the channel. She’s a truly HORRIBLE anchor. She’s simply DISGUSTING.

Florida School Board  has banned a book about book bans because they disliked how it referenced other books that had been removed from schools and accused it of “teaching rebellion of school board authority.”

Elon just blocked @Apple for every single Twitter user over the new agreement between Apple and Open AI. He’s such a toddler.
OpenAI and Apple announce partnership to integrate ChatGPT into Apple experiences Coming to iOS, iPadOS, and macOS later this year.

A hacker broke into Tile, which sells AirTags-like location tracking devices. Had the ability to ping all Tile users, had access to a tool used by law enforcement to make requests: “Basically I had access to everything”
