@BoringSleuth Ethereum Proposal / Request for all OG BTC’ers

2/17/24 @BoringSleuth

I’ve got a Proposal for all OG BTC’ers: If you’ve ever been rugged or defrauded within the Ethereum Eco-sytem, including Rugs, Exploits, Phishing Tokens/Links, etc, and you want to know who did it, DM me.

boringsleuth  [  @   ] proton.me

I’ve been disappointed in the lack of support from OG BTC’ers. In exchange for their public ongoing support, one by one, I will prove to you that I know what I am doing, and talking about, and that my database and intel is unrivaled.

Every OG that first finds my account, as crazy. What you didn’t realize is you’ve been reading propaganda, cover-up intel rug reporting done at a high level for over a Decade. You’re own Crypto world has been brainwashed identically to legacy media.

I say that ☝️, and I even know that sounds crazy to anyone listening, but it’s true. I didn’t even consider the media being a massive cover-up in Crypto when it came to exploits, until I came accross it myself. I found out thru evidence backed research, which cover-up articles and history lessons didn’t match what actually happened on the blockchain. Thousands of hours researching, I was forced to accept it and say something. Let me show you I know what I’m talking about, by showing you each, individually, who stole funds from you.

If you’ve experienced it, DM me.
If you know someone who has, have them DM me.

Only OG BTC’ers at this time, or other interesting, 8+ year participants with clout.

The Truth needs your clout.

ECP NetHappenings @BoringSleuth #EthGate

BITCOIN 52,000

Feb 9 2024
Thirteen years ago, in February 2011, Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, marked a monumental milestone by reaching a value of $1 for the first time, signaling the beginning of a new era in digital finance.


FEB 15 2024 Tristan Leavitt @tristanleavitt
Former congressional investigator now defending whistleblowers and holding government accountable as president of
@EMPOWR_us. Integrity matters.
Empower is ready to sue the @SECGov if it doesn’t begin producing by February 23 the documents in Empower’s latest FOIA. The American people deserve transparency. The silver lining is that now we know one reason for the stonewalling is that the OIG actually has an active inquiry, which is almost done. However, whether the OIG report thoroughly addresses all the issues we raised remains to be seen because we don’t know the exact scope of the inquiry. The SEC’s OIG needs to get this right and help prevent similar conflicts of interest from undermining public faith in the SEC’s work in the future.

“For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal” Led thru God CMDR


Media & News Company Deepest of Deep Depths

TruthLabs @BoringSleuth
2/16/24 https://twitter.com/BoringSleuth/status/1758384990998433948
Binance Exchange 4 is where FTX Exchange 1’s first ever transaction came from. Same with the $Serum Deployer who setup 100’s of FTX leveraged tokens. Maybe that’s why CZ chose 4 as his word for 2023.

What you are going to learn about soon though will be a masterclass on how the Blockchain is the Truth, and how it can quickly expose the lies and deceipt. The Serum Deployer‘s own transactions play a part in proving both Binance’s connections to FTX from the very beginning, but also how Binance Devs and the Serum Deployer (FTX controlled) both ended up accepting and moving funds from the FTX Drain. That’s the simplest form of what we will show. We will also show how their transactions since that date after handling the Drainers funds prove that the drainers couldn’t have been Phisher’s, unless it was Binance and FTX exployee’s themselves. This will directly contradict the news you red on the 3 charged in the Phishing scams. The evidence is clear as day, as its on a public ledger, timestamped and everything. The ledger trumps all. We’ve already proven it, by now, to a select few. The story you’ve been told, doesn’t match the transactional data. It’s that simple. Which begs to question, wtf are you being fed. This will blow your mind, and its no wonder they came to my house 360 days ago, 5 days after I released the evidence showing who and how FTX was drained for over $400 Million in November of 2022.

Maybe when “Sleazy CZ” said “4” he was just giving a tip of the hat to regulators in classic “Sleazy CZ” fashion.

In due time.

ECP NetHappenings BoringSleuth comments on Prometheum EthGate

TruthLabs @BoringSleuth comments on Prometheum #EthGate

The CCP has taken over Crypto by being Ethereum’s largest hidden whale, with an ownership estimation on my end of near 66.6% of the Eth supply today. They’ve clearly compromised the SEC, and CFTC, with Prometheum being given the ONLY Special Purpose Dealer Broker license for Digital Assets.

I wonder how much of the PPP fraud during Covid was from the CCP, which ran thru Ethereum. Just look at the data. A massive $ Volume surge shown below ran thru Binance as our Trillions in PPP Funds were being released.

MSM MUST WATCH China is going to War

2/8/24 @BoringSleuth
Back in August, I wrote a thread about some of what I have shared on Prometheum. That thread is below.

Yesterday, news on Prometheum came out after they did an interview with @ThinkingCrypto1. During the interview, Mr. Kaplan blows off their ties to the CCP, claiming they are American thru and thru, and beyond Hashkey as an investor, they have no ties to the CCP. Why is it that @PrometheumInc
only uses exchanges that are directly tied to the CCP, with locations in China?Why don’t you use American exchanges, or even the American arms of these Chinese exchanges? Your funds don’t come from BinanceUS, but the non-US Binance. Below, you use Huobi & Binance almost exclusively. Huobi is the exchange of preference for the CCP, and where the $40M in USDT bribe from SBF flowed to. Read the thread below, and tell me that you should trust anything that came out of Mr. Kaplan’s propagandized mouth.

If you haven’t heard, @PatrickMcHenry and the @FinancialCmte today called on the @secgov and @finra to explain their shady approval of Prometheum as the only Special Purpose Broker-Dealer for Digital Assets.

In this 🧵, I go much Deeper and look on-chain
#NEW: Chairman @PatrickMcHenry led Republicans on the Financial Services Committee in letters to @FINRA and @SECGov regarding the shady approval of Prometheum as the only Special Purpose Broker-Dealer for digital assets.
Read More
McHenry, Financial Services Republicans Press Regulators Regarding Prometheum Special Purpose Broker-Dealer Approval

Did you know Prometheum owns the Domains KillTrump.eth and KillTrump.Crypto ? To see on-chain proof of this and more, read this thread

TruthLabs @BoringSleuth
Wanxiang, who is THEE Whale behind Ethereum, Prometheum, Longling Capital and a dozen other Ethereum Whale entities, doesn’t even hide who they are on their Website.

On their homepage, they state:

“Wanxiang America Corporation, The United States Incorporated offices of WANXIANG CHINA.”

They go on to state:

“U.S. companies and customers can deal in U.S. dollar currency and US contracts when working with China.”

This is essentially who the @sec_gov and @GaryGensler gave the lone Special Dealer Broker license to in Crypto.

Its critical that I drive home two points:

1. CCP is $ETH’s biggest whale, masked behind Wanxiang and others.

2. Wanxiang was perfectly positioned to wear the Mask.
HQ’d in Chicago, tied in to Biden & Bush. Blockchain Partnerships with MIT, IBM, UBS, Microsoft, and more.

@BoringSleuth Wang Dongfeng involved in 9 figure crypto hacks

1/21/24 copyright @BoringSleuth

Wang Dongfeng involved in 9 figure crypto hacks

14 months ago, I shared a tiny post on Wang Dongfeng being involved in 9 figure crypto hacks. What else do I know that I haven’t wrote a thread on? Who else was involved? I say this because I’ve spent two years dealing with some of Crypto’s largest Sleuth Influencers trying to discredit me, hiding behind lies, and botted armies, and probably the doxxing and intimidation threats that have come my way, all the way to my own personal home. Why have they done this? Why hasn’t Crypto news reporters like @laurashen @coindesk @coinbureau (who is lobbying for FKing CZ to come back ….)?
Because they are greedy pigs who report what Daddy approves, that and that alone. I’s be completely ashamed and embarrassed if I was them for not covering the truths I share from a Public Ledger. This week, I showed indisputable evidence that @VitalikButerin @ethereumJoseph @ethereum were directly involved with the Gatecoin Hack, worth over $450M today. They’ve said nothing.

Last week, I proved @erikvoorhees was involved and profited over $12M from the Coinrail Hack. They’ve reported nothing.

@Banklessh’s Founder came in the comments to throw shade on me and the Truth. Their truth is coming so soon, I can taste it. I shared the fraud behind sooo many more the last 2 years, and yet crickets from this crew. Welcome to the Truth. I may have only 29K followers, but I have the Truth. Truth bigger than anything they’ve ever shared. They have puff pieces, and lies, and paid for reach, accelerated by unethical reporting. Don’t talk smack on @bitcoinist or @RealCoinGeek

They at least have courage to promote the truth I share. The deepest proven Truth in Crypto. Who in the world would be telling you Wang Dongfeng was one of the people behind over $100M in exploits, an ex-CCP official, only to be proven right that he was a fraud 14 months later? When I tell you the CCP is Ethereum’s largest whale, do you believe me now? The truth, DEMANDS respect.

Hey @ErikVoorhees a little look into what’s probably coming your way, assuming my Government isn’t more corrupt than the CCP.
Wang Dongfeng, former CCP Secretary, I found involved as one of the Ethereum Hackers, all the way back in 2022.

On November 26th, 2022, 14 months ago, I told the world that he was behind over 9 Figures in Hacks. It was just revealed that he defrauded another official of the Chinese Government of $60M. Time and time again, my research becomes timeless thru Time 🙂

What else do I need to tell people who doubt my research? Read my profile, I’ve uncovered more fraud than anyone in the entire world, including Harry, who is THEE Goat

Copyright Mr. Huber🔥🦅🔥 @Leerzeit
Remember how @IOHK_Charles said that even if it was true that @ethereumJoseph convinced Bill Hinman with money (bribed) it shouldn’t be investigated because there are more important things to investigate like for example the FED.

“When I was a director at the SEC, I earned 20 times my salary on the side as a profit-making partner of members of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, and although the SEC Ethics Office warned me several times that I was pursuing criminal financial conflicts, I still enjoy full support from Congress and the SEC to this day.”

Great point made by
! Just this week, I showed incontrovertible evidence that Vitalik & the Ethereum Foundation were directly involved in the Gatecoin Hack of over 185k Ether, valued at more than $450M today. Vitalik has yet to respond. Yet, the same very week he ENDORSED condemning high-ranking CEOs in this exact situation! Vitalik has made a living masking who he really. He leads thru words opposite of action. When conflict arises, Vitalik hides.

VITALIK’S VIRTUE SIGNALING  He endorses condemnation of CEOs with incontrovertible evidence. Yet he doesn’t respond to on-chain data of hacks involving Ethereum Foundation wallets which he controlled?