ECP NetHappenings Newsletter Trails 3 Binance

Trails 3 Binance

All thanks to @BoringSleuth Research

#Binance was in court  with the @SECGov, discussing a lot of what has been hidden from the public. I believe in Truth and Transparency, so here is a Thread on all the times #Binance has come up in my research that I released on X.

To start, Here is a Map of all the exchanges setup/funded originally thru  #Binance. My theory is most funds flow thru them and eventually the CCP. In this linked post, I lay out some of those thoughts

Lets start with Coinbase. Did you know that all of @coinbase public exchange address’ were originally funded/setup thru #binance and  I did the below thread showing exactly this.
Who originally setup and funded the Coinbase Exchange address’ on Ethereum? Coinbase? Nope.
They were originally funded/setup thru Binance and Crypto.C0M.
Why would an exchange that’s been around since 2012, not setup and fund their own exchange address’, unless of course..

Here is a Look at just one of those funding address’ for Coinbase. Why would Coinbase use Binance in 2021 to setup and be the very first funder of their Exchange Address?

If you still don’t believe me, most likely because it doesn’t make sense despite the glaring evidence, here is the @SECGov SRO filing against BinanceUS, stating that they held almost half a Billion in USD from Coinbase.

Before #Binance was sued by the SEC, @FBGCapital withdrew $44M from #Binance and Huobi. I show here how they were most likely tipped off by #Binance, as they are often connected On-Chain.

All on one Connected Map — CCCP Chinese Communist Crypto Party
Vitalik Buterin
PreAngel VC
KillTrump.Crypto (Promethium)
Binance Team
LongLing Capital (Chinese Digital Banking Liscense)
Deng Chao (head of Wanxiang & Hashkey)
Mrs. Baylini

If you follow my research, you will recognize that Multichain’s Dev (and Binance) are connected to some of the most prolific rugs in Crypto. Here I highlight the Capital Multichain took on. I also show their direct connections On-Chain.

Binance’s Team/Dev was who originally funded Huobi Exchange Address 8, 23, 24 and they are very well connected to Huobi’s Dev who setup/funded Huobi 11.   You can read my entire Huobi thread covering who setup each of their 30+ address’

Since Huobi, Justin Sun, and TUSD are all tied together. It would be a good time to tell you that TUSD’s Deployer wallet was originally setup/funded thru Binance exchange address.

The ex-Secret Service agent who asked the court to keep FTX victims info private, was the Vice President of Regulatory Affairs for Prime Trust despite ZERO legal background. Prime Trust was #Binance’s Bank & part of the now defunct @silvergatebank SEN.

The person who asked the court to keep FTX victims information private, was the Vice President of Regulatory Affairs for Prime Trust, who was Binance’s Bank, and part of the now defunct @silvergatebank Exchange Network.

Yes, correct:

Secret Service
Prime Trust

I highlighted some of CZ’s personal On-Chain connections. In this post below, I show where Richard Heart, the deceased TianTian Kullander “TT”, the Luna Foundation, and CZ’s personal account are all connected.

Jun 21
2018  – Chairman of CCP controlled Wanxiang Blockchain compares the Blockchain to Columbus discovering the “New World”
2019 – Chinadian Chengpeng Zhao described Binance as a Pirtate Ship & stated he wished for http://Binance.US to be a Navy Boat.