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John Oliver “#Bitcoin is everything people don’t know about computers, combined with everything they don’t understand about money.”

If you hate politics?
Buying #bitcoin is more effective than caring about politics.
Separating money from state fixes things.

October 2023 Crypto Survey
15% of the 258m adults in the US hold crypto
that is 38.4 Million American adults
– 68% Americans own Bitcoin.
– 53% Men & 47% Women

Based on US crypto adoption growth rates, this election year will be the last time a government can feasibly win while still being anti-bitcoin.

The poor buy Bitcoin to save for a home.
The middle class buy Bitcoin to retire.
The rich buy Bitcoin to have more liquidity.
The wealthy buy Bitcoin for generations.
Small nations buy Bitcoin for independence.
Large nations will buy because of default risk.

US House has voted to repeal SEC ruling that blocks financial institutions (trusted custodians) from holding #Bitcoin for their customers. Still needs to pass Senate.
US President Joe Biden Administration says Biden would veto legislation that would allow highly regulated financial firms to custody #Bitcoin and crypto.

Mastercard, JPMorgan, Visa, Wells Fargo & other top US banks are testing shared-ledger technology for tokenized asset settlements.
“Gary Gensler, in his jihad against digital assets, used what is supposed to be mundane staff accounting guidance to essentially freeze out large publicly traded banks from taking custody of digital assets”

European regulator considers allowing #Bitcoin exposure to be added to $12 TRILLION market for UCITS. ‼️UCITS are almost 2x bigger than US ETFs!

Samson Mow @Excellion
U.S. ETFs are buying 1,626 BTC per day.
@MicroStrategy is buying 199 BTC per day.
@Tether_to is buying 70 BTC per day.
There are only 450 #Bitcoin mined per day. Total aggregate demand is likely 5-10x supply.
Plan accordingly.

$570B insurance giant MassMutual reported owning #Bitcoin through the Grayscale ETF. MassMutual bought $100m Bitcoin for its balance sheet in 2021 and was founded in 1851.

The most pro-#Bitcoin presidential candidate will win 2024. It won’t be close.”
And he will be the last elected in that country and only if you actually believe that a popular vote matters.


Barron Trump to cast vote as Florida delegate
at GOP convention nominating daddy. Barron’s older half-brother, Eric,will act as the state delegation’s chairman.Kimberly Guilfoyle,fiancé of Trump Jr,will be on the platform committee

Eugene Vindman @YVindman
When I learned about Donald Trump’s effort to extort President Zelensky, I knew we could not remain silent.
I blew the whistle, and was fired because of it.
My service in the Army may be done, but my service to America is not. It’s why I am running for Congress.

@jimstewartson This election is not a game. It’s not politics. It’s a suicide pill offered up by our enemies, foreign and domestic. If we take it there won’t be another election—and women will be yanked backed to the 19th century by a theocratic patriarchy. The choice is Joe Biden or Gilead.

The voting base for authoritarianism in the US is really going to dislike authoritarianism. One in three Americans ages 18 to 24 have no income, per the St. Louis Federal Reserve’s Institute for Economic Equity.

Never forget that the Secret Service willingly deleted cell phone records and texts from January 6

News: There’s a petition circulating inside the US Secret Service that flags concerns about “a number of recent Secret Service incidents indicative of inadequate training,” a double standard in disciplinary actions, and a vulnerability “to potential insider threats” that could pose a risk to US nat sec. It was first shared Monday, I’m told, and has 39 signatures so far. Aim is to call for a congressional investigation, petition says.

“The man is a pig who despises and uses women”
–@SykesCharlie on fire about Donald Trump

Wow a report today finds donald trump demanded a straight up billion dollar bribe from oil executives. Republicans want to sell you out to big oil to line their pockets.
Trump’s brazen promise to Big Oil: $1 BILLION for his re-election campaign in exchange for SCRAPPING climate regulations.
At a Mar-a-Lago dinner, Trump pledged to boost oil drilling, dismantle Arctic protection, & roll back car pollution rules.

donald trump openly admitting to conspiring with America’s antagonists to raise your gas prices.

Republican Lindsey Graham just disclosed two trades worth $50,000 132 days late.
He has not supported a stock trading ban.
He has also not paid the $200 fine for reporting trades late.

Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley begged the Supreme Court to grant Trump immunity
Clarence Thomas is working his ass off to delay Trump’s trial
Supreme Court is trying to grant Trump full immunity
GOP tried to defund Jack Smith and the FBI
An egregious and unforgivable miscarriage of justice
Exactly what Federalist Society judges were groomed for.

Wait. Why are 3 of Trump’s 4 criminal trials delayed indefinitely?
Because Republicans spent the last 40 years systematically corrupting courts and law enforcement. Just don’t expect corporate news to explain it to you.

Three years ago, when DOJ asked the House Ethics Committee to suspend its probe into Matt Gaetz, they agreed. But now that Ethics is back up and running, DOJ won’t cooperate, “stonewalling” the committee’s requests.
The fact that the department of justice keeps protecting matt gaetz is a serious red flag that something important is broken. And it’s embarrassing to everyone working in law enforcement.
The DOJ, FBI and CIA are 80% Republicans. Google the investigator who decided not to charge Gaetz. He got a very nice promotion right after
Kids think our government is a corrupted dumpster fire.

Where is the Ethics Committee Investigation Report for #MattGaetz
Ranking Member Susan Wild, Pennsylvania @RepSusanWild
Tom Rust, Chief Counsel & Staff Director
1015 Longworth House Office Building (LHOB), Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-7103 – Fax: 202-225-7392
Chairwoman Susan Wild, Pennsylvania
Dean Phillips, Minnesota
Veronica Escobar, Texas
Mondaire Jones, New York

Georgia appeals court has agreed to consider Trump’s appeal of the ruling rejecting Fani Willis’ disqualification from his criminal case.
This is almost certain to significantly delay the potential trial, which was already unsettled. The American court system is seemingly pro-criminal. The entire judicial system from the start has put its thumb on the scale for Donald Trump’s primary reason for running is to stay out of jail.
He has countless criminal indictments against him.
If he wins, he will dismantle the Justice System as we know it.. It’s why faith in the system has dropped into the abyss. Unforgivable rulings and blunders.
They are going to try and protect this criminal motherfucker for as long as they can cause when he goes down, they go down.

If there’s a silver lining regarding the judicial events of the past few days, it’s that it’s now ABSOLUTELY CLEAR massive #Blue turnout is the only thing that will deliver us from #MAGA & #Trump

The Family Research Council, a major Christian Right juggernaut & Project 2025 partner, has itself acknowledged that only 9% of Christians share their “biblical worldview.” Most voters have no idea how extreme the Christian Right has become.

This week the #PAHouse passed a bill that would give parents the tools they need to keep their kids safe and set higher standards for social media companies to protect kids using their platforms. The bill would require social media platforms to allow users to report “hateful conduct,” such as threats or bullying. It also would bar the platforms from “data mining” users under 18.

This disgusting tweet comes from Israel’s extremist National Security Minister, who was convicted by an Israeli court of racist incitement & supporting terrorism.
This is the government waging war against the entire Palestinian people. We cannot be complicit in Ben-Gvir’s war.

Jon Cooper @joncoopertweets
Any Jews who vote for Trump should have their heads examined. The Oct. 7 terrorist attack grew out of Netanyahu’s incredible mistake—when he decided to direct billions of dollars via Qatar to support Hamas. That was done with Trump’s full approval & enabled by his administration.

NEW: Spanish police identified a pro-Catalan independence activist thanks to legal requests to Apple, and encrypted services Wire and Protonmail.
Story shows that using apps that encrypt content won’t save you if there’s personal info in the metadata.

  • Aileen Cannon goes on billionaire-funded trips and is delaying Trump’s trial past the election.
  • Clarence Thomas takes bribes from billionaires & is running out the clock for Trump.
  • Alito is funded by billionaires & religious orgs & wants Trump to have immunity.
    Spot the pattern?

Let’s say you had a choice between these people for President. Who would you pick?
1. Demented Rapist
2. Guy with Physical brain worms
3. Joe Biden

Extending Trump’s tax cuts will cost $3.5 trillion over a decade.
This is why Trump wants to cut Social Security.
So he can take a lifetime of earned benefits away from working people and gift them to the rich.
It’s reverse Robin Hood.

A Russian Influence Campaign Is Exploiting College Campus Protests
A Kremlin-aligned network called Doppelganger has used faked versions of real news sites to push both pro-Palestine and pro-Israel disinformation.

Study reveals sperm whale clicks make up building blocks of language, pointing to potential parallels with human society http://

Seafloor trawlers are officially permitted to kill over 30 whales, 50,000+ seals, and *unlimited* porpoises every year in Alaska.
And this is certified “sustainable seafood”.
@MSCecolabel certifies the dirtiest trawl fisheries in Alaska.
Thousands of animals are allowed to be killed under their certification.

The Touissant Cartier necklace worn by Daphne Kluger for tonight’s Met Gala, valued at over $150 million dollars, has reportedly been stolen

Senator Bernie Sanders and Congressman Ro Khanna are proposing a new bill to eliminate all medical debt.
The bill would create a federal grant program to cancel all medical debt and block creditors from collecting past medical bills.