Peter Thiel Democracy and Catholic cults

Billionaires aren’t just supporting Trump for the tax cuts. As Peter Thiel once admitted: “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.” Make no mistake: The goal of American oligarchy is to tear down democracy itself.Some are angry about the “anti-Christian depiction of the last supper” at the Olympic Opening ceremony. (@elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump among others)
Trump’s tax law cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%.
What did corporations do with the money saved?
They didn’t invest it or raise wages.
They spent a record $1 trillion on stock buybacks the year after the law went into effect.
CVS reported $8.34 billion in profit last year, and spent $12,476,000 lobbying against policies like universal healthcare and lower prescription costs.

MAGA: The Olympics are insulting christians!

JD Vance is the current mascot for a Catholic Coup by the PayPal Mafia, Opus Dei & the Knights of Malta—the end of a long game that’s been playing out since WWII.

What do Opus Dei, Knights of Malta, PayPal Mafia, JD Vance, Mike Flynn, Q, and Hitler have in common? They’re all “anti-communist.”

The story Flynn and his co-conspirators tell about why they have to take over America is that communist Chinese are the ones actually taking over America. Unfortunately you can’t see them, even though, according to Flynn, they’re EVERYWHERE.

I cannot emphasize enough this is just a retread of Jewish Bolshevism aka “the stab-in-the-back myth” aka Dolchstoßlegende — the weaponized false narrative that a conspiracy of communists and Jews were taking over Germany. It led to the Holocaust.

Jim Stewartson, Counterinsurgent
I know it might seem pretty out there to think a couple of Catholic cults straight out of the Da Vinci Code are trying to take over the world in collusion with American oligarchs and foreign dictators.
If you don’t believe me, that’s ok. Ask the @Pontifex Catholic CNA News Agency News Resources CNA Newsletter
Pope Francis changes canon law on Opus Dei and any future personal prelatures
St. Josemaria Escrivå, founder of Opus Dei I Flick Torreciudad Sanctuary (CC BY 2.0)
By Courtney Mares
Rome Newsroom, Aug 8, 2023 / 10:00 am

Nicole Minet
#JeffreyEpstein died of apparent suicide I immediately thought of #RobertoCalvi, aka God’s Banker. Here’s why. Calvi was Chairman of #BancoAmbrosiano, a private Catholic bank in Italy, which collapsed in one of Italy’s biggest political scandals in 1982, and it collapsed because of Roberto Calvi and who his 3 clients were. The first client he worked for was the Vatican, specifically, the Pope, who was secretly siphoning money through Calvi in order to help Poland fight communism. The Pope at the time of Roberto Calvi was Pope John Paul II, who was from Poland. The second group he worked for was the Italian mafia, who were laundering money through Calvi’s bank and pushing loads of heroin to Canada via London. And the third group he worked for was a Masonic lodge called Propaganda Due (aka #P2), who was laundering money through fellow brother and member, Roberto Calvi, himself. At the same time Calvi’s Banco Ambrosiano was collapsing, Calvi turned up dead in London, hanging by his neck under #BlackfriarsBridge with 5 heavy bricks and $14,000 in 3 different currencies shoved into his pockets. He died due to asphyxiation but it was *not* due to hanging. In fact, it’s nearly impossible for a 62-year-old man to hang himself under this bridge on temporary construction scaffolding that can only be accessed on the Thames, itself, meaning by boat. Like Epstein, Roberto Calvi had detailed knowledge of serious crimes committed by not only himself, but the Vatican, the Italian mafia, and P2, which at the time was an illegal Masonic lodge in Italy. Those 3 entities had a lot to lose if Calvi were ever arrested, or worse yet, if he got arrested and started talking. Sound familiar? Some background on Calvi. He became Banco Ambrosiano’s general manager in 1971, then shortly thereafter in 1975, he became Chairman of the bank and it prospered greatly under him because Calvi was laundering money for people in the Vatican, the Italian mafia, and his P2 Masonic brothers. Calvi expanded Banco Ambrosiano’s interests further once he was Chairman; he secretly created a number of off-shore companies in the Bahamas and South America to launder millions. In July 1982, funds to his off-shore interests were cut off, leading to the bank’s total collapse upon the world being told what was going on inside the bank, itself. So if Calvi’s death is not a suicide, which it very well could have been considering the law had closed in, then what happened to him? Calvi was more than likely murdered very purposefully, his body being publicly exhibited in a very strange way for reasons that evade police, but makes sense to others. Some say he was displayed as an example as to what would happen if anyone dared to steal laundered money from the Italian mafia, which Calvi was doing. Others say the perplexing hanging was coded with references to Masonic rituals meant to send a message. Interestingly, Masonic lodge P2 was an illegal secret society at the time of Calvi’s crimes, having gone underground after its Masonic charter was withdrawn in 1976. P2 was then transformed into a clandestine, pseudo-Masonic, extreme right organization operating in contravention to the Italian Constitution, which bans all secret societies. The overall purpose of Banco Ambrosiano was simple. Create a #Catholic bank as a counterbalance to Italy’s “lay” banks. The bank’s goals were, “Serving moral organizations, pious works, and religious bodies set up for charitable aims.” Sounds very Holy, right? It wasn’t. In the end, Calvi was killed because he was in massive personal debt to the tune of millions. He had stolen his client’s laundered money to cover his own debts and couldn’t replace it. Calvi used his complex network of overseas banks and companies to move money out of Italy, to inflate share prices, and to secure huge unsecured loans.
In 1978, the Bank of Italy produced a report on Ambrosiano that led to criminal investigations and the bank’s downfall. Hmm, like the #MuellerReport? I’d say so. In 1981, just one year prior to Calvi’s death, he was, in fact, arrested. Police had raided the office of P2 Masons to apprehend the Worshipful Master and subsequently uncovered further evidence against Calvi. So he was put on trial and sentenced to four years in prison, however, he was released pending an appeal and kept his position at the bank to try to cover up what he could. Finally, in 1982, it was discovered that Banco Ambrosiano was unable to account for $1.287 billion ($3.34 billion today) and the bank started to noticeably collapse. Pending his appeal, Calvi fled Italy illegally to travel to London with the hope he could raise some of the missing millions and hide out, but like Bernie Madoff, time ran out and the parties involved had learned their money was all gone. Calvi’s personal secretary left a note denouncing Calvi before leaping to her death from her office window, and Calvi’s body was found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London on the morning of June 18, 1982. Where you find corrupt politics, you’ll find secret societies and the Vatican. The motive for most things is free money and power, but sometimes it’s about artifacts or historical evidence, an informational context that changes everything for Catholics and Christians worldwide. Laws outside all 3 of these entities never apply to those within it. They have their own rules and punishments so they don’t adhere to any nation’s laws. #OpusDei is a shining example of this “above-the-law” mentality.
Secret societies answer only to God (or the Grand Architect), Himself, so that leaves all earthly laws moot for just them. There’s a diplomatic immunity they feel they have in the world and they act accordingly until they die or are caught by authorities strong enough to take them down. What do they do when a nation outlaws secret societies? That’s never a problem. They’ll just take everything underground. In this case, Banco Ambriosiano collapsed, the mastermind conman Calvi, who was in serious debt and compromised, was assassinated, and all 3 secret societies moved deeper underground as a result. Why do I include the Vatican alongside the mafia and P2? Because the Vatican is the same kind of entity. They have direct, secret links to international organized crime. Our founding fathers were smart. They separated church and state for this reason (and f*ck the radicalized GOP Catholics for merging them). There are so many important things the Vatican doesn’t want people (especially Catholic people) to know about. For example, I’ll use the Shroud of Turin. The Vatican has what’s supposed to be the burial shroud Jesus was wrapped in after he was crucified, but they won’t allow it to be radiocarbon dated. They allowed testing only once in 1988, thinking the findings would more or less prove their lies. They thought spin could clear up anything they find that’s unnerving, but that is the furthest from what actually happened. Scientists at 3 separate laboratories dated samples from the shroud to a range of 1260–1390 AD, which coincides with the first known appearance of it around 1350, much later than the burial of Jesus in 30 to 33 AD {tie in the Priory of Sion claims that Jesus did not die on the cross and there was no resurrection, hence, a burial shroud of Jesus can not truly exist}. Sorry, I have to throw that in there. It’s like a nervous tick. After the 1988 radiocarbon dating created controversy for the church, and made Catholics think twice about what the Vatican claimed was real and extremely religiously historical, they locked up the shroud that was proven to be a fake by 3 independent scientists, and they no longer allow anyone to even see it, let alone carbon date it with modern technology. The release of The DaVinci Code is another example of a very stressful time for the Vatican because so many Christians read the book and started asking questions. Calvi’s death, which led to a lot of public attention, demonstrated one thing perfectly clear for the public to see. The Vatican, mafia, and Freemasonry intersect in society because their goals are precisely aligned. They all want more money and power, and they need this great wealth to continue to be influential in the world. The way they make money is shady for anonymities sake, at best. The #PrioryofSion is another example of a very exclusive Masonic secret society that has members in the Vatican at very high levels. So why are they adversaries when there’s overlapping membership? The Priory wants to reveal their evidence

BREAKING: 27 Democrats sign letter to the DNC demanding an END to anti-crypto policies of Elizabeth Warren.