ECP NetHappenings OK Republican disgusting bible Trump Grifters

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WARNING: Oklahoma 3rd Grade Reading Level

Oklahoma’s literacy levels have been described as “abysmal” by Martha Gregory, a researcher for the Tulsa City-County Library System. She equates the reading level of 12% of Oklahoma’s adult population, which is “below basic” in prose literacy, to a 3rd grade reading level or below.

Fighting for kids to get free Bibles is only the latest grift and while fighting against those same kids getting free lunch is exactly the kind of religious hypocrisy Christians are called to stand against. Let them eat Bibles.
$3 million for physical bibles when it’s for free on Kindle? Apple? Android? Students have district issued smart devices and are absolutely allowed to access the Bible.


@RyanWaltersSupt stealing $3 million for Bibles in the classroom from this years budget.

But this isn’t the first time.

Rethuglican Betsy DeVoss has been trying to dismantle the Department of Education for years and years.

Texas – Reading First Program owned by President Bush’s brother Neil Bush is a Fraud Scam

Ignite! whose original investors include Neil’s parents BARBARA BUSH AND PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH. “Neil Bush had raised about $23 million from more than a dozen outside investors, including Mohammed Al Saddah, the head of a Kuwaiti company, and Winston Wong, the head of a Chinese computer firm.”

Reading Recovery has a proven successful track record that the Bush connections refused to fund so their own son’ Neil Bush’s business Reading First would not have competition. Neil was “the director of Silverado Banking, Savings and Loan when it crashed in 1988 at a cost of $1 billion to taxpayers.” In 1990, Bush paid a $50,000 fine and was banned from banking activities for his role in taking down Silverado, which actually cost taxpayers $1.3 billion. A Resolution Trust Corporation Suit against Bush and other officers of Silverado was settled in 1991 for $26.5 million. And the fine wasn’t exactly paid by Neil Bush. A Republican fundraiser set up a fund to help defer costs Neil incurred in his S&L dealings. Bush “quietly is heading a local start-up that’s raising at least $10 million in second-round funding.” According to the business newsweekly, Bush has already raised $7.1 million from 53 investors underwriting Ignite! Inc., an educational software company.

Prescott Bush, George W. Bush’s grandfather, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from and collaborated with key financial backers of Nazi Germany.
George Bush –
 Prescott’s money and connections launched George’s career.
G. W. Bush’s brother Neil Bush
 profits from the Reading Frist which defauds the public.

TEXAS SCAM – Reading First Program owned by President Bush’s brother Neil Bush is a Fraud – Follow the Money!

Our Tax Money didn’t go to Reading First it went to Ignite! and Voyager Expanded Learning Neil Bush’s business’

1999 Putting Public Funds into Private Pockets – Neil Bush and the the people who ushered in those reforms, were politicians, millionaire businessmen or big-time attorney-lobbyists, with no history in education. Passport, Voyager Expanded Learning, Ignite!, Inc., A lot of that money came from Texas Education Agency, Title I funds and direct federal grants under No Child Left Behind.

K12 Education is a business

PreK-12 Education Market is all about Business development, strategic planning and successful execution of profitable marketing and sales plans.

1/23/15 No Money Left Behind
The Bush bros have common ties to one particularly controversial educational entrepreneur. Starting in the late 1990s, Randy Best, whom I profiled at the end of George W. Bush’s second term, used his connections to the president to transform a virtually unknown for-profit education company, Voyager, into a “selling juggernaut” (in his words) that he unloaded in 2005 for $360 million. Randy Best, Steve Brodner,
The key to Voyager’s success was the way it it used revolving doors in Bush’s Education Department to game the procurement process. Its dealings prompted a scathing DOE inspector general’s report in 2006 and a harshly worded Senate report the following year. “Many programs, including Voyager, were probably adopted on the basis of relationships, rather than effectiveness data,” G. Reid Lyon, who co-wrote the No Child Left Behind Act and later consulted for Best, told me in 2008. “I thought all this money would be great; it would get into schools. But money makes barracudas out of people. It’s an amazing thing.”

Bill Bennett, Neil Bush, Milkin, Voyager 1994, Expanded Learning, Ignite!, TEA, Title 1, Federal Grants,

ProQuest Company Acquires (BUSH privately held) Voyager Expanded Learning.


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