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ECP NetHappenings Security, Crypto, Human Rights News Headlines


Chevron is buying Hess for $53 billion amid uncertainty in oil markets

Democrats seek a classified briefing on whether House chaos helps China

The yield on a 10-year Treasury reached 5% for 1st time since 2007. Why that matters

Google Chrome’s new “IP Protection” will hide users’ IP addresses
“Chrome is reintroducing a proposal to protect users against cross-site tracking via IP addresses. This proposal is a privacy proxy that anonymizes IP addresses for qualifying traffic as described above,” reads a description of the IP Protection feature.
Initially, IP Protection will be an opt-in feature, ensuring users have control over their privacy and letting Google monitor behavior trends.
The feature’s introduction will be in stages to accommodate regional considerations and ensure a learning curve.

Big ransomware gang gets shut down!

Telegram is still leaking user IP addresses. TechCrunch

Tech ceo sentenced to 5 years in ip address scheme
Amir Golestan, the 40-year-old CEO of the Charleston, S.C. based technology company Micfo LLC, has been sentenced to five years in prison for wire fraud.

The latest high-severity Citrix vulnerability under attack isn’t easy to fix
If you run a Netscaler ADC or Gateway, assume it’s compromised and take action… fast.

Beware of Quasar RAT: A sneaky #malware exploiting DLL side-loading to hide its tracks on compromised Windows systems.

Our digital security experts released our latest anti-doxing guide to help BIPOC activists stay protected against harassment and targeted digital attacks. We encourage anyone organizing or attending actions in the coming weeks to utilize this resource.

Former CIA Bin Laden station chief Michael Scheuer hunted Bin Laden for the CIA. Now he’s a QANON conspiracy extremist who wants Democrats dead. The terrifying detail is that his wife still works for the CIA – and has access to classified intel.

FOX News MUST lose its broadcasting license and be pulled from the airwaves
FOX News gets devastating news as the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) announces that it’s launching the preliminary process of stripping FOX News of its broadcasting license in Philadelphia over its pushing of Trump’s Big Lie.
To make matters worse for FOX News, experts say that if Philadelphia activists are able to get FOX News pulled from the air, it could “be replicable” in other cities and markets all across America.

Jared Kushner reportedly provided intelligence to MBS (Mohammed bin Salman) and sought numerous classified documents, exceeding the requests of many White House officials not part of the National Security Council.
Despite being flagged as a potential national security threat, Trump dismissed career officials’ reservations.
Kushner, known for authoring The Abraham Accord, refrains from claiming credit now as the situation worsened, evidenced by the recent conflict in Israel.


Where is your retraction article @WSJ?
It was confirmed that the WSJ article was patently false.
It was straight up fake news. This was confirmed by @chainalysis, which ran the numbers. The WSJ’s figure for crypto use in financing Hamas was off by over 99%! My question is…. where is your retraction article @WSJ?
Where is the article describing why your reporters were blatantly wrong about this?
If you don’t retract it, politicians with an agenda will likely continue to use this fake news as evidence to attack an industry they have a personal vendetta against. Fix this please.

Mr. Huber @Leerzeit
Ethereum is a bet on JPMorgan and corruption. So it’s a pretty safe one. Madoff was a director at Nasdaq, and Nasdaq didn’t disappear after Madoff went to jail. Madoff set the whole thing up himself at the time. JPMorgan made almost 20 billion in profits on him, but that was just a happy coincidence.

Prometheum Facts:
Remember that time GARY GENSLER had known for YEARS about a certain CCP-TIED COMPANY that WANTED TO KILL PRESIDENT TRUMP, and not only did he NOT REPORT THEM, he actually GAVE THEM FAVORABLE TREATMENT?

🚨The COO of Prometheum is Joseph Zangri who is ex Global Head of Compliance and CCO for Bloomberg as well as…Senior Enforcement Attorney at the SEC.

🚨Not only is Xiao Feng the Chairman of Wanxiang Blockchain, he is a Board Member for Prometheum.
🚨Founded by a former Chief Attorney of the SEC’s Division of Enforcement, Gusrae Kaplan is one of the prominent securities law firms in the United States. No wonder Prometheum skated right through the SEC. Kaplan’s daddy is ex SEC Enforcement. Even Prometheum’s CCO is ex SEC.

🚨Prometheum partnered with Anchorage Digital, who happens to have the first ever Federal Crypto Banking Charter, in March of 2021 right after the @Ripple @bgarlinghouse @chrislarsensf lawsuit. Guess who is invested in Anchorage Digital…Apollo. Jay Clayton happened to take the Lead Independent Director role the month before Anchorage partnered with Prometheum and only 2 months after filing the lawsuit. 💨 🔥
Key Anchorage Investors:
Goldman Sachs

“In 2012, Seneca Global Advisors, Hunter Biden’s business, had a client named GreatPoint Energy that partnered with Wanxiang on a $1.25 billion natural gas plant in communist China. Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping was at the signing deal between the two entities. Wanxiang is also known for dealing with a copper mine owned by North Korea. Hunter has also been reportedly involved in the copper and cobalt mine business between a different Chinese entity and the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

Argentina’s economy is about 20x bigger than El Salvador’s and a pro-#Bitcoin candidate is leading the polls heading into today’s election 👀


Jesus Freakin Congress @TheJFreakinC
Men thinking women orgasm from tampons is because they sexualize everything with women. If a tampon could create orgasms more women would be experiencing them with cocks but they don’t. Many women have really terrible sex with men.
@MayorClif Marsiglio
In the Indiana House only 47 senators voted to remove the tax. One Republican legislator said he was against this because tampons are a luxury item and cause orgasms.

Frank Sinatra was a fervent anti-racist and an early activist during the civil rights movement. He refused to stay at hotels and play at clubs that did not admit black people. His band would also provide equal pay and treatment for black musicians. It was through his relentless and tireless efforts that Las Vegas quickly became integrated.
In an interview in 2016, Frank Sinatra, Jr. had this to say about his father: “In the days when Las Vegas began to become popular, the black performers could play in showrooms, but they couldn’t stay in the hotel. And it was Frank Sinatra who went to the board of directors, who had rather shady pasts, and he said, ‘Are you guys going to come into the twentieth century, or aren’t you?’… Somebody said ‘Well, we have white people, we have black people.” Sinatra, the story goes, said to them, ‘The money is green. How about that?’ And they began to look at each other, and the wheels were turning, and because of Sammy (Davis), Las Vegas became integrated.
Sinatra was also a significant supporter of Martin Luther King and helped him raise money to support the Civil Rights Movement by headlining fundraisers. In 1958, he wrote in Ebony Magazine: “A friend to me has no race, no class and belongs to no minority. My friendships are formed out of affection, mutual respect, and a feeling of having something in common. These are eternal values that cannot be classified.”

The Hypocrisy of Bucks County ‘Outsider’ Paul Martino
The MAGA millionaire thinks people need to “protect” Central Bucks School District from outsiders’ influence. Maybe it’s his money and politics we need protecting from

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