ECP NetHappenings Trails 5 Massive hidden Whale behind Ethereum

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Trails 5 Massive hidden Whale behind Ethereum

ECP NetHappenings Newsletter The Trails

ECP NetHappenings Newsletter The Trails 2

ECP NetHappenings Newsletter Trails 3 Binance

ECP NetHappenings: The Trails 4 The Crypto industry is a Cult

Trails 5 Massive hidden Whale behind Ethereum

Anne Serling @AnneSerling Oct 7
Sixty four years ago in October 1959, The Twilight Zone premiered. As my dad said: The writer’s role is to menace the public’s conscience. He must have a position, a point of view. He must see the arts as a vehicle of social criticism and he must focus on the issues of his time.

Regulatory Capture #SEC Sh*t Coins #ETHGate

Mapping out one of the cryptos biggest conflict of interest.

TruthLabs @BoringSleuth
We can see Consensys‘ involvement below. At first, thru a Genesis Wallet, and then mining thru 6 Mining shells.
Here’s a great example: They begin mining the very first ETH blocks with their own wallets (b4 pools existed), & then begin to use the mining pools later.

Mr. Huber @Leerzeit
How is it possible that @ConsenSys doesn’t have or need a BitLicense? Clearly they are involved in virtual currency activities? Just think about Token Foundry or litteraly anything they do?


Here we go again Joseph Tsai, the Co-Founder and chairman of Ethereum Whale Alibaba who Bill Hinman represented also worked at. Yeah I know you already guessed it: Sullivan&Cromwell

Ant Financial is a Chinese company owned by Jack Ma, and tied closely to Prometheum and Wanxiang. I wonder what relationship EyeVerify has to Worldcoin? Worldcoin sure does fit this Groups strategy: Take your data, your money, and eventually your freedom.

#EthGate Ethereum Largest Hidden Whales

MIT had Alex Mashinsky (mis-spelled on the Syllabus) give a lecture about Smart Contracts & Decentralized Finance in 2022.
Yes, the same Alex Mashinsky that was charged by the SEC with 7 counts of fraud.
I wonder how much people pay in tuition to attend a class where one of Crypto’s biggest felons shills them his bags? It seems the whole class was one big shill, much like Gensler did, when he taught a false History on Ethereum.

@BoringSleuth 10/11/23
Propaganda 3.0

When Vitalik needed money to make his vision for Ethereum come true, he found his money in China, thru CCP affiliated entities. They’ve been involved since pre-Block 0.

I am of the belief that:

Greater than 66% of all $ETH tokens mined, Pre-Merge (Block: 15537393) on Ethereum ended up in wallets owned by entities backed by China/CCP (inc. the Ethereum Foundation).

These same entities were Ethereum’s largest Pre-Sale/ICO backers, and funded the foundation thru Wanxiang Blockchain.

The Majority of the Protocols, CEX’s, DEX’s, NFT Projects, Alt Coins, Sht Coins, Stablecoins, Layer 2’s, Casino’s, all are built and funded by these EXACT SAME ENTITIES.

On top of all of this, much of the crypto stolen from protocols ended up flowing thru wallets many of them own, or contracts they created.

Do you really think Eth 2.0, Proof of Stake is decentralized?

Sorry, it’s not. It’s never been. Not even close. All smoke and mirrors. Propaganda 3.0

I know that sharing the truth on-chain has been heard, and many people involved in the eco-system are taking a step back and beginning to ask the right questions.

Crypto lost its identity.

Crypto was hijacked by those that it threatened the most. Those who feared loss of power, influence, control, & wealth. They used corruption and theft to gain control over Crypto, all while having tools built to further monitor and control our daily lives. I hope that the wealth transfer from capitalizing on CVD-I9 isn’t enough to forever change the World for the bad. I hope we aren’t too late. Now is the time for everyone who can, to speak up and act, as it may be Our last chance.

Real change is going to come from the ones on the inside, and as much support as possible from the ones on the outside.

Embrace the Truth, Understand it, and Use it for Good, as there is not a better opportunity for positive, impactful change than what Conflict brings us.

Stay curious my friends,

Early 2015, #Consensys and #Ethereum (insert job title),
@StevenNerayoff raises an in interesting question. Why did Vitalik choose to go to China and work for a Chinese company for 2 years? The Ethereum founder was living in China when before the Genesis Block of Ethereum, as well as throughout the first year of #Ethereum going live.
Do you believe me when I say Ethereum is backed by the CCP and has always had a Centralized share of Ethereum’s total supply?

Joe Lubin”We need people with vision and philosophical alignment but preferably not with strong tech capabilities. We need people who are going to be comfortable keeping various portions of the Plan in deep stealth.”


Bo Shen, who is GP of Fenbushi Capital, a subsidiary of Wanxiang, the CCP affiliated company who is the money behind Ethereum, has an interesting Past.
Bo Shen worked for the infamous Worldcom, which at the time, prior to Madoff, the biggest Fruad/Scandal in the history of the US.
Since the MCI Worldcom bust, Shen moved back to China and has been employed with Chinese companies for the last 23 years.
Bo Shen works for the company that Owns and Controls Prometheum, the lone company that holds a Digital Assets Special Dealer Broker License issued by the
@SECGov @GaryGensler

“Zhuo Yue is the founder of a public relations company with clients including @LouisVuitton
Zhuo Yue is the granddaughter of Deng Xiaoping”
A decade ago, a Bloomberg report called Feng Bo, the grandson-in-law of former paramount leader Deng Xiaoping, “an early investor in China’s Internet startups.” Today, Feng’s investment firm is linked to OKX, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.
Never forget Vitalik was instrumental in that whole “Proof of Snake” concept.

How they got ethereum classified as a security.
Here is @digitalassetbuy’s segment from 3 weeks ago playing the video @StevenNerayoff is speaking of. I’ve attached the link to the original video of Lowell Ness’ “Roadmap to Successful ICO’s”
Blockchain Attorney Lowell Ness on roadmap to successful ICOs

So Andrew Keys Computer made 1% of the entire Ethereum hashrate for at least the first month. Can you even imagine what amount China mined?

Ethereum Largest Hidden Whales
Huan Li PreAngel Plug and Play Venture Partner, one of Ethereums largest hidden Whales, is partners with Plug and Play Ventures in China.

I talk about PreAngel, the CCP connected VC who is IMO, a Top 10, massive hidden Whale behind ethereum. While they come up in a lot of my analysis, I’ve never actually shown you who is directly connected to their oldest, traceable wallet.



LingLing/Multichain Dev
Satofishi – Binance and StakeFish Dev
Gate.I0 Dev
Daniel Wang
+ a ton of wallets named China Group. These wallets take on a Region based name, because they were setup thru a Centralized exchange, and interact with the VC’s and Protocols based out of China.

SEC Gary Gensler Prometheum Inc.
To this date, @prometheuminc has yet to deny that they own the address’ killtrump.eth and killtrump.crypto. As I’ve laid out a number of times, Prometheum is directly tied to the CCP and CCP officers on-chain. We have also highlighted their deep off-chain connections.
It should be no surprise at this point that the,
@SECGov and @GaryGensler has yet to do anything about this. Clearly their interests lie oversees.
Ask your congress men and women, and those on boards, to act, NOW!! Prometheum needs their license stripped effective immediately, and a deep independent investigation needs done on the @SECGov @FINRA @GaryGensler. I’ll volunteer my time, free of charge, like I’ve done the last two years.
CC: @committeeonccp @FinancialCmte

Letter from @BoringSleuth to Gary Gensler
in response to Gary Gensler

@GaryGensler Jul 26
We @SECGov proposed new rules to address conflicts of interest that may emerge when investment advisers and broker-dealers use predictive data analytics or similar techniques to craft their interactions with investors.

9/12/23 SPOTTED: @PrometheumInc’s lobbyist William Owen sitting behind Gensler in today’s Senate Banking hearing.
William Owen, a former Tennessee lawmaker and Democratic National Committee member.
“I’m a registered lobbyist, and I represent clients. And they have interest in front of Congress, and I attend the Senator’s Classic, which is a Republican event, each year.”

Guess which law firm defended JPMorgan against investor claims over Madoff and was at the same time the lawfirm leading the Liquidation of Madoff Securities LLC and representing trustee Irvin Picard. Yes, yes, it’s getting boring, I know. Sullivan&Cromwell and our friend Steven Peikin.


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