ECP NetHappenings: We sort all the psychopaths to the top

Dry run for a dictatorship

Iowa State Fair
Trump: “I’m buying pork chops for everyone!”
*walks away without paying*

Trump said: “I have the tough people”
New Zealand murderer who wanted to spark a civil war in the US: “Trump is a symbol of renewed white identity & common purpose.”
David Duke: Charlottesville is a turning point to fulfill the promises of Trump Video

“This is really a set up for a dictatorship. Our liberty is on the line.”
@tribelaw calls Trump and his allies’ attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election “a dry run.”

Laurence Tribe @tribelaw
No new laws are needed in order to remove insurrectionists from office & prevent them from being placed on any ballot as candidates — even if they haven’t been convicted for the crime of aiding and abetting an insurrection. The necessary laws are in place

Jim Stewartson, Anti-disinfo activist
The Big Problem is that we sort all the psychopaths to the top.
Under-regulated capitalism has allowed a strain of raging psychopathy to take control of key sectors of life, including business and politics.
How you get Robert Mercer, David Koch, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Donald Trump and the entire GOP cult.

The Psychopath TOP Supreme Court may Preemptively Ban a Federal Wealth Tax!!!
The Supremes are the most perverse group of grifting thugs in court history. Alito, Thomas, Roberts won’t recuse themselves.

Robert Reich @RBReich
Jeff Bezos recently bought a $68M mansion in Miami’s “Billionaire Bunker.”
Meanwhile, Amazon is spending millions to prevent workers from joining a union. This is what oligarchy looks like.

The Psychopath Church
Churches aren’t supposed to endorse political candidates, according to IRS rules. Across the country, churches appear to be doing so anyway.
These 20 Churches Supported Political Candidates. Experts Say They Violated Federal Law.

Cameras installed across residential areas in London to trace car owners and charge £12.50 ($15.8) per ride unless the car is electric!

One of the targets of the Kansas journalist police raid, 98-year old Joan Meyer, died today after the invasion of her home.

Julian Assange: “If the precedent is set that states can apply their publishing laws to people in other states, and extradite them from those states…then the outcome will be a global climate of limited speech, and arbitrary, unpredictable risks for all” #AssangeTruth

BREAKING: Fulton County DA Fani Willis is in possession of emails and text messages which connect Trump’s legal team to the breaches of the Coffee County, Georgia voting system, according to CNN.
Details:- The Fulton County Grand Jury is expected to indict over a dozen people



Call me crazy, but it sure looks like Ethereum Core Dev’s = Original Bitfinex & Tether Dev’s. I can definitely tie them together, prior to Tether launching.

@wideawake_media [ WEF World Enslavement Forum }
In a conversation with Google founder Sergey Brin, founder of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, delights at the thought of a future without elections:
“Digital technologies mainly have an analytical power. Now [we’re going] into a predictive power, and your company is very much involved in it. But then the next step could be to go into prescriptive mode, which means you do not even have to have elections anymore, because we know what the result will be.”

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