NetHappenings Headlines This Supreme Court is NOT normal

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NetHappenings Headlines This Supreme Court is NOT normal

Victor Shi
President Biden is exactly right.
This Supreme Court is NOT normal.
And mark my words when I say Gen Z is outraged, pissed off, and we will make them find out in 2024.


Remember when Susan Collins swore up and down on national TV that,…
Kavanaugh wouldn’t overturn Roe v. Wade?
How’d that work out?

NEW: Sen. Susan Collins says she’s “disappointed” after hearing the tape of Trump bragging about his stolen classified documents,… but, “He deserves another chance.”



“Christie is the only contender who actually realizes the 2024 election is about one question and one question only:

Trump or not Trump.”


#GARYGENSLER blows off #Blackrock and everyone else too.
#SEC rejected the #SpotETF applications.
They can re-file to address surveillance issues.
Spot bitcoin ETF funds weren’t “clear and comprehensive” did not meet the standards designed to prevent fraudulent and manipulative practices.
Basically SEC wants them to name the “crypto exchange” and give more details on SSA.  “The SEC told the exchanges that it returned the filings because they didn’t name the spot bitcoin exchange with which they are expected to have a “surveillance-sharing agreement” or provide enough information about the details of those surveillance arrangements. Asset managers can update the language and refile.” any and all exchanges of size are being done for securities violations. SEC also  reset the clock so Blackrock, and maybe Fidelity, can be 1st in line.

Reminder: The SEC approved a 2X Leveraged Futures #Bitcoin ETF just last week. How does this protect investors? It doesn’t.
The cat is out of the bag Institutions want your Bitcoin and are looking to get a piece of this market.

Which exchange is legal? Prometheum exchange is SEC legal. It’s Founder, Arron Kaplan, is also an attorney at his dad’s law firm. Not only is his dad former high ranking SEC Enforcement Attorney, they also have a former New York Merchantile Exchange (CME Group) executive as well as former NASD. The SEC has recently given a ‘special purpose broker-dealer’ license to a crypto trading platform called Prometheum. Using this as an example to point to and say: ‘See, crypto exchanges can come into compliance under the current laws
The SEC’s only ‘regulated’ crypto exchange is a joke—and everyone knows it

Jake Chervinsky @jchervinsky
All of the anti-crypto SEC apologists came out of the woodwork yesterday to criticize the paper @MTCoppel and I wrote explaining why Chair Gensler must recuse himself from crypto-related enforcement decisions. We must be on to something. Read it here:

SCOTUS Making Universities White Again

The dirty secret of higher education in the United States is that racial preferences for Black, Latino, and Native American college students provide cover for an admissions system that mostly benefits the wealthy.

The Supreme Court has just STRUCK DOWN President Biden’s student loan forgiveness program in a 6-3 decision written by Chief Justice Roberts. This Supreme Court has messed with the wrong generation. They are going to regret this decision. We will make them find out.

The Supreme Court strikes down President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan. Biden student debt relief plan struck down as unauthorized by post-COVID law. 6-3. Roberts writes. Libs dissent. (2nd case: student borrowers lacked standing)
This is a terrible decision, one that will impact over 20 million Americans, including many young people who are burdened by mounting student debt.
Read the full opinion here

Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court

LGBTQ+ people
In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court has issued a ruling in 303 Creative undermining non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people and other marginalized communities. This is a dangerous step backward and gives some businesses the license to discriminate.

Those of you writing up 303 Creative will want to be sure to note that the alleged request was made up. SCOTUS just ruled on something make believe.
The Mysterious Case of the Fake Gay Marriage Website, the Real Straight Man, and the Supreme Court
In filings in the 303 Creative v. Elenis case is a supposed request for a gay wedding website—but the man named in the request says he never filed it.

The Supreme Court hands the religious right a big victory by lying about the facts of a case
Kennedy v. Bremerton School District is a big victory for the religious right, but only because Gorsuch misrepresents the facts of the case.

@SenSchumer torches the decision involving same-sex weddings: “Today’s ruling by the MAGA-right activist wing of the Supreme Court is a giant step backward for human rights and equal protection in the United States.”

3 thoughts on “NetHappenings Headlines This Supreme Court is NOT normal”

  1. @marla_vous
    Not only was Ginni Thomas working with groups directly involved in controversial cases before SCOTUS—she’s sits on the Board of Advisors of the National Association of Scholars (NAS), that filed an amicus brief in the Harvard Affirmative Action case.
    The NAS is an extreme right education advocacy organization that rallies against multiculturalism, diversity, and courses focused on race and gender issues.
    Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who sat on Harvard’s board of overseers until last spring, recused herself from the case to avoid even the appearance of conflict of interest.
    Because that’s what judges are supposed to do.
    In a shock to no one, Clarence Thomas failed to recuse himself.
    What do we have to do hold the comprised and corrupt Ginni and Clarence Thomas accountable?

  2. @SenWhitehouse
    “[T]he most important thing to understand about the major questions doctrine is that it is completely made up. It appears nowhere in the Constitution, and nowhere in any statute, and was invented largely by Republican appointees to the Supreme Court.”
    The Supreme Court’s lawless, completely partisan student loans decision, explained
    The Court’s decision in Biden v. Nebraska is nothing more than an exercise of raw power. It bears no resemblance to actual law.

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