ECP NetHappenings Trump in Sundown Towns

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They want to go back to Dred Scott
The National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) has cited the infamous 1857 Dred Scott Supreme Court decision, which stated that enslaved people weren’t citizens, to argue that Vice President Kamala Harris is ineligible to run for president according to the Constitution.
The group also challenged the right of Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley to appear on Republican primary ballots.

One of the most eye-opening and frame-changing books  is “Sundown Towns.”
The pattern that those are the towns where Trump is holding his rallies of late is so deeply disturbing.

Trump has been holding his hate rallies in sundown towns. What is a sundown town? Sundown meant that black people better be out of town when the sun goes down. All of these towns that Trump spoke in recently were or are sundown towns. Towns that practice or still practice racial segregation by excluding non whites with discriminatory laws, intimidation, or violence.

Donald Trump’s campaign is intentionally visiting “sundown towns” which violated federal law to be “whites only.
A list of sundown towns in each state if a town was a sundown town, consider helping it transcend its white supremacist past. Pennsylvania
Sundown towns are communities in the United States that have historically excluded people of color from living and working within their borders. The term comes from signs that directed “colored people” to leave town by sundown.
Here’s a doozy: Anna, Illinois – An acronymic town name reportedly stands for “Ain’t No N*****s Allowed,” reflecting its sundown status.
THREAD + Video

It’s not a coincidence that Trump keeps hosting rallies in sundown towns. Donald Trump was unhinged again today at his Johnstown, Pennsylvania rally. Don’t forget he intentionally held a rally in Tulsa on the anniversary of the massacre.

List of people granted executive clemency by Donald Trump

Trump Calls Journalists “Enemy Of The People” During Pennsylvania Rally
“Then he continued, “By the way, I hate some of these people, but I’d never kill them.
I hate ’em. No, I think, these people, honestly, I’ll be honest, I’ll be honest, I would never kill them. I would never do that.” Trump then makes the balancing motion in his hand—the movement indicating maybe—”Ah, let’s see, eh, no, I wouldn’t,” he said, seeming to play into the crowd’s response.”
The fact that this is a real quote from a real ex-president and presidential candidate in the United States of America is absolutely fucking mind-blowing. This should be immediate grounds for disqualification from running for any office.

Legacy media is obsessed with the horse race to see who is up or who is landing a punch on whom, rather than providing the information necessary for the public to reach rational conclusions.
Today’s press is pushing billionaires agenda and profits.

The owner of Coors is funding the anti-union agenda of Project 2025. If you’re buying beer for Labor Day, remember to leave these beers on the shelf:
Coors Light, Fosters, Icehouse
Keystone Light, Miller
Milwaukee’s Best
Olde English

Federal investigators suspected that Egypt may have bribed Trump with $10 million in cash

Former Trump WH Comms Director @Scaramucci:
“Nobody wants [Harris] to win more than me, Maybe Melania Trump. That could be the only person I think of. Because she hates [Trump]…
I’ve met one person that actually hates Trump more than Melania, that’s General Milley. He’s the only guy I’ve met so far that actually hates him more than Melania”

McConnell claimed that if Democrats get rid of the filibuster, “they’ll admit the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as two new states — that’s four Democratic senators in
perpetuity — and then they’ll go after the Supreme Court.

GOP: If We Can’t Win, We’ll Cheat. If We Can’t Cheat, We’ll Intimidate
Republicans have come to genuinely believe that they cannot retain political power without resorting to morally criminal, nakedly unethical voter suppression tactics.

Project 2025 Would Harm Abortion Rights Worldwide | No matter who wins the election, Christian nationalism is growing within the United States, and this has global repercussions. We ignore it at our peril.

FUN FACT: The company Rudy Giuliani partnered with for his
“Rudy’s Coffee,” Burke Brands LLC, which is involved in the production or distribution of his coffee, has filed for bankruptcy.

Despite Trump’s strenuous efforts to block it, including a threatened lawsuit, the controversial movie “The Apprentice” that shows him assaulting his first wife will be released on October 11th — before the November election. Will you go see it?

I’d like to train the A.I. please.
Hal? Hal? Hal? Hal? Hal? Hal? Hal? Hal?

Why A.l. Isn’t Going to Make Art
We are all products of what has come before us, but it’s by living our lives in
interaction with others that we bring meaning into the world. That is something that an auto-complete algorithm can never do, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
~ Ted Chiang

On September 1, 1946, Julia and Paul Child were married.
From OSS to omelettes! Today we celebrate Julia & Paul Child, who met as WWII agents before conquering the culinary world.

Why haven’t the New York Times and Washington Post written prominent stories about the Republican Party telling more lies than any other major party to ever participate in a U.S. presidential election?
It’s obviously true, and important. Why are NYT and WaPo afraid to say that?

The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda.
It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth. ~ Garry Kasparov

IVANKA “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy– they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.” — The Great Gatsby (1925)

The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the Innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because thev control the minds of the masses.
~ malcolm X,

Russian style of online disinformation, “Firehose of Falsehood”, is extremely effective and harmful to Western democracies.
“This constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.
A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such a people, deprived of the power to think and judge, is, without knowing and willing it, completely subjected to the rule of lies. With such a people, you can do whatever you want.” ~Hannah Arendt, (Oct, 1906 – Dec, 1975) German historian and philosopher

Before Musk took over, Twitter used to send blocking order’s it received to the @lumendatabase at Harvard.
Researchers could comb through the data, spot trends, & do really interesting comparative work. Not anymore.

The New Covid Vaccine Is Out. Why You Might Not Want To Rush To Get It.
People who pay out-of-pocket (for COVID shot) at pharmacies face higher prices: CVS plans to sell the updated vaccine for $201.99
What did the U.S. govt pay before? $10-15 per dose.
Price hike is mostly due to pharmacy-benefit-managers price gouging.

The seven swing states, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin hold a total of 90 electoral votes that could ultimately decide who ends up in the White House. Pennsylvania holds the most electoral votes out of these states with 19.

Christian ministries are suing the IRS because they want to endorse political candidates without losing their tax exemptions. And they’re strategically filing their lawsuit in a part of Texas that guarantees they’ll get a Trump-appointed judge.

That cardboard box in your home is fueling election denial…
A boom in profits for the shipping supply giant Uline has provided the funds for a deeply conservative Midwestern family to bankroll anti-democracy causes around the coutry.

Russia Is Buying Politicians in Europe. Is It Happening Here Too?
A former CIA officer explains how a vast, pro-Putin corruption network uncovered in Europe is a warning sign for the U.S.
Craig Unger @craigunger
As I wrote in House of Trump, House of Putin and American Kompromat, Trump made millions laundering the money of the Russian Mafia through Trump real estate and he was cultivated as an asset by the KGB starting in 1980. @newrepublic
2017: Trump’s Russian Laundromat
Trump Tower & other luxury high-rises used to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House

The mystery of the missing binder: How a collection of raw Russian intelligence disappeared under Trump. A binder containing highly classified information related to Russian election interference went missing at the end of Donald Trump’s presidency, raising alarms among intelligence officials that some of the most closely guarded national security secrets from the US and its allies could be exposed, sources familiar with the matter told CNN.

Finally, a Federal Court Hits Back Hard at Big Tech on Section 230
Social media platforms have borne no responsibility for the lies and hate they spread. But starting this week, that may change.

Over 94% of the total #Bitcoin supply has now been issued.
Those wild sats are getting scarcer by the minute!
Digital scarcity at its finest

1. @BoringSleuth 7/30/25
Ethereum Address’ (Wallets) like this are why I continue to believe the $BONDLY exploit was an inside job, and that @animocabrands is directly tied to the sanctioned Hacking group #Lazarus, who is left to roam Web3 free, masked in a North Korean Fear Mask.
Animoca Brands is one of Crypto’s largest Venture Capitalist firms… $PLUS Where did that money come from!? That is a logical question to ask after seeing who they are connected to on-chain.
Make sure to read the full conversation below between me and @bondly founder Harry Liu. Much more to come.

2. @BoringSleuth 8/5/24
Former Silk Road and Mt. Gox Investigators, who had access to Mt. Gox’s site and keys to their Bitcoin wallets, leave Government Agencies to become Crypto Venture Capitalists, working for Top VC company Andreessen Horowitz, and Security companies like @chainalysis
Did you know that many of the Original Mt. Gox Special Agents later left Government positions, taking positions with Crypto firms, and are now major VC’s and Miners?
Blake Benthall – who was arrested for running Mt. Gox 2.0, cut a deal to stay out of Prison and work for the Government.

3. BoringSleuth 8/30/24 Space X and Elon’s alarming ties to the Darkest Money in the East
SpaceX is sending Satofishi (Chun Wang) to Space, a Chinese Born, early Chinese Mining Pool founder, Maltese citizen who has some of the darkest Crypto ties to money, and money laundering, that I’ve ever seen.

SpaceX, and Elon’s ties to Dark crypto money don’t start, nor stop there.
4. @BoringSleuth 9/1/24
Ex Silk Road 1.0 and 2.0 informants become Crypto Founders, taking on investments from ex-Federal Agents, while sending funds between hacking groups Lazarus, the FTX and Ronin Drainer. Meanwhile a corrupt agents Bitcoin ends up being Ethereum’s ICO’s largest investor. 1 month ago, I showed you that Silk Road 1.0 employee Curtis Green, cut a deal with Federal Agents to avoid prison, after being arrested for his role at Silk Road while @RealRossU was there. Ross is serving 2 life sentences after being given an unfair trial. Curtis Green went on to advise for Crypto defi Platform NIX. Xix’s Team wallets send crypto back and forth with Lazarus. Silk Road 2.0 founder Blake Benthall,

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