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She is back…….
There’s a shark! You know what I’d do?

We have 70 days until Nov 5. There are 70 days to *do something*
RFK Jr.’s sister Kerry Kennedy to stump in Phoenix for Harris after brother endorses Trump.

Hang on – so the US democracy is running on Chinese chips? Probably not going to go down well. Pelosi, Clinton and Feinstein already knew.
Dominion failed to disclose to Congress that the motherboard in the election equipment is not only sourced from China, but it is tested in China. From Leaf’s letter here. This is a clear, gross violation of several federal laws. Dominion is toast.
Globalist Rupert Murdoch and Fox caved to Dominion because Murdoch knew this information would be revealed at trial and the rigging of the election would be exposed for the whole world to witness…
When Dominion sued Fox for a gajillion dollars and Fox settled it was so there would be no discovery and to scare anyone else to even think about talking bad about Dominion. I’m sure Fox didn’t lose any money to Dominion. In the state of Michigan, the Dominion password to access all data was top-secret super safe and could never be broken. It was 123456.

READ THE WHOLE THING — Whose mom worked with Phyllis Schlafly?
Ginni’s mom, Marjorie Lamp Marjorie Lamp of Nebraska STOP ERA running for state leg. in 1972
Michael Flynn’s mom
Christina Pushaw?
In 1972, Schlafly founded the Eagle Forum, a conservative political interest group, and remained its chairwoman and CEO until her death in 2016. 1967: Phyllis Schlafly launched the Eagle Trust Fund for donations.
1972: Eagle Forum founded “Stop ERA” Started Eagle Forum Newsletter
1975: Stop ERA was renamed the Eagle Forum
Schlafly Eagle, Ed Martin Ed  (Missouri politician) “Ed Martin was an organizer of the Stop the Steal movement and was involved in the planning and financing the Stop the Steal protest on January 6th…”
“CNP member Ed Martin is President of America’s Future (where Mike Flynn is chairman), and President of the Schlafly Eagles, which gave Flynn a “Jack Singlaub Service to America” award, *after* he had pleaded guilty…”
#CNP Schlafly Eagle Council’s sedition conference in a few weeks, Mike Flynn will give the “Singlaub Award for Service to America” to KASH PATEL, who worked with @EzraACohen to steal classified information for @DevinNunes.

Michael Bloomberg just contributed $19 million to support Kamala Harris’ campaign. Let’s go.

WEALTH Tax evasion by millionaires and billionaires tops $150 billion a year, says IRS chief
If the 1% just paid the taxes they owed, with no new tax laws, it would generate enough money to lift everyone currently in poverty above the poverty line.

Why are things expensive?
4 companies control 55% to 85% of the meat market.
4 airlines control 80% of air travel.
3 companies control 92% of the soda market.
3 companies control 73% of the cereal market.
Why don’t I hear about it?
6 companies control 90% of the news.

How the IRS went soft on billionaires and corporate tax cheats
Data shows the IRS unit that audits corporations & the ultrarich flagged no more than 22 possible tax crimes over the past 5 years — roughly 40 times fewer criminal referrals than from the unit covering small businesses.

After FTC What’s the worst that could happen? civil case: Criminal prosecution and 25-year prison sentence for CEO.

#LaborRightsWeek Your boss is not allowed to take your passport and refuse to give it back. For more information, call 1-866-487-2365 to speak with us confidentially in over 200 languages.

Nasdaq seeks SEC approval to list and trade Nasdaq Bitcoin Index Options (XBTX).

Bitcoin Exchange Reserves are at all time lows.
Either: – Exchanges will have to bring their own inventory onto the exchange to support the inventory needs (@binance started today)
– The price will need to be raised to promote selling.

K12 Education in the news: VIDEO Cost of Cyber Crime in the K12 Classroom
Concerns about digital security in schools are rising as hackers use ransomware to encrypt and steal student data, demanding payment for its return. Calls for stronger defenses and enhanced cybersecurity education are growing to counter these increasing threats.

The Unequal Effects of School Closings
If we understood the unnecessary chaos we introduce into the lives of students, parents, teachers & communities when we shutter schools, we’d close a lot less.

Bottom line: families shouldn’t also be priced out of public goods. If we’re serious about an agenda that lowers costs for working families, things like free community college need to be right at the top of the list. Consider: for poor and working class families, the NET price of a community college program represents 3/4 of their annual income.

Did you know 30 years ago is now called the “dark ages” ? Due to how fast we have embraced technology into our everyday lives.

How the DOJ is using a Civil War-era law to enforce corporate cybersecurity
The program is an extension of DOJ’s long-running effort to hold accountable contractors that defraud the government. It is built around the 1863 False Claims Act, which creates civil penalties for someone seeking federal payments who misrepresents the quality of services being provided to the government. The law — a response to widespread dishonesty by Civil War contractors who sold the Union Army sick horses, faulty weapons and spoiled food — includes a provision that financially rewards corporate whistleblowers who report their employers’ fraud.

The cyber-fraud initiative predates the release of Biden’s cyber strategy, but the administration sees it as a logical extension of the strategy’s goals.

On Feb 24, 2022, as Russia invaded Ukraine, Hackers-Arise joined the most sophisticated cyberwar in history. Discover how we disrupted Russian networks and supported Ukraine’s resistance. As many of you know, Hackers-Arise played an active hacking and critical leadership role in the first year of the Ukraine/Russia Cyberwar. Hackers at Hackers-Arise and others allied with us, were able to shut down the Internet access to many major government and business facilities in the early weeks of the war. This may have been the largest DDoS attack in history! Russian officials have vowed retribution on us. We made it very difficult for government facilities in Russia to communicate with each other and limited the Internet access from many major companies in Russia such as the Moscow Stock Exchange.

DOJ is suing Georgia Tech for allegedly failing to protect computer systems used on military contracts and lying to DOD about its security posture: Lawsuit is part of DOJ’s Civil Cyber-Fraud Initiative, which I wrote about in May

An anti-Putin hacker collective has breached Yandex Cloud Server & has begun releasing its data. Yandex is the largest search engine in Russia. A significant part of Yandex is thought to be controlled & managed by Russian intelligence.  Russia is losing.

New 0-Day Attacks Linked to China’s ‘Volt Typhoon’
Researchers believe the activity is linked to Volt Typhoon, a Chinese cyber espionage group focused on infiltrating critical U.S. networks and laying the groundwork for the ability to disrupt communications between the United States and Asia during any future armed conflict with China.

Company: Pick a password.
Comp: No, a stronger PW.
Comp: Stronger!
Comp: You used that PW 8 years ago.
Comp: Finally. Now do 2FA and select pics that don’t show monkeys.
*Five minutes later*
Comp: We regret to inform you your data has been breached and posted to the dark web.

In 2008, I shifted the presidential election by exposing how GOP candidate John McCain accepted an endorsement from Christians United For Israel head & founder John Hagee, whose 2005 sermon (broadcast globally) claimed Hitler was an agent sent by God, to persecute Europe’s Jews. These “Christian United for Israel” are to this day Israel’s most uncritical US base of support, and they’re still pumping out anti-Jewish propaganda. The most politically dominant MAGA pro-Trump Christian faction today is the NAR movement, which promotes the conspiracy theory…

Reading up on Lynn Conway, this woman is unbelievable.
Specifically, she (in order):
1. Worked at IBM and invented superscaler CPU architecture (ie, the thing that intel lives by for modern performance)
2. Transitioned and started over in 1968, when it was stealth or death
3. Joined Xerox PARC, where she invented VLSI and modern silicon design
Modern chips exist because of her.

Thirteen of the 47 commercial radio operators in Japan have shut off their AM transmitters to see what effect the temporary end of those broadcasts will have.


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