ECP NetHappenings Guess who gets to certify the presidential election results

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COWARD Donald Trump admits he is trying to back out of the debate.

Q: Guess who gets to certify the presidential election results or NOT certify them!!!!!!
A: Kamala Harris

The electoral college was put in to protect white male slaveowners.
Nothing has changed. We need to get Kamala elected and then we need to start demanding some real structural changes. If we’re not going back, we need to scorch the earth behind us.
U.S. presidential campaigns have historically been marathons, starting YEARS before Election Day. But not this year. Kamala Harris’ late entry means her campaign against Trump will last less than FOUR MONTHS.
Who thinks we should have a short election campaign EVERY cycle?


The federal courts are full of judges who could retire but won’t. Little can be done about it.

Donald Trump claims he created VA Choice. This is false. The Choice program, which allows veterans to see doctors outside the government-run VA system at taxpayer expense, was first passed in 2014 under President Barack

Trump dodged the draft w a fake diagnosis of bone spurs. The Dr was a tenant of Fred and Donald and his 2 daughters confirmed it. That’s all you need to know.

The Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) has said it is parting company with Wuxi AppTec, while voicing support for US legislation that would block Chinese biotechs from federal funding and contracts on national security grounds. House’s updated biosecurity bill sets 2032 decoupling deadline for industry’s work with WuXi AppTec, WuXi Biologics.
The U.S.’s current foreign adversaries per the U.S. Code are China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Russia. The legislation would apply to federal agencies such as the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and HHS, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health and the FDA. WuXi shares jump after BIOSECURE Act’s exclusion from defense spending bill.

the Strange Effects of the Flu on Social Behavior
The flu hijacks your brain and makes you more sociable in the 48 hours before you get sick enough to realize you’re infected

Axon, the company behind Tasers and body cameras, is selling an AI tool that writes police reports for cops
Really interesting how this was folded into Axon’s taser/bodycam contract renewals with local police agencies. Last month, a city councilmember in Fresno was worried about AI being used for report writing, without any public dialogue or policy discussion.

Do not give smartphones to children under 11, EE tells parents
The new guidance comes as campaigners and MPs have urged tougher action to be taken on children’s mobile phone usage. The EE advice recommends that primary school children are not given smartphones with access to the internet and social media sites, but “limited capability devices” which only allow them to text and call. When parents choose to give smartphones to children aged 16 or below, the company advises enabling parental control features and, if under 13, restricting access to social media. EE said these steps aim to “safeguard children in the digital world”. Recent reports have suggested that excessive smartphone use could be linked to mental health issues among teenagers and unrestricted internet access might expose young children to online harm.

Biden-Harris Administration Awards $25.5 Million in New Grants to Combat Impact of Climate Change on Drinking Water Infrastructure

Court permanently blocks environmental civil rights protections for Louisiana’s Black communities

Day 1 of Exposing the Abusers and Grifters who Shaped the Pentecostal Church 1/6 on the father of Pentecostalism, Charles Fox Parham, who was a grifter, KKK supporter, staunch segregationist and anti-Semite, and sexual abuser who was convicted of r*ping a young boy.

NoelCaslerComedy @caslernoel
My tweets are all aimed at the two sanctioned Russian oligarchs that loaned Elon Musk the money to buy twitter so he could protect their money laundering idiot and Putin’s bitch, Donald J. Trump. That’s the gig. There’s no other reason to be here. Trump keeps bitching that his campaign ‘spent a great deal of money fighting Biden’ which isn’t true, he pocketed the money that MAGA dumbasses sent him but it’s a great excuse to cover the missing funds. Dude knows one thing and it’s how to be a crook and not get caught.
“The old man was dumb as a box of rocks and everyone knew it. He wanted to get high, hit on women and for music to play when he walked into a room. The baubles and pageantry filled the hole in his narcissistic heart. His needs were immediate and his soul so broken that he was like a lost traveler stumbling through a desert of desire – just looking to slake his never-ending thirst moment by moment. This made him wide open for manipulation, a trait the Russian mobsters he went into business with in the early 90’s had been exploiting for decades.”

Does Telegram have encryption or doesn’t it?
Telegram clearly fails to meet this stronger definition for a simple reason: it does not end-to-end encrypt conversations by default.
When our thread showing Telegrams Teams on-chain connections comes out, you will not only see their ties to the corrupt Globalist cartel, Lazarus, and several publicly known Hacker wallet addresses’, but also links to some of the Globalist Influencers who are telling you this is about Free Speech while omitting the charges filed against their Founder. Despite what @Snowden @elonmusk and @TuckerCarlson may say, there is no indication this has ANYTHING to do with content moderation.
In the meantime, take a moment to educate yourself of how Telegram operates in a cash poor state, receiving funding from mostly anonymous or shady entities.

French President Emmanuel Macron states that Telegram CEO Pavel @Durov’s arrest was part of a judicial inquiry, dismissing any political motives.Even without details of his alleged crimes, the arrest has already sparked backlash from many high-profile figures calling for his release, including @elonmusk

charges against Pavel Durov has been published:
– Complicity – Administration of an online platform to allow an illegal transaction in an organised band,
– Refusal to communicate, at the request of the authorised authorities, the information or documents necessary for the realisation and exploitation of interceptions authorised by law,
– Complicity – Detention of the image of a minor of a child-pornographic nature,
– Complicity – Dissemination, offer or making available in an organised tape of images of a minor of a pornographic nature,
– Complicity – Acquisition, transport, holding, offer or disposal of narcotic products,
– Complicity – Offer, assignment or making available without legitimate reason of equipment, an instrument, a program or data designed or adapted for the attack and access to the operation of an automated data processing system,
– Complicity – Organised gang scam, – Association of criminals with a view to committing a crime or offence punishable by 5 years of imprisonment at least, – Money laundering of crimes or offences in organised gangs, – Provision of cryptology services to ensure confidentiality functions without a declaration of conformity, – Provision of a cryptological means not exclusively ensuring authentication or integrity control functions without prior declaration, – Import of a cryptology means that does not exclusively perform authentication or integrity control functions without prior declaration.

OPEN SOURCE COPYLEFT #Today in 1991, 21-year-old Linus Torvalds introduces Linux in an online post.

‘Never summon a power you can’t control’: Yuval Noah Harari on how AI could threaten democracy and divide the world | Artificial intelligence (AI)
Throughout history many traditions have believed that some fatal flaw in human nature tempts us to pursue powers we don’t know how to handle. The Greek myth of Phaethon told of a boy who discovers that he is the son of Helios, the sun god. Wishing to prove his divine origin, Phaethon demands the privilege of driving the chariot of the sun. Helios warns Phaethon that no human can control the celestial horses that pull the solar chariot. But Phaethon insists, until the sun god relents. After rising proudly in the sky, Phaethon indeed loses control of the chariot. The sun veers off course, scorching all vegetation, killing numerous beings and threatening to burn the Earth itself. Zeus intervenes and strikes Phaethon with a thunderbolt. The conceited human drops from the sky like a falling star, himself on fire. The gods reassert control of the sky and save the world.

Hound of Hounslow: Who is Navinder Sarao, the ‘flash crash trader’?
Former stock market trader Navinder Sarao has been sentenced to a year of home detention for helping trigger a brief $1tn (£770bn) stock market crash. Dubbed the “Hound of Hounslow” in an ironic reference to the famous “Wolf of Wall Street” fraudster, the Briton was shown leniency by a Chicago judge due to the extraordinary circumstances of his case.

According to Bloomberg, Russia will use a national payment card system to exchange between rubles and cryptocurrencies on September 1. If the trial is successful, the Moscow Exchange and the St. Petersburg Currency Exchange may be allowed to establish cryptocurrency platforms.

The changing role of the US dollar
The U.S. dollar is the world’s dominant currency. However, amid rising geopolitical fragmentation, conflicts over international trade and finance, and populist backlash against globalization in many Western democracies, there is persistent speculation that the dollar’s status is at risk. This post explains the role of the U.S. dollar in the global economy and the debate over its future.

Inside Ziklag, the Christian-Right Group Trying to Sway the 2024 Election

Koch Industries remains the top donor to Sedition Caucus members, contributing $1.63 million to 105 members.

TWITTER The full list of X Holdings Corp. shareholders included in the court filing, unsealed, is listed


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