ECP NetHappenings Kamala Harris for President

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Kamala Harris for President

This election is not only the most important of our lives, it is one of the most important in the life of our nation. In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man—but the consequences of putting him back in the White House are extremely serious. And we’re not going back.

Stock market SURGES on Fed rate cut news — and the Dow is nearing another record all-time high.
So much for all the Trumpers cheering for a recession.

Billionaires have gotten $3 trillion richer since the Trump tax scam.
And some of you are worried about taxing the wealth gains of those worth over $100 million.
Be serious. #Brainworms4Trump Roadkill eater and sexual assaulter, Worm boy RFK Jr & demented Don-Old deserve each other. Both are in a self-sabotaging #PoliticalDeathSpiral that they cannot pull out of. Bobby will go down in history as the man who disgraced his father’s great name! They can have a 3-way with Musk.


#COVID tests (4 per address) will once again be offered by the US government, starting late September 2024, according to Biden HHS The tests will be available via when ready.

The inevitable embrace of the Trump campaign by RFK Jr. will see one of the Covid-era’s most prominent (+ promoted) skeptics embrace the man whose administration established the early Covid policies and Military-run Op Warp Speed. What a world and what a disappointment.


“Kamala Harris rose to the occasion with a perfect nominating acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. I’ve never seen a nominee target their political objectives so precisely.”

“Wonder why grocery prices are still high? So does the US government,” per KXAN of NBC.
After surging to 13.5% in August 2022, year-over-year grocery inflation stood at 1.1% in June of 2024.

Why wouldn’t we choose the leader that’s tough, tested and a total badass?” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer gives Donald Trump a visual. Get outta here. Scram. A strong woman, Kamala Harris, will lead this nation and restore our joy and our freedoms! #YesWeKam #HarrisWalz2024

“One thing that struck me is that the DNC was deeply patriotic. From the pledge of allegiance, to the chants of “USA.” Harris loves this country. And her mantra was freedom—that theme, and in general, the sort of idea that Republicans are in your business, and that’s not okay. She flipped the script.”

As a former MAGA activist and pundit: I worked very hard to ensure Sec. Clinton was not elected. I made vitriolic, abhorrent remarks about her, publicly and privately; I was wrong, I acknowledge my mistake, and want to apologize to Sec. Clinton. I will not repeat my errors with VP Harris; it’s why I agreed, without hesitation, to serve as a co-chair of the Republicans for Harris FL team.


[Trump] plans to create a national anti-abortion coordinator and force states to report on women’s miscarriages and abortions. Simply put, they are out of their minds.” Vice President Kamala Harris

Was anyone else aware that Justice Samuel Alito was awarded Knight Grand Cross of Merit under the Sacred Military Order of Saint George? I wasn’t either, but here he is (highlighted in red)
How did I even get here? Well, it all started with my curiosity about who previously owned Leonard Leo’s home in Maine. An individual by the name of J. Peter Grace was the previous owner. J. Peter Grace was the president of W.R. Grace Company. He was also the president of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and involved in Project Paperclip, which brought Nazi scientists to the United States.
o it would only be fitting if Leonard Leo bought the home of a former Knight of Malta because he, himself, is also a Knight.

Husted Watch:
I see Ohio’s Lt. Gov came out of his hole to attack Kamala Harris again.
So, as promised, let me reveal a 3d detail about this career politician’s disastrous record.
Not that long ago, our schools were ranked among the finest in the nation (top 5).

Trump is going to virtually station JD Vance in Pennsylvania for the rest of the campaign shows that his path to the presidency is becoming PA or nothing.

Multiple Secret Service officials have been put on leave for their actions leading up to and responding to the assassination attempt on former President Trump. Those on leave include the head of the Pittsburgh field office, whose office was responsible for coordinating the security plan in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13.


UCS’s Liza Gordon Rogers explains how disinformation, harassment, and lack of resources are driving high turnover among election officials, which can erode institutional knowledge and harm voters. The good news: federal and state governments can help.


“Housing Cartel” RealPage’s algorithmic pricing software
The Justice Department, together with the Attorneys General of North Carolina, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Minnesota, Oregon, Tennessee, and Washington, filed a civil antitrust lawsuit today against RealPage Inc. for its unlawful scheme to decrease competition among landlords in apartment pricing and to monopolize the market for commercial revenue management software that landlords use to price apartments.

“Elon Musk suggested that ‘civil war’ was inevitable in response to false claims about the recent UK riots,” sparking a “diplomatic firestorm.” The British government has “condemned his actions, with one official complaining that Musk was ‘accountable to no one.’” 8/8/24
Countries Can’t Stop Elon Musk Stoking ‘Civil War’—But We Can

ICYMI, “lies amplified & spread by algorithms long before the facts have been reported” sparked massive riots in the UK this summer. 8/18/24 Inciting rioters in Britain was a test run for Elon Musk. Just see what he plans for America – Carole Cadwalladr

World Bank halts paid advertising on X after CBS News finds its promoted ad under racist content and Nazi accounts


Timing isn’t everything when you’re ahead of the curve. Even with the worst timing, being early in Bitcoin and Ethereum adoption has its rewards. And guess what? We’re just at the start of this bull cycle.

Per Fed Chair Jerome Powell says “the time has come for policy to adjust”. Lower interest rates are coming…please hold. Bitcoin doesn’t care what Powell says. BEST quote of the year: ‘All Sin Goes To Zero Against Bitcoin & everything is sinful”
Bitcoin’s scale invariance is more than a mathematical curiosity—it’s a testament to its revolutionary design. Unlike gold and the S&P 500, which show inconsistencies across different scales, Bitcoin’s price behavior remains robust and predictable no matter how you measure it.

The best VPN routers of 2024

@ReggieMiddleton is the Founder of DeFi creating it in 2014 on Bitcoin years before Ethereum, as seen below on CNBC and the Keiser Report.
US11196566B2 has been cited 130 times by Ripple, Coinbase, NASDAQ, Wells Fargo, Mastercard, TD, RBC, IBM, Sony, etc…
He sued Coinbase & Circle for $350 million each for patent infringement.
More info threaded below.
Patent #’s US11196566B2, US11895246B2, JP6813477B2, JP7204231B2


Gen Michael Hayden Predictions? In less than three months, there is an election for the President of the United States. I believe it is the most important election since 1860 and the start of the Civil War. Recently, the Oxford Dictionary’s word of the year was post-truth, where facts are less influential than emotion and personal belief. It is a departure from the Enlightenment which values experience, the centrality of fact, humility and study. The Enlightenment is the foundation of American Democracy.

“Lex Fridman” is Alexei Fedotov born August 15, 1986 in Moscow, Russia.
Father Alexander Fridman Russian and Soviet physicist and mathematician. He originated the pioneering theory.

Amazing @BW story about how a privately-controlled city in Laos has become a major hub for drugs and crypto scamming.
This is the #NetworkState model: Kick out the locals and establish a “special economic zone” outside of the law. And then… free link

They know who you are. It’s time to uncover who they are.
Surveillance Watch is an interactive map revealing the intricate connections between surveillance companies, their funding sources and affiliations.

Meredith Whittaker @mer__edith
DeepMind employees, from executive leadership on down, were a huge part of rejecting Google’s Project Maven, selling AI targeting/surveillance to the US military.
They’re the heart of AI talent at Google, and again they’re speaking from a place of rare & significant expertise. Exclusive: workers inside Google DeepMind are pushing the company to drop military contracts, amid rising tensions over the company’s relationship with Israel.
“Nearly 200 workers inside Google DeepMind, the company’s A1 division,
signed a letter calling on the tech giant to drop its contracts with
military organizations earlier this year, according to a copy of the document
reviewed by TIME and five people with knowledge of the matter. The letter
circulated amid growing concerns inside the A1 lab that its technology is being sold to militaries engaged in warfare, in what the workers say is a violation of Google’s own A1 rules.
The letter is a sign of a growing dispute within Google between at least some workers in its A1 division—which has pledged to never work on military technology—and its Cloud business, which has contracts to sell Google services, including A1 developed inside DeepMind, to several governments and militaries including those of Israel and the United States. The signatures represent some 5% of DeepMind’s overall headcount—a small portion to be sure, but a significant level of worker unease for an industry where topmachine learning talent is in high demand.”

GOOGLE AI This week, in a genuinely stunning series of events, a bill that was written to save local journalism from big tech was gutted in a backroom deal—and wound up bailing out Google and *boosting AI* instead. You can’t make this stuff up. Here’s how it happened.

#SCOTUSIsCorrupt #ScotusBoughtAndPaidFor
SUPREME CULT must be stopped!

Ginni Thomas’ Republican Connections Raise Ethics Concerns for SCOTUS

SCOTUS legalized bump stocks—which enabled the Vegas shooter to hit 500 people in 11 minutes, murdering 60. In light of fraudulent SCOTUS Justice Neil Gorsuch threatening @POTUS to “be careful,” I will remind him that he LEGALIZED MACHINE GUNS five months before the most fraught election since 1860 based on Mike Flynn’s amicus briefs. This is a Supreme Cult.

Clarence Thomas accepted a free yacht trip to Russia and got flown out on a complimentary helicopter ride to Putin’s hometown, 2 Democratic senators say

Neil Gorsuch, as well as the five other justices who violated the constitution, lied in their confirmation hearings about upholding precedent only to overturn roe, etc., should be arrested and detained.


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