ECP NetHappenings Yesterday Biden Just Called Trump Convicted Felon

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Repeat after me: Trump is a convicted felon.
Today the racist orange convicted felon is expected to have a hate rally in Howell, Michigan which is regarded as the KKK’s HQ in that state. Of all places, that’s where he chose. It isn’t a coincidence, he’s saying it out loud.

Regarding the “assassination attempt” photo op? Trump said we have to get over shootings, so we’re over it.

Alan Greenspan, @MSNBC Andrea Mitchell’s husband, was born in 1926 (exact date not specified). As of the current year (2024), he would be approximately 98 years old. She still speaks his talking points at 77 years old! We need someone from this century!!!! Get rid of her. #DoSomething

Three Members of the Supreme Court were on George Bush’s legal team when Roger Stone conducted a “riot” that stopped a recount that would have given the presidency to Al Gore. SCOTUS upheld the steal. They will do it again.
Elephant in the Room
If we allow SCOTUS back in the building, we will be in either 1933 or 1861

The Con at the Core of the Republican Party THE LONGEST CON
The conservative movement’s total abandonment of even the appearance of principles has been decades in the making.

This is a remarkable advertisement because I can’t detect any hyperbole in it, the topic is a candidate for the highest office and it’s not possible to get it down to under 120 seconds. Watch.

President Biden’s DNC speech has been met with nearly universal praise, except by The New York Times, which chose to put a negative spin on it.
The media is the only thing keeping Trump’s campaign alive.
Trump keeps calling Kamala a communist while his first wife Ivana can from communist Czechoslovakia and her father was an informant for communist StB security services, a satellite of KGB. Meanwhile, Trump’s 3rd wife came from communist Slovenia with her father who dealt with the communist party of Yugoslavia
Remember that Trump’s mentor was Roy Cohn, infamous mob lawyer who started the Red Scare. Calling everyone ‘communist’ and ruining their lives, for his own political gain.
How would the media react if Kamala Harris had 5 children from 3 different men, who she all cheated with, and then had sex with porn star that she paid to keep secret?

JUST IN Trump says he would offer Elon Musk a cabinet role if elected President.
Loaning Elon Musk $13B to buy Twitter is now the worst financial decision big banks have made since the 2008-2009 housing crisis.

Hollywood for Harris: Meet the Political Consultants Advising Celebrities on How to Leverage Their Star Power for Maximum Effect
The Harris campaign has been in touch with the agencies to find clients to reach particular audiences. “If a campaign is looking to mobilize Gen Z voters at a rally in Michigan, we can take that to a Gen Z influencer who really resonates with that audience and is looking to get involved,” Kaplan says.
Clients are also coming to the agency looking for opportunities to help. “We tailor a custom, bespoke strategy for our clients, so they’re maximizing their impact,” Kaplan says.

Democrats Fail To Mention Crypto In Platform #CryptoTownHall.
President Kamala will accelerate our wildest hopes and dreams.
@mattkratter Kamala: The Real Bitcoin Candidate
In this video, I discuss why I am endorsing Kamala Harris to be the next president of the United States of America. While Trump comes close, Kamala is truly the accelerationist’s dream candidate.
Perhaps the most effective path towards Bitcoin adoption will be the path of price controls, hyperinflation, and societal collapse. Otherwise, everyone is just going to keep using dollars and buying the Bitcoin spot ETFs.

Reboot America With Bitcoin

In this video, I discuss “sly round-about ways” to return US constitutional protections using modern decentralized protocols like Bitcoin, Nostr, and 3D printers. I also discuss the context surrounding my controversial video about Kamala, US dollar debasement, and Bitcoin adoption.

Mark Cuban’s response: don’t worry none of those things she’s proposing would ever actually happen. Kamala’s policies so far:
28% corporate tax
44.6% capital gains tax
Harris did not endorse an “unrealized gain” tax.
-Harris’ campaign endorsed the *increases* in tax rate on corporate tax and personal tax rate over $400k in this plan.
Vice President Kamala Harris supports the tax increases President Biden put forward in his recent budget proposal, according to her campaign. Biden’s budget plan includes a slew of revenue raisers, including a proposed 25% minimum tax on individuals with more than $100 million in wealth.

Reboot America With Bitcoin
In this video, I discuss “sly round-about ways” to return US constitutional protections using modern decentralized protocols like Bitcoin, Nostr, and 3D printers. I also discuss the context surrounding my controversial video about Kamala, US dollar debasement, and Bitcoin adoption.

Portfolio Backtester
Welcome to testfolio! This is a portfolio backtesting tool that lets you construct investment portfolios and view their historical performance.

Legendary GOAT Michael Saylor
“When I’M GONE, my stock, my shares, my assets flow into a public charity whose mission is to support ₿itcoin and the adoption of ₿itcoin FOREVER.”
I hope that day doesn’t come anytime soon. And when it happens, it seems like Bitcoin open-source development is unlikely ever to be hampered by a lack of funding.

China Classifies Crypto Transactions as Money Laundering in Update to AML Law
The measures, expected to take effect on Tuesday, are part of broader efforts aimed at tightening anti-money laundering laws in China.

A #Gold Bar (400 ounces) is now worth $1M for the first time in human history. the price of gold itself rising 15% over the past year, and more than 55% over the past five years. If you get cold feet after your purchase, you’ll have to sell them off yourself: Costco’s site notes that both types of gold bars are nonrefundable.

I am Blood Rose.
I order Sequoia Capital to provide $6 billion to Elon Musk.
These funds come from Plus Token Ponzi and Cambodian drug cartels.

What did Mariam Adelson get the Medal of Freedom FOR?
GOP megadonor Miriam Adelson plans to do whatever it takes to help Trump win with $100 million PAC
Shitler gave Top donor the medal of Honor.
Sheldon Adelson gave $133M to the Shitler campaign in 2016, Miriam his wife gave $90 million to a Trump PAC.
“Donald Trump ordered one of his closest aides to bombard a billionaire Republican backer with abusive texts accusing her of employing his Republican rivals, a new report has revealed.
The angry former president targeted Miriam Adelson, one of the Republican Party’s wealthiest backers, over claims that her $100m Preserve America PAC was being run by RINOs (Republicans In Name Only),” The New York Times reported.

Americans For Tax Fairness @4TaxFairness
A judge just ruled Coca-Cola owes $16 BILLION in taxes on profits it was hiding in tax havens.
Just in case you wondered, THIS is why it’s so important to make sure the IRS has the funding it needs to catch wealthy tax cheats.
We have to hold greedy corporations accountable.

“worst deal since the financial crisis”
Banks are talking about how they will take over X-Twitter after Musk doesn’t repay the principal.
This is serious. The twitter takeover loans were such a bad deal for investment banks that some bankers are getting their annual comp cut by nearly half because they cant offload them from their books without gigantic losses.
The hung loans also have cut into some investment bankers’ annual pay.
Barclays’s top investment bankers on the mergers and acquisitions team were told at a New York dinner early last year that compensation for everyone in the room would be cut by at least 40% from the prior year. The bank had several hung deals hurting its performance but X was by far the largest, according to people familiar with the situation.
Once bankers were paid their bonuses for the year, about 50 of Barclays’s more than 200 managing directors left the firm, according to the people.
Original funding sources that helped Elon buy Twitter.
Top banks that contributed to the $13 billion in loans:
• Morgan Stanley ($3.5 billion)
• Bank of America, Barclays, and MUFG ($2.7 billion each)
• BNP Paribas ($650M)
• Mizuho ($475M)
• Societe Generale ($275M)
AND THE REST of the Money
Elon Musk (personal funds) $27 billion
Larry Ellison $1 billion
Prince Alwaleed bin Talal $1.89 billion
Qatar Investment Authority $375 million
Binance $500 million $800 million
Sequoia Capital $700 million
VyCapital $400 million
Andreessen Horowitz $13 billion

Women got the right to vote 104 years ago this week.
Billionaire Peter Thiel says that’s a bad thing, claiming the U.S. has been in decline ever since “the extension of the franchise to women.”
Thiel spent $15M to elect JD Vance because he believes Vance shares his values.

A Major U.S. Defense Investor Has Links To Sanctioned Russian Oligarchs
Wait a minute! You mean to tell me Palantir and Anduril’s investors are linked to Russian oligarchs? NFW! Joe Lonsdale is one of Peter Thiel’s chuds, a nightmare sociopath, and, you know, clearly Russian af. Make it stop.

The Enigma of Peter Thiel
There Is No Enigma — He’s a Fascist
Thiel’s politics participates in fascism among several other hyphenated axes, as well. Looking at his biography, on consistent strand that he has a deeply elitist worldview and he’s obsessed with fantasies of power and control. This shouldn’t be surprising when you take into consideration at his childhood. Born to conservative parents in West Germany, Thiel spent his childhood in Namibia, then under administration by apartheid South Africa. His father was in charge of engineers in a uranium mine, where a black workforce from the “homelands” were lorded over by white mangers like the Thiels. Chafkin describes the working conditions of the mine:
Peter Thiel is Gay: Climbing the gay corporate ladder of the Vatican…
Former PayPal CEO Peter Thiel tells Joe Rogan approximately 80% of cardinals in the Catholic Church are gay and says “you don’t get promoted to a cardinal if you’re straight”…
Peter Thiel contributed $15 million to J.D. Vance’s Senate campaign in Ohio, marking it the largest individual donation to a single Senate race EVER.
Thiel was born in Frankfurt am Main, West Germany, on 11 October 1967, to Klaus Friedrich Thiel and his wife Susanne Thiel.
Why Doesn’t Peter Thiel Denounce Nazism?
Why is the nephew of foreign military intelligence allowed to build our defense technology?
Thiel is no ordinary American or European. His father, Klaus, was born in Germany in 1938, which means Thiel’s grandparents were German adults during World War II.

Oklahoma is specifically a testing ground for theonomy seeking Christian Dominionist CityElders
CityElders is working with Ryan Walters. Oklahoma has become a testing ground. It ranks last in education.
That’s what it looks like when Project 2025 takes over public education. Project 2025 is Christian nationalism. If Project 2025 becomes a reality, your state will look like Oklahoma.
Oklahoma has been a P2025 beta test model for two full years and some would argue 12 years now.
If Trump gains power again then Ryan will be his Education Czar.
That means what he’s trying to do here in Oklahoma will be done nationwide.
You’ve been warned.
Oklahoma 49th In Education.
Oklahoma 49th In Healthcare.
The state with the highest rates of domestic violence is Oklahoma. According to the World Population Review, about 49.1% of women in Oklahoma and 40.7% of men have experienced domestic violence in their lifetime. On average, about once every five days in Oklahoma, a person
dies from domestic violence. Dec 18, 2023
Federal agency joins criticism of Oklahoma education department’s financial controls
Whoomp! (There It Is) – 98 page Federal Report (U.S. Dept. of Education) outlining how Ryan Walters financially wrecked our Oklahoma State Dept. of Education. Did anyone ever believe this guy would be able to manage $2.72 Billion? We’ve all been duped.

Bankrate has found the average American needs an income of $186,000 to live comfortably.
Currently, the average full-time worker makes about $79,000, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

New from 404 Media: U.S. feds are quietly tapping into a half-billion encrypted messaging goldmine. European cops hacked an encrypted phone company called Sky in 2021. Now, more and more cases in the U.S. are using the hacked messages as evidence

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