ECP NetHappenings Friday Tidbits for today

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Michael Saylor July 29. 2021
“Inflation is a cancer that has killed civilizations throughout history. #Bitcoin is the cure.”

#Bitcoin is not about getting rich quickly, it’s about not getting poor slowly through inflation.

Jameson Lopp @lopp
We had a record 7 sitting members of Congress speak at Bitcoin 2024 in Nashville.
But how many of them have skin in the game?
According to their recently filed end of year 2023 disclosures none of them own bitcoin.

Prayers for sale…only $69 per year and you have a place in heaven…
how about thoughts? Can we buy pre-paid thoughts and prayers?

Matt Fleming, Florida Expert @Matt_Fleming321
This is a good find. The Knights of Malta and Opus Dei are extremist catholic death cults of mentally ill millionaires who are seeking to end all life on earth so that Jesus will return from the dead. Seriously. Both are racist, and really big supporters of Trump and the GOP.
Jim Stewartson, Counterinsurgent @jimstewartson
One of the last things Ronald Reagan did as President was attend the 900th anniversary of the Knights of Malta at the Waldorf.
He received the Order of Merit & gave a speech calling Roe v. Wade “the Dred Scot of our age” & declared the Knights “part of our natural aristocracy.”

Alina Habba’s father is in charge of the Death Cult that’s how she got her job.

Alina Habba Accidentally Admits Donald Trump Could Be Totally Bought
Donald Trump is in massive debt, and his attorney admitted he’s open to other strategies to pay it off.

Hillbilly Highlander @HillbillyHighl1
If ye tell a wummin tae “calm doon,” ye get a skelpit lug! D’ye ken the way tae get a skelpit lug fae a Scottish wummin? Tell her the Scottish equivalent; “Haud yir wheesht!” [ducks incoming rocks and shoes]

It’s that word we’ve all been searching for!
(noun) A person, usually male, prone to making outrageously stupid statements and/or inappropriate behaviour while generally having a very high opinion of their own wisdom and importance.
Oh, Scotland. The English language is forever in your debt.

Just four companies in the U.S. control:
85% of beef processing
80% of corn seed distribution
77% of fertilizer production
69% of grocery sales
Wondering why food prices are so high?
Minimal competition means maximized price-gouging.

Over 1000 republican GOP child molesters who were caught!!!

FBI raided Rappahannock County property owned by Dimitri Simes, who is currently in Russia. and

Sarah Kendzior @sarahkendzior
Howard Lutnick was a close business associate and next door neighbor of Jeffrey Epstein
Trump just announced his transition team:
Linda McMahon, Co-chair
Howard Lutnick, Co-chair
Senator JD Vance, Honorary Chair
Donald Trump Jr., Honorary Chair
Eric Trump, Honorary Chair
A true meritocracy.

Linda McMahon has been named Donald Trump’s co-chair for his transition team, presumably to implement Project 2025 if he’s elected. A reminder that Linda’s husband, Vince McMahon of the WWE, is currently the subject of a federal investigation. This stems from sexual misconduct.
HUGE: Lutnick, The CEO of the biggest financial partner of Tether, was just added to the Trump transition team.

Is Bernard Gerald Cantor(BCG) founder of Cantor Fitzgerald, related to Eric Cantor?
Gangsters don’t hire family members because they’re qualified. Gangsters hire family members because they’re less likely to talk to the FBI. – Jason Kandor

MUST READ Jason Kint @jason_kint
Bam. Facebook just filed its brief for Nov 6th SCOTUS hearing. As much as you may think you know the cover-up, you really should read. I will link to Facebook’s petition (and response when filed) along with the actual complaint moving fwd in 9th circuit. But two things. /1

Dan Price @DanPriceSeattle
Starbucks’s new CEO will make over $113 million
to move from Chipotle – about 8,000x the median employee.
At Chipotle, he made as much as $38 million a year and raised prices 6 times in 3 years.
P.S. The outgoing Starbucks CEO gets a $10 million severance for being fired.
Somehow no one ever mentions this with price increases and shrinkflation.

Great work done here on how meme coin token rugs are working on SOL
Automated meme coin rug factory

You’ve seen big rugs
You’ve seen medium rugs
But you ain’t seen this type of hyper-rugging before!

The Cover Artist writes a “Cover Story” five days after I get to close to home and they get 1.4 Million views in 12 hours. Meanwhile the Truth gets 14,000. The chosen influencers are chosen for a reason. Media on X is no different than Media on CNN or Fox.
It’s just masked differently.
Blockchain Forensics Evidence shows $4 Billion Dollar Plus Token Ponzi ended up being the original funder of North Korean Sang Man’s OFAC Sanctioned Wallets. These wallets are Directly connected to many DEFI Dev’s and Protocols, as well as the Developers and Deployers for Token Projects like Starlink, yTESLA, and ShibaINU.
Plus Token Ponzi, which was a $4 Billion Dollar Scam , was the original funder of Sanctioned, North Korean Sang Man’s Ethereum wallets: 0xb6f5ec1a0a9cd1526536d3f0426c429529471f40 & 0x97b1043abd9e6fc31681635166d430a458d14f9c
Below, you can see the trail, beginning from Left to Right. Each wallet originally funded and setup the wallet that is directly to the right, and ALL of these wallets are decentralized, user controlled and funded wallets, and are not part of an exchange.
Blockchain Forensics Evidence shows $4 Billion Dollar Plus Token Ponzi ended up being the original funder of North Korean Sang Man’s OFAC Sanctioned Wallets. These wallets are Directly connected to many DEFI Dev’s and Protocols, as well as the Developers and Deployers for Token Projects like Starlink, yTESLA, and ShibaINU.

Aug 15 Wang Dongfeng (汪东风):
I hired Paleking to launder money for Cambodian drug cartel.

Elon Musk’s financial woes at X have Tesla bulls fearing he will liquidate more stock Elon Musk’s financial headaches at X continue as advertiser’s boycott causes an 84% collapse in revenue leaving Musk admitting X could face bankruptcy and asset managers fearing he will devalue Tesla as he sells off up to $2bn of shares to prop it up.

That Stanford lecture was from April 2024 The controversial Eric Schmidt interview video
Reposts of the controversial Eric Schmidt interview video that
Stanford took private — reportedly at Schmidt’s request — are
already showing up on #YouTube. Of course. Streisand Effect in full
swing. -L

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