ECP NetHappenings Kamala Harris rally in Arizona is the largest political event in state history

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Kamala Harris rally in Arizona is the largest political event in state history.

Give voters a chance to correct their mail ballot mistakes
I made a mistake. Everyone is busy, doing and thinking about 100 things at once, and I forgot to put my ballot in the secrecy envelope inside the mailing envelope. Because of this mistake, my ballot did not count, and Butler County would not let me correct the mistake. I asked about the provisional ballot process, which was mentioned in the email. I know people who have used this before, and, if my mail ballot wasn’t to be counted anyway, why couldn’t I cast a provisional ballot? It’s an option that’s existed for more than 20 years.

Get Ready Now: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win


One of the most stunning statistics involving vouchers: when kids use vouchers to switch from public to private schools, their outcomes fall at almost twice the rate they fell through COVID…. We are paying BILLIONS for disastrous results… eriodic reminder that when Koch groups like Ginny’s push vouchers as a solution to COVID learning loss, vouchers have actually caused up to 2x the academic harm as the pandemic itself.

14 hours of never before published “training videos” for right-wing
radical Project 2025 appear online

Peter Thiel’s former attorney at PayPal, Rod Martin, sits on the advisory board of LOOR, a Christian streaming service founded by Marcus Pittman who attends Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho. The church is led by self-professed “Christian Nationalist” Doug Wilson. Another Loor advisor, CrossPolitic host David Shannon, attends Christ Church too.

Lordy, there’s a tape!
Remember what Kamala Harris said? She knew…
TRUMP: She’s so pathetic. She’s just a f*cking b*tch.
HARRIS: If you have something to say, say it to my face!
What’s shocking to me isn’t the fact that he said this, it’s that the media has normalized his racist and misogynist behavior. This should’ve ended his political career.

New: “Eradicate climate change references”; only talk to conservative media; don’t leave a paper trail for watchdogs to discover. In a series of never-before-published videos, Project 2025 details how a second Trump administration would operate.

Seth Abramson @SethAbramson
Amazing how major media never even acknowledges the non-zero chance that a year from now Donald Trump is living overseas in a nation with no extradition treaty with the United States that has in the past killed Americans and attacked America
If you think it impossible, *rethink*

Max Granger @_maxgranger
“We’re not going to sell [Saudi Arabia] more weapons. We’re going to make them pay the price, and make them the pariah that they are.” -@JoeBiden, 2020 campaign.
@kenklippenstein Aug 9
Biden/Harris admin lifts ban on U.S. sales of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia, per Reuters
In exchange for Saudi Arabia defending Israel from Iranian missiles.


HSBC, one of the world’s largest and most influential banks, holds a financial clout so immense that if it were a country, it would rank as the fifth-largest economy globally. Established in 1865 during the peak of the Opium Wars, HSBC was originally founded to facilitate the British Empire’s trade with China, specifically to capitalize on the lucrative opium trade. Over time, HSBC has evolved into a global banking giant with operations in over 60 countries, but its origins are deeply rooted in the controversial and often exploitative practices of colonial-era trade.

Despite its growth into a major financial institution, HSBC has been embroiled in numerous scandals, particularly concerning its role in facilitating the movement of illicit funds. The bank’s vast and complex network has, on multiple occasions, been used to launder money for drug cartels, terrorist organizations, and corrupt officials. A 2012 investigation by the U.S. Senate found that HSBC had enabled the laundering of billions of dollars in drug money from Mexico and had connections to other criminal activities worldwide. This led to a historic $1.9 billion fine, yet the bank’s operations continued largely unimpeded, highlighting the difficulty in regulating such a powerful institution. HSBC’s history and actions underscore the challenges in the global financial system, where immense power can sometimes lead to complicity in illegal activities on a massive scale.
Uncovering HSBC’s Dark Financial Empire: The Untouchable Bank
terrific video channel

The UK’s Serious Fraud Office has charged Glencore’s billionaire former head of oil trading Alex Beard with conspiring to make corrupt payments to benefit the commodities company’s oil operations in West Africa, @guardian reported.

Motion-induced blindness: test for the severity of ADHD

Scientists Revealed a Healthier Way to Cook Broccoli – But There’s a Catch
In recent years, broccoli has gained a reputation as an excellent vegetable due to its high levels of a particularly beneficial compound called sulforaphane.

Prediction: Bitcoin Will Hit $100,000 by the End of 2024


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