ECP NetHappenings: Weird Trump is an obsessed wannabe dictator.

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Reuters is reporting Democratic Party Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris short list for Vice President pick is down to Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro.

BREAKING: Wharton’s Professor Siegel calls for 1.5% rate cut by the FED.
0.75% cut in an emergency meeting.
Another 0.75% cut in September.

#DowJones 10 worst days
3/16/20 −2,997.10 TRUMP
3/12/20 −2,352.06 TRUMP
3/9/20 −2,013.76 TRUMP
6/11/20 -1,861.82 TRUMP
3/11/20 −1,464.94 TRUMP
3/18/20 −1,338.46 TRUMP
2/27/20 −1,190.95 TRUMP
2/05/20 −1,175.21 TRUMP
2/8/20 −1,032.89 TRUMP
2/24/20 −1,031.61 TRUMP

What’s the difference between Jim Jones and Donald Trump?
Donald would charge you for the Kool Aid.

The Egyptian government may have given $10 million to Donald Trump in 2017, violating U.S. law—but the investigation into the payment was squashed by Attorney General William Barr.

Did you know that if you also cross reference the death with who they are registered as Republican or Democrat you would find that twice as many Republicans died than Democrats cuz they were stupid and listen to Trump.

Narcissistic people do not surround themselves with people who hold them accountable.

Garland should be fired on the second Harris is inaugurated. Harris’s first move should be to replace Garland and Wray. President Biden should ask for Merrick Garland’s resignation now.
He’s prosecuted two Democrat politicians and the president’s son, but not a single Republican politician.
I remember so well all the people who told me that Merrick Garland had a grand master plan and “just wait” and “justice is slow but…” and it was BS. Not one single Republican official in the Senate or House was prosecuted for their role in Jan 6. Not a single one. They would say, “You don’t understand law, Garland has to cross every T and dot every I.” …Our country has literally gone four years without an attorney general. #Fire #MerrickGarland. The “law and order” Republicans should request Merrick Garland or Jack Smith to issue an indictment for Ginni Thomas. She emailed at least two WI Republican legislators, asking them to submit a different slate of presidential electors in 2020. She was also texting Mark Meadows.

The Trump Timeline
Trump File is a timeline. Every event is dated according to when it occurred, not when we found out about it. Our goal is to chronologically document the life and crimes of Donald Trump, his administration, and his allies. But we’re not even close to finished. Explore the site so far, and check back for updates.
A Senate report links Trump’s businesses to international crime ring A U.S. Senate Subcommittee report titled “Asian Organized Crime: The New International Criminal” links Donald Trump’s businesses to organized crime in Asia.
The report identifies Danny Sau Keung Leung, a Trump Taj Mahal executive, as an associate of the 14K Triad, a Hong Kong-based organized crime ring known for murders, extortions, and heroin smuggling. Leung provides complimentary Trump Taj Mahal hotel rooms and show tickets to his associates. Canada officials had already identified Leung as an associate of the 4K Triad’s operations in Toronto.
Raymond Miu, another criminal and friend of Leung, has a contract with Trump Taj Mahal. August 4, 1992 Another, Peter Chan, was convicted of a scheme involving kickbacks to Trump Castle executives. One executive, Willard “Bucky” Howard, was moved to Trump Taj Mahal after the kickbacks were discovered by authorities. He’s responsible for bringing Leung to the company.
Chan operated Peter C.M. Chan productions, Inc., and put together Asian tour bus and entertainment packages to Trump Castle over a two-year period between 1985 and 1987.
In May 1986, Chan was involved in a show at Trump Castle through a company owned by Vincent Jew, the former head of the Wah Ching Gang.

How Donald Trump Earned $550 Million In The White House by @DanAlexander21 [behind wall]
The 45th president refused to give up his business when he took power in 2017, ensuring that he made more in office than any other president in history.

“The bond between Trump & Christian nationalists has now deepened to the extent that Trump is comfortable w/ comparing himself w/ their messiah, while some on the religious right…believe the one-term president has been…anointed, by God himself…”
Trump leans into religious extremism to energize rightwing evangelicals
Ex-president turning to Christian nationalists for support as Kamala Harris’s potential nomination poses hard challenge

This is not a conspiracy. As we speak, Trump is traveling from billionaire to billionaire, with hat in hand, making explicit promises to sell his presidency.
The Billionaires Have Captured Donald Trump
Remember when the #Resistance claimed that Trump was compromised by Putin? Well, this time it’s real—and Russia has nothing to do with it.

Same as it ever was talking heads

This is who the Supreme Court is giving absolute power to.
Trump “Admired” Putin’s Ability to Kill Whomever He Wanted: Ex-Staffer
Does anyone love dictators more than Donald Trump?

Billionaire Elon Musk, involved in election rigging, funneling money to Trump, pushing an agenda of hate – he is an agent of chaos.
He’s definitely an immigrant that is trying to destroy the country for his own personal gain.

Ketamine fan, deadbeat dad, and Ghislaine Maxwell buddy Elon Musk is now running a school.
For children. Instead of using a grade system like most schools, Musk’s school groups children into two categories: ages 3-6 and 6-9. Elon Musk’s Texas-based private school now accepting applications for the fall
“I’m making all the children go through the same grade at the same time, like an assembly line.”

Elon Musk’s trans daughter: He ‘relentlessly harassed’ me ‘for my femininity and queerness’

Bill Barr says that enforcing a code of ethics on the Supreme Court would purge conservative justices. Let that sink in for a second:
Bill Barr’s FATHER hired Jeffery Epstein to teach kids at private school DALTON.

ARIE RANGOTT found guilty of conspiring to defraud the federal Head Start program, to submit a false document to the federal government, and to obstruct a federal administrative proceeding. In 2023, Martin Handler, Menachem Lieberman, Harold Schwartz, Isidore Handler, Ben Werczberger, and Arie Rangott were charged for their respective roles in overlapping schemes to steal from and defraud daycares receiving funding from Government sources pled guilty and are awaiting sentencing.
Find out more on this beautiful “Holding Corrupt Public Officials Accountable” webpage.

Leaked Documents Show Nvidia Scraping ‘A Human Lifetime’ of Videos Per Day to Train AI
Nvidia scraped videos from Youtube and several other sources to compile training data for its AI products, internal Slack chats, emails, and documents obtained by 404 Media show.
“We need a volunteer to download all the movies,” one senior NVidia employee said. “We have to be very careful about Hollywood hypersensitivities against AI.”
Approval to download at scale framed as “an executive decision. We have an umbrella approval for all of the data.”

SCOOP from @samleecole: Leaked Slacks and documents show the incredible scale of NVidia’s AI scraping: 80 years — “a human lifetime” of videos every day. Had approval from highest levels of company despite staff legal/ethical concerns:

Heather Morgan, AKA ‘Razzlekhan’ is a self proclaimed social engineer who pleaded guilty to hacking Bitfinex for 120,000 BTC back in 2016.
I crossed paths with her in Nashville this week. After asking around I discovered she has been spotted at multiple Bitcoin events over the past year.
It’s extremely suspicious that she is still walking free and hasn’t been sentenced for her crimes.
I recommend that all Bitcoin event organizers treat her as a threat actor and DENY ENTRY.

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