Why and How Alina Habba got to be Trumps Very Bad Lawyer.

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has eliminated the account of Obama White House Photographer Pete Souza. He’s an honest guy that tells it like it is. Free Pete Souza #FreePeteSouza. Pete’s photo showed Trumps ear had nothing wrong no wound found on it. same as it was before.

Ketchup is going to hit the wall. Wisconsin, PA, Minnesota Michigan polls show Harris in the lead!!!!


Adam Rawnsley
My last story for Rolling Stone is up today. It’s a profile of Michael van Landingham, the CIA analyst who drafted the 2017 intelligence community assessment that concluded Russia meddled in order to help Trump.

You guys noticed that Trump said you won’t have to vote anymore if he’s elected, and the media is silent?

Why did Trump hire Alina Habba to be his very bad lawyer?
Holy shit! Alina Habba is “the daughter of the Chancellor of the US Knights of Malta, a christofascist arm of the Catholic Church that fought the Crusades & sided with Hitler in WWII.”
Wild that Alina Habba’s father and Leonard Leo, who installed a theocratic organized crime ring on SCOTUS, are part of the same small Catholic fascist cult that’s been fighting the Crusades for more than nine centuries.
“For many decades, a virulent strain of “traditionalist” Catholicism has partnered with America’s enemies, foreign and domestic, in a shared project to take control of the United States.
This attempted Catholic coup has been accelerating through a deliberate infiltration of the judiciary led by Leonard Leo, a member of both Opus Dei and Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) aka Knights of Malta…”
Jim Stewartson
Catholic Coup: JD Vance, PayPal Mafia, Opus Dei & Knights of Malta

“…the men in charge do not recognize that “public purposes” exist. They have friends, and enemies, and as for the rest—we’re the prey.” – James K. Galbraith, 2006

First thing to remember about this: DJTS is not paying any of his lawyers. Again: he’s not paying for any of his lawyers. The RNC is paying Habba; the rest of his lawyers are being paid by a DJTS Super PAC, which is highly illegal, @DOJCrimDiv

Did you know a MAGA Christian Nationalist homeschool mom who has never worked in education is running to be North Carolina’s superintendent of k-12 schools? Michele Morrow says anyone who doesn’t follow Christ is a Satan worshipper.

JD Vance is the current mascot for a Catholic Coup by the PayPal Mafia, Opus Dei & the Knights of Malta—the end of a long game that’s been playing out since WWII.

The billionaires behind Project 2025 selected  @JDVance so that if Trump dies in office, it won’t stop them from implementing their fascist agenda. Vance is so neck-deep in Project 2025 he actually wrote the foreword for the President of the Heritage Foundation’s upcoming book.

Harris Liberates The Villages! MAGA Forces in Retreat

Did someone mention a “cabal of elites”? mirWwar.com
Here are a few confirmed members Of the Order Of Malta, although their membership list is largely secret:
Erik Prince — Blackwater
Paul Behrends — Rohrabacher, Blackwater
Joseph Schmitz — Defense Department IG, Blackwater
William Casey — Director of the CIA for Reagan, Manhattan Institute
Alexander Haig — Secretary of State for Reagan
William Donovan — Founder Of the OSS, co-founder Of the CIA
Leonard Leo — Federalist Scx;iety, Opus Dei, installed six SCOTUS Justices
Phyllis Schlafly (Dame) — CNR Eagle Forum, Flynn family friend
Gen. Stanley McChrystal — Flynn’s boss in Afghanistan
Cardinal Raymond Burke — Steve BannonNigano ally
Franz von Papen — Nazi who resigned the chancellorship to Hitler
Jimmy Savile — Convicted pedophile
Saad Habba — US Chancellor Of SMOM, Alina Habbas father

Leonard Leo is a lawyer, but he’s never argued a case in court. He’s never held elected office. But for years he’s been rebuilding the American legal system, resulting in the Supreme Court’s right-wing supermajority. He’s not done.

Evangelical Fascists love Israel and Netanyahu cause anything that brings around the end of the world so Jesus returns is their goal. Evangelicals only make up 26.3 percent of the population, while Catholics make up 22 percent

JD Vance WHO ARE YOU? Who changes their name this many times?
Definitely not a “hillbilly” that’s literary fiction.
• Born as James Donald Bowman
• Grew up in the suburbs of Middleton, Ohio
• Not poor at all, went to Yale
• Changed middle name to David
• Changed name again to Jimmy Hamel
• Changed name to JD Vance 10 years ago when he married his wife.
In newly leaked footage, JD Vance personally thanks the leaders of Project 2025 for their work to ban abortion across the entire country and cut Social Security. Retweet to make sure all Americans see this.
Project 2025 would change the 40hr workweek to a 160hr work-month, so your boss could make you work extra hours with no overtime pay by cutting your hours later in the month. See page 592.

DJT IS WEIRD. #TrumpIsWeird
The party against drag queens are voting for guys wearing orange makeup and eye liner.
You can’t make this up.

BREAKING: TikTok sent sensitive data on U.S. users to parent company ByteDance in China, DoJ has said. Like we all said, it was Chinese military intelligence. Pretty basic.

Love this, Flava Flav is sponsoring the USA Women’s Water Polo team after finding out members of the team were quietly working multiple jobs to pay for training and competing even after winning 3 Olympic gold medals. He’s calling other celebrities to do the same with other teams.


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