Convicted Felon Rapist Trump named In Project 2025, 312 times


Trump’s name appears in the Project 2025 Manifesto 312 times, but he knows nothing about it. Biden’s name never appeared in Epstein’s flight logs. But trump’s name appeared 69 times. 69!

CNN ? ABC. CBS ? MSNBC New York Times ?
Since the American media is too busy with The Frenzy to cover the explosive legal filings in the Epstein/Trump case except on page A43, the UK press steps in:

Case 5:16-cv-00797-DMG-KS Document 1 Filed 04/26/16 page 3 of 6 page ID #3
11. On the third occasion involving the Defendant, Donald J. Trump. the Plaintiff. Katie Johnson was forced to engage in an unnatural lesbian act with her minor and sex slave. Maria Doeage 12. the sexual enjoyment of Defendant Trump. After this sex act, both minors were forced to orally copulate Defendant Trump by placing their mouths simultaneously on his erect penis until he achieved sexual orgasm. After zipping up his pants, Defendant Trump physically pushed both minors away while angrily berating them for the quality of their sexual performance.
12. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with the Defendant Donald J. Trump, the Plaintiff Katie Johnson was tied to a bed by Defendant Trump then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff Katie Johnson.
During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff Katie Johnson loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to a “please wear a condom”. Defendant Trump responded by violently striking Plaintiff Johnson in the face with his hand and screaming that “be would do whatever he wanted” as he refused to wear protection. After achieving sexual orgasm Donald J. Trump put his suit back on and when the Plintiff Katie Johnson, in tears asked Defendant Trump
what would happen if he impregnated her, Defendant Trump grabbed his wallet and threw some money at her and screamed that she should use the money “to get a fucking abortio”.

Speaking of an Alleged Rape by Donald Trump

by INTEL-DROP January 19, 2023
Trump’s Personal Triumphs, his real personal accomplishments, just the ones we know about, and these are just the children, young as 10
“The list of Trump’s child victims came with an interesting reference point that was apparently part of the documentation in the settlement cases. Trump was designated with a psychiatric disorder referenced in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM5). The referenced disorder is “Pedophilic Disorder (F65.4).” (Described Below)
2021 ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code F65.4

Donald and Ivana Trump in 1989 (AP)court deposition
What is indisputable however, is that in a sworn deposition in 1989, Ivana Trump accused her estranged husband of raping her.
Ms Trump detailed her husband, enraged by a painful operation to remove a bald spot, violently assaulting and raping her.
Ms Trump alleged the now-president ripped fistfuls of hair from her scalp during the attack


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