ECP NetHappenings: @BoringSleuth Twitter betting on elections

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The announced shooter in the Donald Trump assassination attempt was Thomas Crooks. Naturally, I’d like to use the Blockchain, a public ledger, to see if there are any connections, like I drew when I found Prometheum minted KillTrump.eth. So, I sought out to find if anyone minted and owned the domain Crooks.eth. Someone does. Who is it?

appears to. Interesting number choice, since Donald Trump would be President number 47. You can see below both the proof that Tmase.eth owns Crooks.eth, and that Tmase47’s own X profile posted a photo of a Sartoshi NFT that is also owned by Tmase.eth. The power of a public ledger in revealing all Truths. I find his profile picture of being anonymous, both on X and on LinkedIn fascinating. I also find his use of the number 47 fascinating. I don’t believe in coincidences. I also find his ownership of moderats.eth interesting considering I’ve documented them a lot. They are directly tied to Crypto’s largest Thefts. You know who I’ve said is Crypto’s biggest villain right? Someone who funded Trumps VP pick, JD Vance. All just a coincidence? I’ll let you’re mind take it from here.

Peter Thiel financially backed VP candidate, JD Vance, being favored on a Peter Thiel financially backed betting market site founded by himself, means that the site, Polymarket, is quickly becoming the Internet’s source of Truth.
Nope, that’s called insider betting. Quite the opposite you loser.

They believe that by manipulating Prediction markets thru capital placement, they can manipulate what actually happens. The creation of prediction markets are rooted at the intersection of Twitters involvement in influencing US elections and one of the foundational purposes of Ethereums original creation.

Thread: On-Chain crypto evidence shows Twitter gambled on US Elections between 2018 and 2020.
In total, evidence shows Twitter owned wallets bet on 10 different bets regarding United States Elections between 2018 and 2020. They represented over 5% of total volume in these collective bets, and wagered over 702 Ether equivs. I’ve included the wallet addresses below. Twitter placed bets that ranged from if @realDonaldTrump would be impeached by the end of 2019, to which Party would control the US Senate, and House Elections after midterms in 2018. They bet on Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court Justice seat, and the S&P price.
When Twitter bet in 2018, they were one of the first users to use the platform @AugurProject, which was originally funded by several people including @VitalikButerin, founder of @ethereum, who also bet on US elections & urged people to use the platform w/o disclosing interest.
Augur was setup to allow people to place bets on future events, with “Aggregated Crowd Wisdom” being an effective way to make estimates and predictions. Something Twitter was already showing interest in with their Political indexes’.
Augur is decentralized, and allows anyone to place money down on anything, including assassinations. If the incentive was big enough, would someone take the bet and commit the crime? Its even more frightening that Twitter was betting on elections they could influence. 7

Perhaps now would be an appropriate time to point out that Vitalik Buterin once held a position via @augerproject, betting on if ex-POTUS, @realDonaldTrump would be assassinated. The same founder who was originally funded by Wanxiang, the business parter of Prometheum who purchased the domain, KillTrump.eth and KillTrump.Crypto.
You can see below, a thread showing indisputable evidence of this, derived from Ethereum, a public ledger.

Domains named Kill Trump were created on January 7th by a company with ties to the CCP and Joe Biden, along with ex-US Presidents, Obama and George Bush.

Almost a Year ago today, and several times thereafter, I alerted American Agencies that @PrometheumInc, a subsidiary tied to the Wanxiang, purchased the domain names KillTrump.Crypto and KillTrump.eth. Wanxiang is a CCP affiliated company with their US Headquarters based in Chicago, with existing business relationships with MIT, Biden, Bush, and Obama.

The purchased the domain on January 7th, 2020, with it set to expire on January 6th, 2021. For the record, the domains were renewed.

Today, this threat almost became real.

Prometheum to date is the only company issued a Special Dealer Broker License for Digital Assets (Crypto). Their license was issued and signed off on by Chair Gensler, the SEC, CFTC, and FINRA.

To date, no accountability has occurred. You can see the proof in the post below, and in the comments I will include additional references.

Time for a thread

If you haven’t heard, @PatrickMcHenry and the @FinancialCmte today called on the @secgov and @finra to explain their shady approval of Prometheum as the only Special Purpose Broker-Dealer for Digital Assets.

@FinancialCmte #NEW: Chairman @PatrickMcHenry led Republicans on the Financial Services Committee in letters to @FINRA and @SECGov regarding the shady approval of Prometheum as the only Special Purpose Broker-Dealer for digital assets.

follow @BoringSleuth

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