ECP NetHappenings GOP Seditious Conspiracy and KLEPTOCRACY

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‘If Two Or More Persons Conspire To Overthrow, Put Down, Or To Destroy By Force The Government Of The United States They Shall Each Be Fined Under This Title Or Imprisoned Not More Than Twenty Years, Or Both.’

18 U.S.C. § 2384 – Seditious Conspiracy

A Binder on Highly Classified Russian Intel Went Missing Under Trump

I vote because,
If you aren’t at the table,
you’re on the menu.
Ann Richards

Compromise and Consequences: Rev. Schenck’s Account of the Evangelical Deal for Overturning Roe v. Wade
Rev. Robert Schenck, President and Founder of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute, recounts a significant event in a meeting at the US Capitol with Republican Party operatives and leading evangelical spokespersons and institutional leaders from across the country. During this meeting, a proposition was made to the evangelical leaders: if they wanted Roe v. Wade overturned, they would have to support the entire conservative agenda, even if it conflicted with their conscience. Schenck observed his colleagues nodding uncomfortably in agreement, and he describes this moment as the evangelical community making a “deal with the devil.” This deal entailed unconditional support for the conservative agenda, regardless of any conscientious objections, suggesting that the means were justified by the desired end.

Of the 1% by the 1% for the 1%

CNN: CEO Trump donor –
ABC: CEO Trump donor –
CBS: CEO Trump donor –
NBC: CEO Trump donor –
MSNBC: CEO Trump donor –
Washington Post: owner Jeff Bezo –
Wall Street Journal: Owner: Rupert Murdoch –
New York Times: CEO Trump donor.

The United Kingdom voted against fascism.
France just did the same.
America will too.
Bolsonaro is facing charges too!
Absolutely, the tide against authoritarianism is turning worldwide.


Thievocracy, is a government whose corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) use political power to expropriate the wealth …

The tax code offers business owners a slew of methods to erase income through deductions, none more awesome than buying a sports team. It doesn’t matter whether the team is actually profitable and growing in value. It can still be a write-off.


Epstein: “The lawsuit by Jane Does 1-6 alleges negligence and violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and… RICO, claiming territory officials actively conspired with Epstein to perpetuate his sex-trafficking scheme for their own gain.”
V.I. Delegate to Congress Stacey Plaskett has filed notice that she will seek sanctions against the attorney representing six victims of Jeffrey Epstein.

Project 2025 and its sinister origins; Koch and Mercer.

Recall that Mercer pushed massive resources (ie Cambridge Analytica) into having Trump elected the first time. Koch and Mercer are behind the Heritage Foundation and Project 2025.The NYT published a story detailing Trump’s plans if he is re-elected: “Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025.” The plans include a sinister expansion of presidential powers with a focus on tearing down independent agencies such as the FTC, the FCC as well as “scour the intelligence agencies, the State Department and the defense bureaucracies to remove officials he has vilified”
“What we’re trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them” These independent agencies, that Trump (and Charles Koch and Bob Mercer etc.) want to destroy are the agencies fundamental to upholding democracy.
Also noted in the NYT’s article is “Project 2025,” constructed by the Heritage Foundation (Charles Koch, Robert Mercer.) Democracy in Chains,’ Nancy MacLean laid out the Koch plan for the stealth destruction of democracy. Libertarian James Buchanan was a political economist who greatly influenced Charles Koch’s ideas.
Nancy Maclean had stumbled across Buchanan’s letters and documents in a deserted clapboard house on the campus of George Mason University in Virginia in 2013. Buchanan and Koch had a megalomaniacal vision of a government which was unable to respond to the will of the majority, unless the wealthiest Americans all agreed.
And money talking is why Bob Mercer spent $3.6 million between 2012-2014 to ensure Citizen’s United passed, allowing corporations and special interest groups to have an outsized influence in elections.
And let’s not forget that Mercer spent an estimated $52 million to get Trump elected in 2016. At the time, Mercer’s company owed $7 billion in taxes. They finally paid their tax bill in September, 2021, under Biden.
In 2018, the Heritage Foundation published a list of all the model legislation, regulatory changes that they expected Trump to do. At that point, he had completed 64% of their agenda.

Mandate For Leadership Policy Recommendations
So what do Koch and Mercer want? They tout ‘Economic Freedom.’ The power for corporations to act without accountability. Ultimately their goal would be the removal of labor laws and worker protections and to remove unions. Koch and Mercer want the removal of governmental checks and balances. The removal of all social programs including Medicare and Social Security. Privatize schools. Eliminate the Federal Department of Education: Gut HUD. Privatize highways. Destroy the USPS (Charles Koch has been working to destroy USPS for 50 years.) Stop government action on climate change. Make it more difficult to vote and at some point, make voting pointless.
Under no circumstances can Trump (and Koch and Mercer and other Libertarian billionaires) be allowed to win this upcoming presidential election.


Democracy is on the ballot.

Project 2025 Entire Agenda here:


One thought on “ECP NetHappenings GOP Seditious Conspiracy and KLEPTOCRACY”

  1. Compromise and Consequences: Rev. Schenck’s Account of the Evangelical Deal for Overturning Roe v. Wade
    Rev. Robert Schenck, President and Founder of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Institute, recounts a significant event in a meeting at the US Capitol with Republican Party operatives and leading evangelical spokespersons and institutional leaders from across the country. During this meeting, a proposition was made to the evangelical leaders: if they wanted Roe v. Wade overturned, they would have to support the entire conservative agenda, even if it conflicted with their conscience. Schenck observed his colleagues nodding uncomfortably in agreement, and he describes this moment as the evangelical community making a “deal with the devil.” This deal entailed unconditional support for the conservative agenda, regardless of any conscientious objections, suggesting that the means were justified by the desired end.

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