Lefsetz Newsletter The Napster Analogy

QUOTES From Bob Lefsetz

Lefsetz Newsletter The Napster Analogy

Deny the public what it wants at your peril.
And the public does not want Joe Biden to be the Democratic nominee for President.

“Bill Maher: Why I Want an Open Convention” Free link|Yes, Bill Maher. Not a cable news anchor, not a late night TV host. Maher is in his own lane, different, and this is always what gains notice and power, the establishment fades and the new takes over, this is why the major labels are teetering and don’t even know it.

Want to see something? Watch Biden descend the steps after Thursday night’s debate:

I don’t want to give up, but I’m close. I’ve been a Democrat all my life. I’ve ridden the ups and downs. But this is a bridge too far.

Enough with the living in the past. We live in a digital world and all the oldsters can do is hate on the smartphone and do their best to get rid of TikTok. Do you hear the youngsters complaining about this? The oldsters have never experienced this, if they’re online they’re still on Facebook, where a youngster wouldn’t be caught dead. When it comes to digital, online, our oldsters do not know better, to their detriment. They’ve got no idea what is going on.

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