ECP NetHappenings Trump’s Immunity Sotomayer “I desent”

ECP NetHappenings Trump’s Immunity Sotomayer “I desent”

Sotomayer – Never in the history of our Republic has a President had
reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal
prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate
the criminal law. Moving forward, however, all former
Presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. If the occupant
of that office misuses official power for personal gain,

the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not pro-
vide a backstop.
With fear for our democracy, I dissent.

Today’s SCOTUS ruling tears down one of the first principles of American democracy: that no man is above the law. To say the president has immunity from prosecution for any acts committed in their official capacity while in office is a wide open invitation to dictatorship.

President has immunity for official acts.
No immunity
for unofficial acts.
This is a ludicrous decision that no other President in history has ever needed, being placed above the law by unelected officials. The coup continues.

SCOTUS says Donald Trump does NOT have total immunity for unofficial acts. Yeah, but he’ll just say EVERYTHING was official. What a total disgrace. They have ‘re-written’ the Constitution. Note this morning trump switched his call from “absolute immunity to “strong immunity”. He obviously knew the outcome. Time for @POTUS to officially disband SCOTUS. Postpone the election until after trump trial. And appointment 3 more justices.  I think it’s clear that inciting an insurrection to overturn an election is NOT an official act of POTUS.

How Joe Biden needs to be now that the Supreme Court has ruled the president has immunity for “official acts.”

Chief Justice Roberts decrees the end of DOJ independence in an offhanded sentence on page 20.

Opinion Of the Court
(1988) (Scalia, J., dissenting)). And the Executive Branch
has “exclusive authority and absolute discretion” to decide
which crimes to investigate and prosecute, including with
respect to allegations of election crime. Nixon, 418 U. S. , at
693; see United States v. Texas, 599 U. S. 670, 678-679
(2023) (“Under Article II, the Executive Branch possesses authority to decide ‘how to prioritize and how aggressively to pursue legal actions against defendants who violate thelaw.”‘ (quotatian TransUnion LLC v. Ramirez, 594 U. S. 413, 429 (2021))). The President may discuss potential investigations and prosecutions with his Attorney General ang other Justice Department officials to carry out his constitutional duty to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” Art. II, #3  And the Attorney General, as head of the Justice Department, acts as the President’s “chief law enforcement officer” who “provides vital assistance to [him] in the performance of [his] constitutional duty to ‘preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.”‘ Mitchell v. Forsyth, 472 U. S. 511, 520 (1985) (quoting Art. II, 51, cl. 8).

Sotomayor: With fear for our democracy, I dissent.

The majority’s single-minded fixation on the President’s
need for boldness and dispatch ignores the countervailing
need for accountability and restraint. The Framers were
not so single-minded. In the Federalist Papers, after “endeavor[ing]
to show” that the Executive designed by the
Constitution “combines all the requisites to energy,”
Alexander Hamilton asked a separate, equally important
question: “Does it also combine the requisites to safety, in a
republican sense, a due dependence on the a due responsibility?”
The Federalist No. 77, p. 507 (J. Harvard Library ed. 2009).
The answer then was yes, based in part
upon the President’s vulnerability to “prosecution in the
common course of law.” Ibid. The answer after today is no.
Never in the history of our Republic has a President had
reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal
prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate
the criminal law. Moving forward, however, all former
Presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. If the occu-
pant of that office misuses official power for personal gain,
the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not pro-
vide a backstop.

Four Seasons Total Landscaping @durbinwatson09
Time for Biden and Democrats to respond asap

“l Joseph R. Biden Jr, having read the Supreme Court decision granting
US presidents immunity from criminal prosecution, for acts the
president themselves determines are •official acts,’ hereby order the
Supreme Court of the United States dissolved, and decree justices
Alito, Thomas, Barrett, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, plus Trump and his
children plus campaign team, as enemies of the state. Assassination
squads were dispatched overnight, in a long night operation, and
these traitors have been served justice and eliminated.
I also hereby decree my vice president and I will be the sole
determinant of who wins the next election. God bless America.”

The Supreme Court just ruled that if the President ordered Seal Team 6 to assassinate his political opponent, he would be immune from criminal prosecution. This isn’t a joke.

The Supreme Court chooses the cases it hears:

They chose a case to make it harder to prosecute Jan. 6 insurrectionists.

They chose a case to delay Trump’s trial.

They chose a case to undermine expertise in government.

They didn’t choose any cases to protect democracy.


I’d like to thank the Supreme Court for granting Joe Biden godlike official powers. I think his first step should be to declare all Trump golf courses as protected Federal wildlife preserves and seize them by eminent domain…it’s an official act, so it’s cool, right?

It’s OFFICIAL: The Supreme Court has just disgraced itself by ruling that Presidents do have SOME immunity from prosecution for committing what they deem official acts. President Biden’s FIRST act under this new reality should be to postpone the election indefinitely until we can figure WTF is going on.

39 thoughts on “ECP NetHappenings Trump’s Immunity Sotomayer “I desent””

    Biden needs to go WILD, right now. He needs to show us what a President with “immunity” can do.
    There is no Presidential immunity for unofficial acts.
    Indict/arrest the criminals posing as judges.

    Biden needs to make a Presidential Executive Order removing any convicted felon from a ballot for a federal office. It might get over-turned but not before the election.

    It seems that Biden can, at the very least, now order @USArmy to recall Mike Flynn, court martial him & strip him of all rank & benefits.

    Biden can incarcerate Trump and jail all RuGOP insurrectionist.

    If today’s Supreme Court and GOP existed during watergate, King Nixon’s reign would have lasted from 1969 – 1994. Any talk about not backing Biden as our next President, will ensure King Trump will rule his kingdom until a Quarter Pounder with cheese and Big Mac finish him.

  2. 1️⃣ Trump is not fully immune from criminal charges.
    2️⃣ They didn’t rule on a damn thing. Every past President had limited immunity.
    3️⃣ This was just a delay for Trump. Chief Justice John Roberts should be ashamed!
    4️⃣ Judge Chutkan can resume pre-trial activity on the Trump election fraud case now.

  3. Trump could order the military to open fire into a crowd of protesters and his generals wouldn’t be allowed to tell an American jury about it.
    3 JUSTICE BARRETT disagrees: arguing that in a bribery prosecution: for
    instance: excluding “any mention” of the official act associated with the
    bribe “would hamstring the prosecution: Post: at 6 (opinion concurring
    in part); cf. post: at 25—27 (opinion of SOTOMAYOR: J But of course the
    prosecutor may point to the public record to show the fact that the Pres-
    ident performed the official act. And the prosecutor may admit evidence
    of what the President allegedly demanded: received: accepted: or agreed
    to receive or accept in return for being influenced in the performance of
    the act. See IS C _ S. C _ What the prosecutor may not do:
    however: is admit testimony or private records of the President or his
    advisers probing the official act itself. Allowing that sort of evidence
    would invite the jury to inspect the President’s motivations for his official
    actions and to second-guess their propriety. As we have explained: such
    inspection would be “highly intrusive” and would ” ‘seriously cripple'” the
    President’s exercise of his official duties. Fitzgerald: 457 U. S.: at 745:
    756 (quoting Spalding v. Vilas: 161 U. S. 483: 498 (1896)): see supra, at
    IS. And such second-guessing would “threaten the independence or effectiveness of the Executive.” Trump v. Vance: 591 S. 786: 805 (2020)

  4. Trump stole classified documents after he was no longer President. And then sold them when he was no longer president.After January 19th, 2021.

  5. Steve Bannon is in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) at the Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) Danbury, Connecticut

  6. So, can Biden now issue an executive order that prohibits convicted felons from running for President?

  7. Tristan Snell
    Biden’s next act with his new presidential immunity:

    Create 4 new seats on the Supreme Court, by executive order.

    He can add a binding ethics code as well. And a special counsel to investigate corruption on SCOTUS while he’s at it.

  8. If the Supreme Court gives presidents immunity Joe Biden should sign an Executive Order banning felons from becoming president.

  9. Since President Joe Biden is now immediately eligible for limited immunity, now he should issue an executive order to eliminate all student debt again, and ignore the Supreme Court, as an official act.

  10. President Biden, you have full immunity sir.
    1) hire 5 Dem judges and place them on SCOTUS
    2) arrest trump & everyone involved with J6, and claim domestic terrorism
    3) executive order to reinstate Roe v Wade
    4) cancel the election & remain in power.
    It’s all legal now.

  11. First official act for King Biden should be an executive order declaring it LAW OF THE LAND that no convicted felon or adjudicated rapist fraudster can run for President–er, King–of the United States.

  12. Biden should impeach alito and Thomas via executive order right now. Reason: saving democracy. Dems can NOT stand by on this without action. #VoteBidenToSaveAmerica #SCOTUSIsCorrupt #Immunity

  13. President Biden needs to issue an executive order that bans court-liable rapists from holding federal office.

  14. President Biden should write an Executive Order today that declares abortion legal in all 50 states as an “official act”

    Who is going to stop him?

  15. I think strategically he absolutely should say, “Folks in light of the SCOTUS opinion as an official act for the benefit of women I’m signing an executive order codifying Roe, access to contraceptives and IVF treatment.” and call the court’s bluff immediately.

  16. As an official act, Biden needs to issue an executive order nullifying the court’s decisions.

  17. The Supreme Court rules that President Trump has “absolute immunity” from criminal prosecution for all “official acts” he took while in office. The vote is 6–3 with all three liberals dissenting.
    So if the first thing Donald Trump does when he’s back in office is issue an executive order giving himself broad emergency powers to suspend the constitution, it’s all “official” and therefore legal, right?

  18. President Biden needs to use Executive Order and remove at least 2 of these judges. We cannot let a corrupt court participate in helping us lose our democracy. This is bigger than democrats and republicans.

  19. Lisa Rubin
    You might be hearing that a president still could be prosecuted even for official acts if the presumption of immunity is rebutted. But that ignores three more granular features of the opinion that are akin to prosecutorial roadblocks. 1/
    First, the bar to rebut that presumption is HIGH. The court says the question to ask is whether prosecuting the official act in question “would pose any dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch.” 2/
    Second, the government can never use evidence of official acts that don’t clear that bar. Put another way, if it can’t be charged, it can’t come in, even to inform the jury’s understanding of a president’s knowledge or intent. 3/
    What does that mean practically? Think about the various times that DOJ officials told Trump he had lost and/or that there was no widespread evidence of fraud justifying further investigations or action. All of those instances are off the table as trial evidence now. 4/
    And third, in determining what is and is not official, courts cannot consider a president’s motive or purpose. A president raids the home of a political rival because of their beef, not because of any legitimately suspected criminal activity? The beef is irrelevant legally. 5/
    Today’s decision forces Jack Smith and future prosecutors to do their jobs with both hands tied behind their backs even as to the small slice of conduct that might be fair game. And that, in and of itself, is not fair game at all. 6/
    Moreover, before even getting to the divide between official and unofficial acts, the court confers absolute immunity for the president’s “exercise of his core constitutional powers. Don’t sleep on that either; we’ll see plenty of litigation ahead about what’s in that bucket. 7/
    The bottom line: The majority has not put a thumb of the scale for former President Trump; they’ve put their whole hand on it.

  20. @TonyaMe82093191
    The SCOTUS ruling on IMMUNITY is clear as Day they have put Project 2025 in motion. because they believe Trump will be re-elected Meaning if Trump Loses in November and if we don’t show up to blow him away in Votes Trump will Contest it and it will go to the Supreme Court they will give him the Win even if he didnt win. Wake up Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, Independents,and Progressives put Policy’s aside and put DEMOCRACY first we have to SHOW UP with out of this World numbers on election Day a BLUE TSUNAMI .All bullshit aside we have to SHOW UP there’s no ifs, ands or maybes we have to SHOW UP This Truly has Become THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTIONS in over 200 YEARS IF we want our freedoms SHOW UP, if the LGBTQ community wants to stay a community SHOW UP if women still want to have our freedoms and our rights and bring back ROE SHOW UP If people care about SOCIAL SECURITY or any other GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS that help the American people SHOW UP if people care about Ukraine and all the other European countries and NATO. SHOW UP This November we have to SHOW UP To protect our future generations and our children and grandchildren and their childrens n grandchildren let’s vote to protect this country like our ancestors did SHOW THE FUCK UP

  21. “He’ll start throwing people in jail, and I’d be at the top of the list,” said Gen. Mark Milley, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—a man not given to hyperbole, who understands how autocrats operate.

  22. A pro-Kremlin influence operation run by a former Florida cop who’s now based in Moscow, which uses AI to create fake news websites like DC Weekly or Chicago Crier, is beginning to shift its focus from disparaging Ukraine to the upcoming US election.

  23. Schiff notes that under today’s SCOTUS ruling, Trump telling DOJ officials to “just say that the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me” is an official act.
    “Now the Supreme Court says he is immune from ordering his Justice Department to lie, and the evidence of his malice, his very words, may not be used as evidence against him,” he says

  24. NoelCaslerComedy
    ‘Hey, I know let’s find the dumbest, most venal man we can, I’m talking pure criminal trash-the kind of dude who would lust after his own kid, a real scumbags, scumbag..and make him King…sh*tkicker USA will love it’

  25. NoelCaslerComedy
    Trump: ‘Bring me another Diet Coke and that list with all the people I wanted to kill…also, send a fruit basket to SCOTUS’

  26. Garrett M. Graff
    I wrote a history of Watergate that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize last year. And let me tell you: When Nixon said “if the president does it, it’s not illegal,” no one believed that was true.

  27. Six Supreme Court justices lied under oath when they said they wouldn’t overturn roe.

    Six Supreme Court justices broke their oath of office by choosing Trump over the constitution.

  28. Mrs. Betty Bowers
    Without spending any money, you can either sleep in a park—and get arrested—or sleep in a free $267,230 recreational vehicle given to you as a bribe to make rulings that corporations can control elections—and that people sleeping in parks can be arrested.

  29. July 4, 1776 – we declare independence from a king

    July 1, 2024 – the Supreme Court decides the president can basically be a king

  30. Ida Bae Wells @nhannahjones
    If journalists are not going to engage in journalism while hosting debates, what is the point of having journalism organizations as the hosts at all? Seems you could let any org host the debate then because journalists should not be in the role of furthering disinformation.

    1. “Unable to book a direct flight to Moscow, Spartz reportedly intended to hijack the aircraft in order to return to her Russian handlers before FBI agents were able to capture the fleeing intelligence agent.”
      Representing Indiana’s 5th Congressional District
      Victoria Spartz (R-IN) accepted $51,361 from the gun industry in 2022.

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