ECP NetHappenings News Headlines 6-14-24

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President Roosevelt signing Executive Order 6102 banning gold,
on April 5, 1933,  91 years ago.
For 40 years, US citizens couldn’t defend their money from inflation. This is why we #Bitcoin. Every time your government prints money they are directly stealing from you to fund themselves
Inflation = theft

Many people here need to read this article “Who Owns the US National Debt?’
TLDR: It’s us the american people.

@CoinDesk is owned by @Bullish which is run by Brendan Blumer, he is cofounder of #BlockOne with Dan Larimer and Brock Pierce.
Bullish is also a company of
Dan Larimer was cofounder of #Bitshares with Bo Shen (#Wanxiang, #Fenbushi, #Hashkey) and Li Xiaolai who funded them #BitFund

Li is the one Hoskinson ran to to get funding.
That tells you everything you need to know about #Coindesk
All those crypto ” News outlets ” are insider controlled, To help promote the narrative.

From petrodollar to petrobitcoin

‘If Two Or More Persons Conspire To Overthrow, Put Down, Or To Destroy By Force The Government Of The United States They Shall Each Be Fined Under This Title Or Imprisoned Not More Than Twenty Years, Or Both.’
18 U.S.C. § 2384 – Seditious Conspiracy

China Steals Personal Data of 80% of US Adults – Infosecurity Magazine

South Australia introduces ‘world-leading’ bill to ban political donations from elections

Phony ‘news’ portals surpass US newspaper sites, researchers say

“Un-contract” customers enraged as T-Mobile unlocks its price-lock with new rate hikes

“It appears to be a payoff”: Expert says Kushner’s Saudi cash an “egregious” national security worry

Senate Democrats Launch Probe Of Foreign Payments To Jared Kushner’s Firm

Khashoggi was writing about KUSHNER turning over classified information to MBS. Trump administration sent Kashoggi to death. This is one of the reasons why Ivanka won’t flip. If she flips on Don, Jared goes down too. She will never go for that. Republicans should want to know what caused the Saudi Govt to produce a $2.7 Billion PayOff to a recent White House operative who was never qualified for a #NationalSecurityClearance but attended hundreds of #PresidentialDailyBriefings

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