ecp NetHappenings Woody Guthrie ALL YOU FASCISTS BOUND TO LOOSE

Woody Guthrie

Woody Guthrie~ All You Fascists Bound To Lose

Lindsey Graham who went down to Georgia looking to toss ballots, says he’s going to block any SCOTUS Ethics Bill. This blackmailed piece of garbage needs to be put in his place. SCOTUS aren’t kings. They’re accepting bribes and flying flags to show solidarity with cop killers because they’ve gone rogue. Fuck that loser.

Resistance Revival Chorus with Rhiannon Giddens “All You Fascists Bound To Lose”

Bush Watson HitlerCORRUPT, ILLEGITIMATE AND DISGUSTING, the highest court in the land cannot be trusted with our Democracy, hopefully November we can build our majority in the Senate to get the votes needed to expand the court and eliminate these PARTISAN HACKS

Woody Guthrie – All You Fascists Bound To Lose

Right. I’m old enough to remember when Justice Thomas told his best billionaire buddies he’d rather resign than try to survive on his meager $300k/yr salary as a Justice. So why not put him to that choice — retroactively?
Thomas would be gone in a hot second. Oh, universe, please give us a blue Congress & President Biden this November. Then our country can finally start leapfrogging forward again. In Biden’s first two years, we saw how productive a blue Congress & President Biden can be.

It was a Dem majority, with Biden as committee chair, that allowed Thomas to be confirmed in 1991. Close vote (52-48) but comity and good-faith gestures by Dems (11 of them, anyway) helped beget a Supreme Court atrocity.

Charles Koch Attempts an Apology Tour after He and His Father Financed a Political Hate Machine for Six Decades

Advocates for the Trump tax cuts claimed corporations would reinvest profits back into the economy — but as @SarahDAnderson1 from @IPS_DC points out, companies began pouring huge sums of money into stock buybacks instead. @SenateBudget

Did you know the CEO of Spotify is wealthier than any musician in history—and has 4X the net worth of Paul McCartney?
Now you do.
There’s more money in disrupting music than creating it.
Daniel EK net worth 4.9 BILLION USD 2024
Musicians should move and coop to create their own streaming platform.
An added bonus benefit would be guaranteeing no IA content available.
Spotify disrupted music distribution, not “music”. And in the process has continued to reduce the industry’s overall value, not enhanced it. We are in a time where a bubble of people still believe you can make a living while making music, yet fewer and fewer people can do that.

Just a reminder that what has driven us into debt is not Social Security and Medicare, but rather the George W. Bush tax cuts and the Trump tax cuts, both of which disproportionately benefited the wealthy and corporations.

95% of people who worked in the Trump White House refuse to endorse him for reelection.

They all know he’s a moron
They all know he’s a fascist
They all know he’s a rapist
They all know he’s a traitor
They all know he’s a loser

They know he’s unfit to be president.

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