ECP NetHappenings Guilty, Your Honor!

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Jenna Ellis: “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Kenneth Cheseboro… “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Sydney Powell: “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Michael Cohen: “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Allen Weiselberg… “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Rick Gates: “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Paul Manafort… “Guilty, Your Honor!”
George Papadopoulis… “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Roger Stone… “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Michael Flynn… “Guilty, Your Honor!”
George Nader… “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Elliot Broidy… “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Steve Brannon… “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Chris Collins… “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Sam Patten: “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Imaaz Zuberi… “Guilty, Your Honor!”
The Trump Corp., “Guilty Your Honor!”
Trump Payroll Corp. “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Trump Foundation: “Guilty, Your Honor!”
Trump University: “Guilty, Your Honor!”
DONALD TRUMP… “Guilty, Your Honor!”


The GOP’s embrace of Trump’s corruption can be traced back to a common denominator: Roger Stone (Nixon); Lee Atwater (Nixon); Roger Ailes (Nixon); and Paul Manafort (Nixon).
Given Nixon’s corrosive legacy, I hate to think what Trump will leave to Americans 50 years from now.



Trump’s father

got arrested at a

KKK rally.


They got sued by Nixon’s DOJ for refusing to rent to black people.
Trump invited a known white nationalist, Nick Fuentes, to dinner.
Trump demanded to see the first black president’s birth certificate.
Trump took out an ad calling for the execution of 5 innocent black men.
Trump also said that there were “some very fine people” among the white supremacists.
Trump called African countries “shitholes” and said we should take more immigrants from places like Norway.
So no one is shocked that he was recorded saying the N-word.

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