ECP NetHappenings It is True Trump wears Diapers

“I was following directions.” -Michael Cohen

Why didn’t Melania leave her cheating husband?
‘I don’t care how many porn stars my husband sleeps with, as long as my check clears. – Melania Trump

Melania was already helping to create a spin to conceal his sexual deviancy from voters, there’s no need to hide his adultery from her at all. No wonder she’s been absent from his trial this entire time.

Part of a KGB handler’s job is to protect their asset from exposure. Melania was just doing the job she was sent to do.

Pretty surreal that we’re all witnessing a mafia trial in real time but nobody’s calling it one. Dude is in court trying to skate on a crime that his “fixer” went to prison to cover up.

Michael Cohen testified Melania is the one who defended Trump’s sexual assault brag as “locker room” banter. A reminder that she is just as cruel and corrupt as the rest of them. Melania has never been a victim in this. She’s been an accomplice.

In August 2018, Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to causing American Media’s unlawful campaign contribution to Trump and to making an unlawful contribution of his own through the Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels payments respectively.

Cohen’s sole purpose and function as a witness: to fill gaps in the existing evidentiary record with direct proof of what Trump said or did, thereby connecting disparate pieces into a cohesive, intelligible narrative.

He went to prison for and on behalf of DJT facilitated by Bill Barr. Trump weaponized the justice department.

It is True Trump wears Diapers

Snopes Confirms MAGAs $hit In Diapers In Solidarity With Trump

It used to be that fact checkers heard an odd, but entirely plausible story, and confirmed that it was false. Today we have a situation where a totally unbelievable story has been confirmed as true. Last week we did a piece on Real Men Wear Diapers, where we described MAGA diaper merchandise with that saying on it being sold. MAGAs also took to wearing diapers to rallies. It seemed too strange to be true but Snopes confirmed it. Take a look. MAGA is not a political party, it is a cult.

Don “Von ShitzinPantz”

GOP Cult flags, diapers & T’s
“Real men wear Diapers”
“Diapers over dems”

They wear the diapers, so I’m going to make the leap in logic that they use the diapers. Although I’m really not crazy about seeing the fact check on that. I didn’t know America was this mentally ill.

“We noticed that the photographs that circulated all came from Dispatches from Trumpland, so we contacted the writers of the blog to ask for more details about the rallies. The writer replied that the photographs posted on April 11 had been taken at rallies in Greensboro, North Carolina, and Detroit. He added that he took the photographs in the April 24 post himself, in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania,” the report states. “He also shared an article from the Greensboro News & Record, published March 2, 2024, that included a photograph of a man it identified as Alfredo Alcala, who wore a red T-shirt that said ‘Real Men Wear Diapers.’

The article concludes, “Because this trend was documented in coverage by reputable news outlets in addition to the reports by Dispatches from Trumpland, we have rated this claim as ‘True.’”

Conservative attorney George Conway, a frequent critic of Trump, confessed he doubted the validity of reports about the diaper wearers.

“This could not possibly be true,” he said on Saturday. Conway then looked into it further and later wrote, “Okay, when I’m wrong, I’m wrong, and I admit it.”

“Apparently it’s true,” the attorney added. “I still find this hard to absorb, though.”

Former federal prosecutor Richard Signorelli said on Saturday, “Jumping the shark in the real world. His cult followers are nuts.”

Popular account @JoJoFromJerz wrote in response, “PSA: If you are wearing an adult diaper to a Trump rally because the addlepated orange dumbf— you want returned to the White House is a world-famous pants-s——, congratulations — you are an idiot, an a——, and you’re in a f—— cult. A seriously stupid f——- cult.”

@SassyKadiK added, “Wait. Trump followers are now wearing diapers and literally pooping and peeing in their pants to show their solidarity? This is not normal. None of this is normal.”

So Trump does wear diapers and his cult is fine with it. I wonder if he had shot Kristi Noem’s puppy if that would have been alright with them. Maybe so. Maybe that’s where we are nowadays and it’s just as Trump said it was, “I could shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue and wouldn’t lose a vote.”

God forgive me but I almost wish he would shoot a puppy so that we could see what happens. This is the bread and circus crowd right here. They don’t want governance, they want chaos and entertainment. At least that’s what they think they want, until the whole shithouse goes up in flames, to quote Jim Morrison.

Maybe MAGA stands for Make America Grotesque Anarchy. It seems like that fits better. The only question at this time is just how Bizarro World is this situation going to get? And the way things are going, it looks like the bottom is only getting lower and lower.

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