NetHappenings Trump vote in 19 Swing Counties

FYI Sooner or Later they Bend the knee
– $226B Wells Fargo Bank reported owning #Bitcoin through the Grayscale ETF in SEC filings.
– JPmorgan, the largest bank in the U.S., has disclosed holdings in spot #Bitcoin ETFs, per SEC filings

Newspeak like “non-custodial wallet”, that’s just a wallet. Newspeak is designed to undermine clear thought, normalize establishment controls. Reject and keep using real language.
Terminology matters. Words mean things. There is no such thing as a “custodial wallet”; that is an “account” you have with a custodian.
When you say “non-custodial wallet” you are playing the tyrant’s word games. “Non-custodial” implies that “custodial” is the norm. It is not and never should be.
Because there is no such thing as a “custodial wallet,” there can be no such thing as a “non-custodial wallet”; that’s just a wallet.
If you see people use this undermining terminology, correct them.
There is no wallet in Bitcoin, only a keyring. Satoshi struggled with what to describe the software as, and IIRC went with wallet thinking “keyring” was conceptually too far a leap for most people. “Keys to unlock your money” wasn’t an existing thing for people to relate to except maybe unlocking your safe.

Trump vote in 19 Swing Counties

“This is an unprecedented attack on our democracy.” Read their full interview on the dangers of Project 2025

The Left is loaded with demons. I don’t think it’s people anymore; I think you’re dealing with demons talking through people,” said Wallnau. This is consistent w/recent escalation in religious war rhetoric going on across much of the NAR-influenced religious & political world.
Here is a story on a sophisticated effort by the Christian Right to target 19 counties in swing states with an aim to increase the evangelical vote, particularly among racial and ethnic minorities.

New Apostolic Reformation Strategy
How Trumpism has pushed a fringe charismatic theology into the mainstream
Charismatic Christian prophets have gained new influence since becoming identified with the former president.

Pennsylvania BucksCountyBeacon @BucksCoBeacon
“It’s time to join x” Read @FredClarkson’s story about the MAGA wing of the New Apostolic Reformation’s plans to target 19 counties in swing states
(incl #BucksCounty) to help Trump win in 2024.

Frederick Clarkson @FredClarkson
“Unfriending” America: The Christian right is coming for the enemies of God”
People like you and me.

Medical residents are starting to avoid states with abortion bans, data shows
Too Bad for all the people living in red states who won’t have any doctors anymore.

Corrupt Clarence is going to love this
“Indiana Senator Mike Braun said Supreme Court was wrong to legalize interracial marriage” — trial balloon

“There was a time in the 1920s when being seen as a good, upstanding Hoosier meant joining the Ku Klux Klan.
At its peak, the Klan counted among its members the governor of Indiana [&] more than half of the state legislature…”

Roger Parloff @rparloff
As Trump’s classified docs prosecution goes forward, now with no pretense of trial before the election, Judge Cannon appears poised to permit him to use public hearings in the case to sound his campaign themes. …

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