Holy shit, John Oliver just offered corrupt Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas one million dollars a year for the rest of his crooked life just to get the fuck off the Supreme Court. I think he should take it.

When asked how Fascism starts, Bertrand Russell once said: “First, they fascinate the fools. Then, they muzzle the intelligent.”


Trump’s sneaker rollout didn’t go so well.


The good people of Philadelphia seem to be sick of Don the Con.

It turns out, the guy who made the winning $9,000 bid for the autographed Golden Trump Clown Shoes,… is a Russian CEO. Money laundered.


Marty Taylor @RealMartyT7 #DemVoice1 #ProudBlue #Fresh
I grew up near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The ’Secret City’ that was built as part of the Manhattan project to build the Atomic bomb. I have had many friends and family members who have worked at the Oak Ridge facilities. Anyone that works there is required to have a Q-Clearance. A real security clearance. Not the kind that Q from Q-Anon pretends to have. But a real security clearance.
There is no way Donald Trump could pass even a low level security clearance that all Oak Ridge workers must pass. Considering all of the stolen and mishandled classified /top secret documents. Plus the fact that he has over half a billion dollars in court judgments and fines makes Trump a security risk. Anyone with a lot of debt makes them a potential target of blackmail from foreign agents. And Trump’s clear support and allegiance to Vladimir Putin over the interest of the United States. Makes Trump a clear risk to our national security. Trump must never be given access to our national security and military secrets. He is not to be trusted.

Jessica Denson, the woman who scored that precedent-setting victory, reports. Trump loses because Jessica Denson! Every hear about her? well listen to this! youtu.be/JzfwUiYp7Vs
Jessica Denson, the woman who scored that precedent-setting victory, reports.
Footnote: Trump can’t force you into silence!!!
Total Media / Journalist Fail

Stalled US aid for Ukraine underscores GOP’s shift away from confronting Russia The GOP has been softening its stance on Russia ever since Trump won the 2016 election following Russian hacking of his Democratic opponents.

If Fani Willis had a conflict of interest because a man might have paid for a meal or a flight, imagine how serious it would be if a Supreme Court justice heard cases related to an election his wife had tried to overturn.

Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine and his wife are being accused of taking financial advantage of an elderly woman who is incapacitated – stricken with dementia. Her family says the judge on the state’s highest court refuses to let them see her, or even tell them where she is living. And the judge and his wife won’t explain what they’re doing with her millions of dollars. We’re calling it a case of (John) DEVINE INJUSTICE, and the political fallout has already begun.



An Alabama court rules that because “a holy God” views “the destructive of His image as an affront to Himself” reproductive healthcare must be sharply limited. Again, I don’t think a lot of people, particularly outside the US, are clocking how quickly things are sliding.

So I guess the GOP plan is ban birth control/ban abortion to create more kids to indoctrinate into Christian Nationalists via religious schools, paid for with taxpayer money, stolen from public schools, to create more zombie Republicans. Do I have that right?

Waiting for the point
they deem sperm are children…

In an 8-1 ruling the AL Supreme Court has ruled that embryos are children.
The ruling effectively gives the same legal standing belonging to born persons, to embryos. Stating that the “wrongful death of a minor act” applies to embryos.

Alabama’s Supreme Court has ruled that frozen, unimplanted embryos qualify as human children in a state where 44 of every 100,000 children die before growing out of their teens compared to 30 of every 100,000 children nationally.
Because this ain’t about life.
It’s about control.


Governor Tony Evers just signed a new legislative map that breaks one of the most extreme Republican gerrymandered maps in the nation. This is great news for anyone who cares about democracy & voting rights & is why we must elect Democrats up & down the ballot. Amazing.

Wisconsin Democratic Gov. Tony Evers signed new legislative district maps into law after the Republican Legislature passed them.


EU Launches Investigation Into TikTok Over Child Protection and Privacy Concerns

EU Court of Human Rights Rejects Encryption Backdoors

The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that breaking end-to-end encryption by adding backdoors violates human rights:

Seemingly most critically, the [Russian] government told the ECHR that any intrusion on private lives resulting from decrypting messages was “necessary” to combat terrorism in a democratic society. To back up this claim, the government pointed to a 2017 terrorist attack that was “coordinated from abroad through secret chats via Telegram.” The government claimed that a second terrorist attack that year was prevented after the government discovered it was being coordinated through Telegram chats.


Historically, Bitcoin has never broken through the 0.618 fibonacci retracement level before the halving. Well, it just blew the doors right off that level.

The Boomers are going to buy up all the #Bitcoin    leaving Gen Z with nothing (again). At least they had an opportunity.

@dotkrueger The difference is Gold is 19th Century Tech. It barely worked in the 20th century — the French tried to get their Gold back and the delays etc.. were what triggered 1971. Bitcoin is going to be the foundation for the 21rst century economy.

#Bitcoin is using energy to ensure a true record of events is being recorded and that the record remain unaltered.
Generative AI is going to be using energy to create realistic-looking videos of stuff that did not actually happen.
Guess which use of energy will be condemned.

There are only 10 assets in the world worth more than $1 Trillion.
#Bitcoin is one of them. 😎

Outflows from #Gold ETFs increase substantially, while inflows into #Bitcoin ETFs rise massively. Bitcoin demonetises Gold in real time. We are making history.

Cohassett Middle High School
Assistant Facilities Director got caught secretly mining bitcoin in the crawl space of the building: After a three-month investigation, police say the mine ran for eight months, racking up $17,492 in electricity.
Why isn’t the School system CTO (they don’t have one) of Cohasset Middle High School EDTECH dept integrating this into the curriculum and making money for the school district to pay the for the school electricity bills? cohassetk12.org/Page/4451

Money that is not participating:
Vanguard (A massive player to allocators, like 401k plans)
LPL Financial
Edward Jones
Northwestern Mutual

Interesting list to follow to see who caves in 2024.

Merrill will let you buy if you sign a waiver
Would bet that among Edward Jones, Citi, and UBS it’s the same.


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