ECP NetHappenings Wall Street On Parade

Wall Street On Parade

There’s a Trump Era/Charles Koch Big Law Firm Behind the Supreme Court Case that Hopes to Gut the Federal Agency that Fights for the Little Guy
The Prior Donald Trump Administration, Charles Koch, and their Big Law Firm, Jones Day, Have their Fingerprints All Over the Effort to Gut the CFPB
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: September 28, 2023 ~
Next Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case that could have far reaching effects on the legislative ability […]

Janet Yellen’s Treasury Department Hires 5-Count Felon JPMorgan Chase to Look for Fraud
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 11, 2023 ~
Janet Yellen Immediately upon departing her post as Chair of the Federal Reserve, but prior to getting the nod from the Biden administration to become U.S. Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen engaged in what the courageous reporter at ProPublica, Jesse Eisinger, called a “two-fisted money grab from banks.” Yellen raked […]

There Are Two Reasons that 75 Percent of U.S. Banks Didn’t Hedge Their
Interest Rate Risk as the Fed Hiked Rates at the Fastest Pace in 40 Years
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 10, 2023 ~
An academic study released in April found that during the fastest pace of Fed interest rate hikes in 40 years, the majority of U.S. banks failed to hedge
their interest rate risk. The study on hedging is titled: Limited Hedging and Gambling for Resurrection by U.S. Banks During the 2022 […]

International Bank Study, Using 150 Years of Data, Shows Mega Banks Like the Big Four in the U.S. Produce Financial Instability and More Severe Crises
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 9, 2023 ~
It took eight years of research to compile a data set of annual balance sheets
of more than 11,000 commercial banks dating back to 1870 in 17 advanced
economies. And in every country, the study arrived at the same finding:
concentrating the banking system in the hands […]

A Public Policy Professor Who Served Under Three U.S. Presidents, Says Jamie Dimon Is an Oligarch and Has “Hijacked the System”
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 4, 2023 ~
Robert Reich
Jamie Dimon is the Chairman and CEO of the serially-charged criminal trading operations of JPMorgan Chase, which thanks to the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, is also allowed to own the largest federally-insured bank in the United States and use its trillions of dollars […]

The Yield on 10-Year Treasury Notes Hits a 16-Year High; Stocks Lose Ground in 8 of Last 10 Sessions; Treasury Announces Buybacks of Its Own Debt
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 3, 2023 ~
The Fed’s problem and the U.S. Treasury’s problem just became the problemof every American who has their retirement savings stuffed in the stock market via 401(k) plans or direct holdings. As the chart above shows in crisp terms, stocks do not like yields on the10-year U.S. […]

Five-Count Felon JPMorgan Chase Gets Hit with Another Federal Fine for 40 Million Derivative Violations; Pays 37 1/2 Cents Per Violation
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 2, 2023 ~
In the eyes of Wall Street veterans who are paying close attention to what’s
going down at the mega banks on Wall Street, federal regulators are making the crime wave at these banks worse, not better. The federal fines for egregious behavior at these banks are getting […]

There’s a Trump Era/Charles Koch Big Law Firm Behind the Supreme Court Case that Hopes to Gut the Federal Agency that Fights for the Little Guy
The Prior Donald Trump Administration, Charles Koch, and their Big Law Firm, Jones Day, Have their Fingerprints All Over the Effort to Gut the CFPB
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: September 28, 2023 ~
Next Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in a case thatcould have far reaching effects on the legislative ability […]

JPMorgan’s Settlements Reach $365 Million Over Civil Claims It Banked
Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Trafficking of Minors; Criminal Charges Could Lie
Jeffrey Epstein (left); Jamie Dimon (right).
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: September 27, 2023 ~
JPMorgan Chase would like the public to believe that it’s going to walk away
from the sleaziest financial crime of the century just $365 million poorer in
the process. That’s just not going to happen.
Yesterday, the bank settled for $75 million the […]

The Perfect Storm Hits Big Banks: Tumbling Deposits, Rising Unrealized Losses, and Higher-for-Longer Interest Rates
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: September 25, 2023 ~
On March 30, 2022, two highly troubling events occurred: (1) Fed data showed that unrealized losses on available-for-sale securities at the 25 largest U.S. banks were approaching the levels they had reached during the financial crisis in 2008; and (2) the Fed simply stopped reporting unrealized gains […]

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