ECP NetHappenings Newsletter The Trails 2

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ECP NetHappenings Newsletter The Trails

Jimmy Carter: U.S. Is an ‘Oligarchy With Unlimited Political Bribery’
The 39th president said the ‘Citizens United’ ruling ‘violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system’

What is Regulatory Capture

All information, ideas, and research are   from the following:

The REAL reason the SEC sued Ripple

That is why I am convinced that the CIA and the NSA have their fingers in that pie. It is simply impossible for ConsenSys to simultaneously obtain a monopoly in the US and be a key player for China in building their CBDC. ConsenSys is untouchable. Why? ConsenSys works with the American Pentagon and the Ministry of Defense and the CCP?! Come on! Either they are double agents or the US is really screwed.

Wow! Is that why ConsenSys is above the law?
Have you ever heard of Victoria Adams?
She was the “Principal of the US government program” at ConsenSys & has been talking about their token factory months before Hinman’s speech.

Steven Nerayoff @StevenNerayoff
@SECGov is a tactical unit of the establishment. Courts are an effective weapon as time alone often defeats the target entity and freezes the market while other parts of the government work to co-opt the industry. Ultimately, this isn’t a war against crypto. Crypto is the prize.

John E Deaton @JohnEDeaton1
Just watch his reaction to the question posed. “Any Court” includes the Supreme Court – the Supreme Law of the Land. These people are so inherently arrogant they think they are above the law.
Let me introduce everyone to a real life example of a megalomaniac:

Chair Gensler: The crypto space is full of hucksters and non-compliance.
Q: Would anything a Court says change your mind?
Gensler: Well, no, not really.
You can’t make this stuff up.

The REAL reason the SEC sued Ripple.
2018 Gary telling his students at MIT how the incumbents try to SLOW DOWN start ups.
>From his own mouth Gary states “give them 50% ownership” and “give them the token” in order to succeed. Otherwise they do what they have to in order to stall you 5 10 or 15 years from becoming big or taking market share.

Everyone needs to see this to see the corruption.
the video shows how to; Say @Ripple, without saying @Ripple
Basically @jpmorgan set up @GaryGensler so he can slow down @Ripple. Allow JPM to catch up to Ripple.

Gary gave this away some time ago when he told his students the price for entry to the market was 50% stake given to the establishment

Goldman Gensler sees his job as protecting the banks, not the pubic,
In a MIT lecture: he told us what the banks instructed him to do, Gensler’s Iceberg
The Coruption we can already see Gensler’s Best Buddies
– *Oldman Sachs
– JP Morgan
– Senator Warren
Failed Job application with Binance
Hilary Clinton Re-election campaign
Robert Maxwell stealing Pension funds?

Text for one of Gensler’s own MIT lectures
[“….with another central monopolist (ie Crypto solutions?) a lot of
commercial banks aren’t terribly excited about that. Maybe you’re
going to have to give some ownership
Maybe you’ll have to give 50% of your ownership to the 20 banks that are now part of this.

There are other ways to build incentive systems. Maybe you put a
native token there and you give them the native token so there maybe
other incentive ways to the current monopolist, but having been
around commercial banks for a long time, they are really looking for
ways to replace the aggregators and these back offices whether it is
clearance, settlement, exchanges, credit agencies. But they are
deeply understanding because they are pretty ambitious and very
good at making money, they listen deeply to every idea that is pitched
to them by somebody who is small but wants to get big and gain
market power. So they are always thinking about how there’s a check
and a slow down your startup from gaining market power in 5, 10 or
15 years from now.

They don’t want you to be the next clearing house, like the Chicago Mercantile Exchange or Intercontinental. They don’t want you to be the central node of the market power” (Extract from one of Gensler’s MIT lectures)

Gary made himself 100m +, powerful, and Chair of the SEC by working for the banks NOT THE PUBLIC. Gary is NOT protecting the public, he is protecting his sponsors; The Banks.

Elizabeth Warren’s daughter is an intern for Gary
You have to see MIT as part of the problem, training the privileged 5-10% to retain financial power for the 3%.

US Congressman says SEC Chair Gary Gensler refuses to be transparent about his interactions with FTX & Sam Bankman-Fried, warns of subpoena.

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